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(error-fn error)
(error-fn positive-error negative-error)

Take an error: A measurement in mm of material added by a printer in the xy plane. Return a compensator function that, when called with an intended measurement, neutralizes the error for that measurement.

The two measurements (error and nominal) should be of a kind, whether it’s radius or diameter. The convention is to use full size (diameter).

Called with one argument, a number, the closure supports the arithmetic adjustment of an individual dimensional input. Using the function entirely in this manner is typically difficult but saves on transformations in the OpenSCAD output, thus improving rendering performance.

Called with more arguments, the closure implements scad-tarmi’s maybe/scale.

Take an error: A measurement in mm of material added by a printer in the xy
plane. Return a compensator function that, when called with an intended
measurement, neutralizes the error for that measurement.

The two measurements (error and nominal) should be of a kind, whether it’s
radius or diameter. The convention is to use full size (diameter).

Called with one argument, a number, the closure supports the arithmetic
adjustment of an individual dimensional input. Using the function entirely
in this manner is typically difficult but saves on transformations in the
OpenSCAD output, thus improving rendering performance.

Called with more arguments, the closure implements scad-tarmi’s maybe/scale.
sourceraw docstring


An error function that leaves no trace in OpenSCAD code.

An error function that leaves no trace in OpenSCAD code.
sourceraw docstring

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