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This namespace contains functions which operate on a dataset and mostly return a dataset.

The namespaces and contain functions with the same name. But they operate on either a context map (ns metamorph) or on a dataset (ns dataset)

The functions in tis namespace are re-exported from:

This namespace contains functions which operate on a dataset
and mostly return a dataset.

The namespaces and contain
functions with the same name. But they operate on either a context
map (ns metamorph) or on a dataset (ns dataset)

The functions in tis namespace are re-exported from:

* tabecloth.api - docs at
* tech.v3.dataset.modelling
* tech.v3.dataset.column-filters
raw docstring


(->array ds colname)
(->array ds colname datatype)

Convert numerical column(s) to java array

Convert numerical column(s) to java array
sourceraw docstring


(add-column ds column-name column)
(add-column ds column-name column size-strategy)

Add or update (modify) column under column-name.

column can be sequence of values or generator function (which gets ds as input).

  • ds - a dataset
  • column-name - if it's existing column name, column will be replaced
  • column - can be column (from other dataset), sequence, single value or function. Too big columns are always trimmed. Too small are cycled or extended with missing values (according to size-strategy argument)
  • size-strategy (optional) - when new column is shorter than dataset row count, following strategies are applied:
    • :cycle - repeat data
    • :na - append missing values
    • :strict - (default) throws an exception when sizes mismatch
Add or update (modify) column under `column-name`.

`column` can be sequence of values or generator function (which gets `ds` as input).

* `ds` - a dataset
* `column-name` - if it's existing column name, column will be replaced
* `column` - can be column (from other dataset), sequence, single value or function. Too big columns are always trimmed. Too small are cycled or extended with missing values (according to `size-strategy` argument)
* `size-strategy` (optional) - when new column is shorter than dataset row count, following strategies are applied:
  - `:cycle` - repeat data
  - `:na` - append missing values
  - `:strict` - (default) throws an exception when sizes mismatch
sourceraw docstring


(add-columns ds columns-map)
(add-columns ds columns-map size-strategy)

Add or updade (modify) columns defined in columns-map (mapping: name -> column)

Add or updade (modify) columns defined in `columns-map` (mapping: name -> column) 
sourceraw docstring


(add-or-replace-column ds column-name column)
(add-or-replace-column ds column-name column size-strategy)


(add-or-replace-columns ds columns-map)
(add-or-replace-columns ds columns-map size-strategy)


(aggregate ds aggregator)
(aggregate ds aggregator options)

Aggregate dataset by providing:

  • aggregation function
  • map with column names and functions
  • sequence of aggregation functions

Aggregation functions can return:

  • single value
  • seq of values
  • map of values with column names
Aggregate dataset by providing:

- aggregation function
- map with column names and functions
- sequence of aggregation functions

Aggregation functions can return:
- single value
- seq of values
- map of values with column names
sourceraw docstring


(aggregate-columns ds columns-selector column-aggregators)
(aggregate-columns ds columns-selector column-aggregators options)

Aggregates each column separately

Aggregates each column separately
sourceraw docstring


(anti-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector)
(anti-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector options)


(append ds & args)


(as-regular-dataset ds)

Remove grouping tag

Remove grouping tag
sourceraw docstring


(asof-join ds-left ds-right colname)
(asof-join ds-left ds-right colname options)


(bind ds & args)


(boolean dataset)

Return a dataset containing only the boolean columns.

Return a dataset containing only the boolean columns.
sourceraw docstring


(by-rank ds columns-selector rank-predicate)
(by-rank ds columns-selector rank-predicate options)

Select rows using rank on a column, ties are resolved using :dense method.

See R docs. Rank uses 0 based indexing.

Possible :ties strategies: :average, :first, :last, :random, :min, :max, :dense. :dense is the same as in data.table::frank from R

:desc? set to true (default) order descending before calculating rank

Select rows using `rank` on a column, ties are resolved using `:dense` method.

See [R docs](
Rank uses 0 based indexing.

Possible `:ties` strategies: `:average`, `:first`, `:last`, `:random`, `:min`, `:max`, `:dense`.
`:dense` is the same as in `data.table::frank` from R

`:desc?` set to true (default) order descending before calculating rank
sourceraw docstring


(categorical dataset)

Return a dataset containing only the categorical columns.

