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(bow->something-sparse bow-col indices-col bow->sparse-fn options)

Converts a bag-of-word column bow-col to a sparse data column indices-col. The exact transformation to the sparse representtaion is given by bow->sparse-fn

Behaviour in mode :fitnormal
Behaviour in mode :transformnormal
Reads keys from ctxnone
Writes keys to>sparse-vocabulary
Converts a bag-of-word column `bow-col` to a sparse data column `indices-col`.
 The exact transformation to the sparse representtaion is given by `bow->sparse-fn`

metamorph                            |.
Behaviour in mode :fit               |normal
Behaviour in mode :transform         |normal
Reads keys from ctx                  |none
Writes keys to ctx                   |>sparse-vocabulary

sourceraw docstring


(bow->sparse-array bow-col indices-col)
(bow->sparse-array bow-col indices-col options)

Converts a bag-of-word column bow-col to sparse indices column indices-col, as needed by the Maxent model. Options can be of:

create-vocab-fn A function which converts the bow map to a list of tokens. Defaults to

The sparse data is represented as primitive int arrays, of which entries are the indices against the vocabulary of the present tokens.

Behaviour in mode :fitnormal
Behaviour in mode :transformnormal
Reads keys from ctxnone
Writes keys to>sparse-vocabulary
Converts a bag-of-word column `bow-col` to sparse indices column
`indices-col`,   as needed by the Maxent model.
`Options` can be of:

`create-vocab-fn` A function which converts the bow map to a list of tokens.
                  Defaults to

The sparse data is represented as `primitive int arrays`,
of which entries are the indices against the vocabulary
of the present tokens.

metamorph                            |.
Behaviour in mode :fit               |normal
Behaviour in mode :transform         |normal
Reads keys from ctx                  |none
Writes keys to ctx                   |>sparse-vocabulary

sourceraw docstring


(bow->SparseArray bow-col indices-col)
(bow->SparseArray bow-col indices-col options)

Converts a bag-of-word column bow-col to sparse indices column indices-col, as needed by the discrete naive bayes model.

Options can be of:

create-vocab-fn A function which converts the bow map to a list of tokens. Defaults to

The sparse data is represented as smile.util.SparseArray.

Behaviour in mode :fitnormal
Behaviour in mode :transformnormal
Reads keys from ctxnone
Writes keys to>sparse-vocabulary
Converts a bag-of-word column `bow-col` to sparse indices column `indices-col`,
 as needed by the discrete naive bayes model.

`Options` can be of:

`create-vocab-fn` A function which converts the bow map to a list of tokens.
                  Defaults to

The sparse data is represented as `smile.util.SparseArray`.

metamorph                            |.
Behaviour in mode :fit               |normal
Behaviour in mode :transform         |normal
Reads keys from ctx                  |none
Writes keys to ctx                   |>sparse-vocabulary

sourceraw docstring


(bow->tfidf bow-column tfidf-column options)

Calculates the tfidf score from bag-of-words (as token frequency maps) in column bow-column and stores them in a new column tfid-column as maps of token->tfidf-score.

It calculates a global term-frequency map in :fit and reuses it in :transform

Behaviour in mode :fitnormal
Behaviour in mode :transformnormal
Reads keys from ctxnone
Writes keys to ctxnone
Calculates the tfidf score from bag-of-words (as token frequency maps)
 in column `bow-column` and stores them in a new column `tfid-column` as maps of token->tfidf-score.

It calculates a global term-frequency map in :fit and reuses it in :transform

metamorph                            |.
Behaviour in mode :fit               |normal
Behaviour in mode :transform         |normal
Reads keys from ctx                  |none
Writes keys to ctx                   |none
sourceraw docstring


(count-vectorize text-col bow-col)
(count-vectorize text-col bow-col options)

Transforms the text column text-col into a map of token frequencies in column bow-col

options can be any of

  • text->bow-fn A functions which takes as input a text as string and options. The default is nlp/default-text->bow
Behaviour in mode :fitnormal
Behaviour in mode :transformnormal
Reads keys from ctxnone
Writes keys to ctxnone
Transforms the text column `text-col` into a map of token frequencies in column

`options` can be any of

* `text->bow-fn` A functions which takes as input a text as string and options.
   The default is `nlp/default-text->bow`

metamorph                            |.
Behaviour in mode :fit               |normal
Behaviour in mode :transform         |normal
Reads keys from ctx                  |none
Writes keys to ctx                   |none
sourceraw docstring


(tfidf->dense-array tfidf-column dense-column)

Converts the sparse tfidf map based representation into dense double arrays

Behaviour in mode :fitnormal
Behaviour in mode :transformnormal
Reads keys from ctxnone
Writes keys to ctxnone
Converts the sparse tfidf map based representation into
dense double arrays

metamorph                            |.
Behaviour in mode :fit               |normal
Behaviour in mode :transform         |normal
Reads keys from ctx                  |none
Writes keys to ctx                   |none
sourceraw docstring

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