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Loop: Take control of your core.async loops!

saberstack/loop {:git/url ""
                 :sha     "456f1e20f626d9c982c9a7f22eb8853c167c1ef8"}


Add require:

(ns my-ns
    [ss.loop :as ss|a]
    [clojure.core.async :as a]))

Start a core.async go-loop as usual, but using the ss.loop/go-loop macro:

  [i 0]
  (println i)
  (<! (timeout 500))
  (recur (inc i)))

;starts printing

Now, stop the go-loop from the REPL:

;stops all running go-loops started via ss.loop/go-loop

;=> true
;... INFO [saberstack.loop:66] - [:saberstack.loop/stop [:id #uuid "..."]]

ss.loop/go-loop also supports giving identifier to a loop:

  [i 0
   :id 42]
  (println i)
  (<! (timeout 500))
  (recur (inc i)))

Now you can stop only this loop:

(ss|a/stop 42)

;returns true if the loop exists, nil otherwise
;=> true
;... INFO [saberstack.loop:66] - [:saberstack.loop/stop [:id 42]]

If you start a second go-loop with the same :id, the first loop will be send a stop call.

A ss.loop/go-loop always exits on the very next (recur ...) call. It does not "die" automagically in the middle of execution.

IMPORTANT: if the first loop is stuck waiting in its own code, say via (<! ...), there's no guarantee that it will be stopped before the second loop begins.


Copyright © 2021 raspasov

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0

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