Return a dataset containing only the categorical columns.
sourceraw docstring


(categorical->number dataset filter-fn-or-ds)
(categorical->number dataset filter-fn-or-ds table-args)
(categorical->number dataset filter-fn-or-ds table-args result-datatype)

Convert columns into a discrete , numeric representation See tech.v3.dataset.categorical/fit-categorical-map.

Convert columns into a discrete , numeric representation
See tech.v3.dataset.categorical/fit-categorical-map.
sourceraw docstring


(categorical->one-hot dataset filter-fn-or-ds)
(categorical->one-hot dataset filter-fn-or-ds table-args)
(categorical->one-hot dataset filter-fn-or-ds table-args result-datatype)

Convert string columns to numeric columns. See tech.v3.dataset.categorical/fit-one-hot

Convert string columns to numeric columns.
See tech.v3.dataset.categorical/fit-one-hot
sourceraw docstring




(clone item)

Clone an object. Can clone anything convertible to a reader.

Clone an object.  Can clone anything convertible to a reader.
sourceraw docstring


(column dataset colname)


(column-count dataset)


(column-filter dataset filter-fn)

Return a dataset with only the columns for which the filter function returns a truthy value.

Return a dataset with only the columns for which the filter function returns a truthy
sourceraw docstring


(column-names ds)
(column-names ds columns-selector)
(column-names ds columns-selector meta-field)


(column-values->categorical dataset src-column)

Given a column encoded via either string->number or one-hot, reverse map to the a sequence of the original string column values. In the case of one-hot mappings, src-column must be the original column name before the one-hot map

Given a column encoded via either string->number or one-hot, reverse
map to the a sequence of the original string column values.
In the case of one-hot mappings, src-column must be the original
column name before the one-hot map
sourceraw docstring


(columns ds)
(columns ds result-type)

Returns columns of dataset. Result type can be any of:

  • :as-map
  • :as-double-arrays
  • :as-seqs
Returns columns of dataset. Result type can be any of:
* `:as-map`
* `:as-double-arrays`
* `:as-seqs`
sourceraw docstring


(concat dataset & args)


(concat-copying dataset & args)


(convert-types ds coltype-map-or-columns-selector)
(convert-types ds columns-selector new-types)

Convert type of the column to the other type.

Convert type of the column to the other type.
sourceraw docstring


(create-categorical-map lookup-table src-colname result-datatype)


(dataset data)
(dataset data options)

Create dataset.

Dataset can be created from:

  • single value
  • map of values and/or sequences
  • sequence of maps
  • sequence of columns
  • file or url
Create `dataset`.

Dataset can be created from:

* single value
* map of values and/or sequences
* sequence of maps
* sequence of columns
* file or url
sourceraw docstring


(dataset->categorical-maps dataset)

Given a dataset, return a map of column names to categorical label maps. This aids in inverting all of the label maps in a dataset. The source column name is src-column.

Given a dataset, return a map of column names to categorical label maps.
This aids in inverting all of the label maps in a dataset.
The source column name is src-column.
sourceraw docstring


(dataset->categorical-xforms ds)

Given a dataset, return a map of column-name->xform information.

Given a dataset, return a map of column-name->xform information.
sourceraw docstring


(dataset->one-hot-maps dataset)

Given a dataset, return a sequence of applied on-hot transformations.

Given a dataset, return a sequence of applied on-hot transformations.
sourceraw docstring


(dataset->str ds)
(dataset->str ds options)

Convert a dataset to a string. Prints a single line header and then calls dataset-data->str.

For options documentation see dataset-data->str.

Convert a dataset to a string.  Prints a single line header and then calls

For options documentation see dataset-data->str.
sourceraw docstring


(dataset-name dataset)


(dataset? ds)

Is ds a dataset type?

Is `ds` a `dataset` type?
sourceraw docstring


(datetime dataset)

Return a dataset containing only the datetime columns.

Return a dataset containing only the datetime columns.
sourceraw docstring


(difference ds-left ds-right)
(difference ds-left ds-right options)


(drop ds columns-selector rows-selector)

Drop columns and rows.

