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simple-progress is a Clojure library for simple progress bars display. It’s focused on simplicity, if you want to display a progress bar for operations on files, use progress instead.


(let [b (mk-progress-bar)]
  (doseq [_ (range 100)]
    (b))) ; display the progress bar

The module have one public function, mk-progress-bar. It takes one optional argument, which is the maximal value of the bar (the default is 100). It returns a function which describes the bar. You can then call it to increment its value and display the bar, with an optional argument:

  • :inc: increment the bar value (default)
  • :dec: decrement the bar value
  • :reset: reset the bar value to 0
  • :complete: set the bar to its maximum value

The bar is displayed after each call, and the current value is returned.



Add the following dependency to your project:

[simple-progress "0.1.3"]

Then require/use the module.


lein test


Copyright © 2013 Baptiste Fontaine

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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