Drop columns and rows.
sourceraw docstring


(drop-columns ds)
(drop-columns ds columns-selector)
(drop-columns ds columns-selector meta-field)

Drop columns by (returns dataset):

  • name
  • sequence of names
  • map of names with new names (rename)
  • function which filter names (via column metadata)
Drop columns by (returns dataset):

- name
- sequence of names
- map of names with new names (rename)
- function which filter names (via column metadata)
sourceraw docstring


(drop-missing ds)
(drop-missing ds columns-selector)

Drop rows with missing values

columns-selector selects columns to look at missing values

Drop rows with missing values

`columns-selector` selects columns to look at missing values
sourceraw docstring


(drop-rows ds)
(drop-rows ds rows-selector)
(drop-rows ds rows-selector options)

Drop rows using:

  • row id
  • seq of row ids
  • seq of true/false
  • fn with predicate
Drop rows using:

- row id
- seq of row ids
- seq of true/false
- fn with predicate
sourceraw docstring


(empty-ds? ds)


(feature dataset)

Return a dataset container only the columns which have not been marked as inference columns.

Return a dataset container only the columns which have not been marked as inference
sourceraw docstring


(feature-ecount dataset)

Number of feature columns. Feature columns are columns that are not inference targets.

Number of feature columns.  Feature columns are columns that are not
inference targets.
sourceraw docstring


(fill-range-replace ds colname max-span)
(fill-range-replace ds colname max-span missing-strategy)
(fill-range-replace ds colname max-span missing-strategy missing-value)


(first ds)


(fit-categorical-map dataset colname & [table-args res-dtype])

Given a column, map it into an numeric space via a discrete map of values to integers. This fits the categorical transformation onto the column and returns the transformation.

If table-args is not given, the distinct column values will be mapped into 0..x without any specific order.

'table-args` allows to specify the precise mapping as a sequence of pairs of [val idx] or as a sorted seq of values.

Given a column, map it into an numeric space via a discrete map of values
to integers.  This fits the categorical transformation onto the column and returns
the transformation.

If `table-args` is not given, the distinct column values will be mapped into 0..x without any specific order.

'table-args` allows to specify the precise mapping as a sequence of pairs of [val idx] or as a sorted seq of values.
sourceraw docstring


(fit-one-hot dataset colname & [table-args res-dtype])

Fit a one hot transformation to a column. Returns a reusable transformation. Maps each unique value to a column with 1 every time the value appears in the original column and 0 otherwise.

Fit a one hot transformation to a column.  Returns a reusable transformation.
Maps each unique value to a column with 1 every time the value appears in the
original column and 0 otherwise.
sourceraw docstring


(fold-by ds columns-selector)
(fold-by ds columns-selector folding-function)

Group-by and pack columns into vector - the output data set has a row for each unique combination of the provided columns while each remaining column has its valu(es) collected into a vector, similar to how clojure.core/group-by works. See

Group-by and pack columns into vector - the output data set has a row for each unique combination
of the provided columns while each remaining column has its valu(es) collected into a vector, similar
to how clojure.core/group-by works.
sourceraw docstring


(full-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector)
(full-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector options)


(group-by ds grouping-selector)
(group-by ds grouping-selector options)

Group dataset by:

  • column name
  • list of columns
  • map of keys and row indexes
  • function getting map of values

Options are:

  • select-keys - when grouping is done by function, you can limit fields to a select-keys seq.
  • result-type - return results as dataset (:as-dataset, default) or as map of datasets (:as-map) or as map of row indexes (:as-indexes) or as sequence of (sub)datasets
  • other parameters which are passed to dataset fn

When dataset is returned, meta contains :grouped? set to true. Columns in dataset:

  • name - group name
  • group-id - id of the group (int)
  • data - group as dataset
Group dataset by:

- column name
- list of columns
- map of keys and row indexes
- function getting map of values

Options are:

- select-keys - when grouping is done by function, you can limit fields to a `select-keys` seq.
- result-type - return results as dataset (`:as-dataset`, default) or as map of datasets (`:as-map`) or as map of row indexes (`:as-indexes`) or as sequence of (sub)datasets
- other parameters which are passed to `dataset` fn

When dataset is returned, meta contains `:grouped?` set to true. Columns in dataset:

- name - group name
- group-id - id of the group (int)
- data - group as dataset
sourceraw docstring


(grouped? ds)

Is dataset represents grouped dataset (result of group-by)?

Is `dataset` represents grouped dataset (result of `group-by`)?
sourceraw docstring


(groups->map ds)

Convert grouped dataset to the map of groups

Convert grouped dataset to the map of groups
sourceraw docstring


(groups->seq ds)


(has-column? dataset column-name)

(head ds)
(head ds n)


(inference-column? col)


(inference-target-column-names ds)

Return the names of the columns that are inference targets.

Return the names of the columns that are inference targets.
sourceraw docstring


(inference-target-ds dataset)

Given a dataset return reverse-mapped inference target columns or nil in the case where there are no inference targets.

Given a dataset return reverse-mapped inference target columns or nil
in the case where there are no inference targets.
sourceraw docstring


(inference-target-label-inverse-map dataset & [label-columns])

Given options generated during ETL operations and annotated with :label-columns sequence container 1 label column, generate a reverse map that maps from a dataset value back to the label that generated that value.

Given options generated during ETL operations and annotated with :label-columns
sequence container 1 label column, generate a reverse map that maps from a dataset
value back to the label that generated that value.
sourceraw docstring


(inference-target-label-map dataset & [label-columns])


(info ds)
(info ds result-type)


(inner-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector)
(inner-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector options)


(intersect ds-left ds-right)
(intersect ds-left ds-right options)


(intersection lhs-ds rhs-ds)

Return only columns for rhs for which an equivalently named column exists in lhs.

Return only columns for rhs for which an equivalently named column exists in lhs.
sourceraw docstring


(invert-categorical-map dataset {:keys [src-column lookup-table]})

Invert a categorical map returning the column to the original set of values.

Invert a categorical map returning the column to the original set of values.
sourceraw docstring


(invert-one-hot-map dataset {:keys [one-hot-table src-column]})

Invert a one-hot transformation removing the one-hot columns and adding back the original column.

Invert a one-hot transformation removing the one-hot columns and adding back the
original column.
sourceraw docstring


(join-columns ds target-column columns-selector)
(join-columns ds target-column columns-selector conf)


(k-fold-datasets dataset k)
(k-fold-datasets dataset k options)

Given 1 dataset, prepary K datasets using the k-fold algorithm. Randomize dataset defaults to true which will realize the entire dataset so use with care if you have large datasets.

Returns a sequence of {:test-ds :train-ds}


  • :randomize-dataset? - When true, shuffle the dataset. In that case 'seed' may be provided. Defaults to true.
  • :seed - when :randomize-dataset? is true then this can either be an implementation of java.util.Random or an integer seed which will be used to construct java.util.Random.
Given 1 dataset, prepary K datasets using the k-fold algorithm.
Randomize dataset defaults to true which will realize the entire dataset
so use with care if you have large datasets.

Returns a sequence of {:test-ds :train-ds}


* `:randomize-dataset?` - When true, shuffle the dataset.  In that case 'seed' may be
   provided.  Defaults to true.
* `:seed` -  when `:randomize-dataset?` is true then this can either be an
   implementation of java.util.Random or an integer seed which will be used to
   construct java.util.Random.
sourceraw docstring


(labels dataset)

Return the labels. The labels sequence is the reverse mapped inference column. This returns a single column of data or errors out.

Return the labels.  The labels sequence is the reverse mapped inference
column.  This returns a single column of data or errors out.
sourceraw docstring


(last ds)


(left-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector)
(left-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector options)


(map-columns ds column-name map-fn)
(map-columns ds column-name columns-selector map-fn)
(map-columns ds column-name new-type columns-selector map-fn)


(mark-as-group ds)

Add grouping tag

Add grouping tag
sourceraw docstring


(metadata-filter dataset filter-fn)

Return a dataset with only the columns for which, given the column metadata, the filter function returns a truthy value.

Return a dataset with only the columns for which, given the column metadata,
the filter function returns a truthy value.
sourceraw docstring


(missing dataset)

Return a dataset with only columns have have missing values

Return a dataset with only columns have have missing values
sourceraw docstring


(model-type dataset & [column-name-seq])

Check the label column after dataset processing. Return either :regression :classification

Check the label column after dataset processing.
Return either
sourceraw docstring


(no-missing dataset)

Return a dataset with only columns that have no missing values.

Return a dataset with only columns that have no missing values.
sourceraw docstring


(num-inference-classes dataset)

Given a dataset and correctly built options from pipeline operations, return the number of classes used for the label. Error if not classification dataset.

Given a dataset and correctly built options from pipeline operations,
return the number of classes used for the label.  Error if not classification
sourceraw docstring


(numeric dataset)

Return a dataset containing only the numeric columns.

Return a dataset containing only the numeric columns.
sourceraw docstring


(of-datatype dataset datatype)

Return a dataset containing only the columns of a specific datatype.

Return a dataset containing only the columns of a specific datatype.
sourceraw docstring




(order-by ds columns-or-fn)
(order-by ds columns-or-fn comparators)
(order-by ds columns-or-fn comparators options)

Order dataset by:

  • column name
  • columns (as sequence of names)
  • key-fn
  • sequence of columns / key-fn Additionally you can ask the order by:
  • :asc
  • :desc
  • custom comparator function
Order dataset by:
- column name
- columns (as sequence of names)
- key-fn
- sequence of columns / key-fn
Additionally you can ask the order by:
- :asc
- :desc
- custom comparator function
sourceraw docstring


(pivot->longer ds)
(pivot->longer ds columns-selector)
(pivot->longer ds columns-selector options)

tidyr pivot_longer api

`tidyr` pivot_longer api
sourceraw docstring


(pivot->wider ds columns-selector value-columns)
(pivot->wider ds columns-selector value-columns options)


(prediction dataset)

Return the columns of the dataset marked as predictions.

Return the columns of the dataset marked as predictions.
sourceraw docstring

(print-dataset ds)
(print-dataset ds options)


(probability-distribution dataset)

Return the columns of the dataset that comprise the probability distribution after classification.

Return the columns of the dataset that comprise the probability distribution
after classification.
sourceraw docstring


(probability-distributions->label-column prob-ds dst-colname)

Given a dataset that has columns in which the column names describe labels and the rows describe a probability distribution, create a label column by taking the max value in each row and assign column that row value.

Given a dataset that has columns in which the column names describe labels and the
rows describe a probability distribution, create a label column by taking the max
value in each row and assign column that row value.
sourceraw docstring


(process-group-data ds f)
(process-group-data ds f parallel?)


(rand-nth ds)
(rand-nth ds options)


(random ds)
(random ds n)
(random ds n options)


(read-nippy filename)


(rename-columns ds columns-mapping)
(rename-columns ds columns-selector columns-map-fn)

Rename columns with provided old -> new name map

Rename columns with provided old -> new name map
sourceraw docstring


(reorder-columns ds columns-selector & args)

Reorder columns using column selector(s). When column names are incomplete, the missing will be attached at the end.

Reorder columns using column selector(s). When column names are incomplete, the missing will be attached at the end.
sourceraw docstring


(replace-missing ds)
(replace-missing ds strategy)
(replace-missing ds columns-selector strategy)
(replace-missing ds columns-selector strategy value)


(reverse-map-categorical-xforms dataset)

Given a dataset where we have converted columns from a categorical representation to either a numeric reprsentation or a one-hot representation, reverse map back to the original dataset given the reverse mapping of label->number in the column's metadata.

Given a dataset where we have converted columns from a categorical representation
to either a numeric reprsentation or a one-hot representation, reverse map
back to the original dataset given the reverse mapping of label->number in
the column's metadata.
sourceraw docstring


(right-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector)
(right-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector options)


(row-count dataset-or-col)


(rows ds)
(rows ds result-type)

Returns rows of dataset. Result type can be any of:

  • :as-maps
  • :as-double-arrays
  • :as-seqs
Returns rows of dataset. Result type can be any of:
* `:as-maps`
* `:as-double-arrays`
* `:as-seqs`
sourceraw docstring


(select ds columns-selector rows-selector)

Select columns and rows.

Select columns and rows.
sourceraw docstring


(select-columns ds)
(select-columns ds columns-selector)
(select-columns ds columns-selector meta-field)

Select columns by (returns dataset):

  • name
  • sequence of names
  • map of names with new names (rename)
  • function which filter names (via column metadata)
Select columns by (returns dataset):

- name
- sequence of names
- map of names with new names (rename)
- function which filter names (via column metadata)
sourceraw docstring


(select-missing ds)
(select-missing ds columns-selector)

Select rows with missing values

columns-selector selects columns to look at missing values

Select rows with missing values

`columns-selector` selects columns to look at missing values
sourceraw docstring


(select-rows ds)
(select-rows ds rows-selector)
(select-rows ds rows-selector options)

Select rows using:

  • row id
  • seq of row ids
  • seq of true/false
  • fn with predicate
Select rows using:

- row id
- seq of row ids
- seq of true/false
- fn with predicate
sourceraw docstring


(semi-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector)
(semi-join ds-left ds-right columns-selector options)


(separate-column ds column separator)
(separate-column ds column target-columns separator)
(separate-column ds column target-columns separator conf)


(set-dataset-name dataset ds-name)


(set-inference-target dataset target-name-or-target-name-seq)

Set the inference target on the column. This sets the :column-type member of the column metadata to :inference-target?.

Set the inference target on the column.  This sets the :column-type member
of the column metadata to :inference-target?.
sourceraw docstring


(shape ds)

Returns shape of the dataset [rows, cols]

Returns shape of the dataset [rows, cols]
sourceraw docstring


(shuffle ds)
(shuffle ds options)


(split ds)
(split ds split-type)
(split ds split-type options)

Split given dataset into 2 or more (holdout) splits

As the result two new columns are added:

  • :$split-name - with subgroup name
  • :$split-id - fold id/repetition id

split-type can be one of the following:

  • :kfold - k-fold strategy, :k defines number of folds (defaults to 5), produces k splits
  • :bootstrap - :ratio defines ratio of observations put into result (defaults to 1.0), produces 1 split
  • :holdout - split into two parts with given ratio (defaults to 2/3), produces 1 split
  • :loo - leave one out, produces the same number of splits as number of observations

:holdout can accept also probabilites or ratios and can split to more than 2 subdatasets

Additionally you can provide:

  • :seed - for random number generator
  • :repeats - repeat procedure :repeats times
  • :partition-selector - same as in group-by for stratified splitting to reflect dataset structure in splits.
  • :split-names names of subdatasets different than default, ie. [:train :test :split-2 ...]
  • :split-col-name - a column where name of split is stored, either :train or :test values (default: :$split-name)
  • :split-id-col-name - a column where id of the train/test pair is stored (default: :$split-id)

Rows are shuffled before splitting.

In case of grouped dataset each group is processed separately.

See more

Split given dataset into 2 or more (holdout) splits

As the result two new columns are added:

* `:$split-name` - with subgroup name
* `:$split-id` - fold id/repetition id

`split-type` can be one of the following:

* `:kfold` - k-fold strategy, `:k` defines number of folds (defaults to `5`), produces `k` splits
* `:bootstrap` - `:ratio` defines ratio of observations put into result (defaults to `1.0`), produces `1` split
* `:holdout` - split into two parts with given ratio (defaults to `2/3`), produces `1` split
* `:loo` - leave one out, produces the same number of splits as number of observations

`:holdout` can accept also probabilites or ratios and can split to more than 2 subdatasets

Additionally you can provide:

* `:seed` - for random number generator
* `:repeats` - repeat procedure `:repeats` times
* `:partition-selector` - same as in `group-by` for stratified splitting to reflect dataset structure in splits.
* `:split-names` names of subdatasets different than default, ie. `[:train :test :split-2 ...]`
* `:split-col-name` - a column where name of split is stored, either `:train` or `:test` values (default: `:$split-name`)
* `:split-id-col-name` - a column where id of the train/test pair is stored (default: `:$split-id`)

Rows are shuffled before splitting.

In case of grouped dataset each group is processed separately.

See [more](
sourceraw docstring


(split->seq ds)
(split->seq ds split-type)
(split->seq ds split-type options)

Returns split as a sequence of train/test datasets or map of sequences (grouped dataset)

Returns split as a sequence of train/test datasets or map of sequences (grouped dataset)
sourceraw docstring


(string dataset)

Return a dataset containing only the string columns.

Return a dataset containing only the string columns.
sourceraw docstring


(tail ds)
(tail ds n)


(target dataset)

Return a dataset containing only the columns that have been marked as inference targets.

Return a dataset containing only the columns that have been marked as inference
sourceraw docstring


(train-test-split dataset)
(train-test-split dataset
                  {:keys [train-fraction] :or {train-fraction 0.7} :as options})

Probabilistically split the dataset returning a map of {:train-ds :test-ds}.


  • :randomize-dataset? - When true, shuffle the dataset. In that case 'seed' may be provided. Defaults to true.
  • :seed - when :randomize-dataset? is true then this can either be an implementation of java.util.Random or an integer seed which will be used to construct java.util.Random.
  • :train-fraction - Fraction of the dataset to use as training set. Defaults to 0.7.
Probabilistically split the dataset returning a map of `{:train-ds :test-ds}`.


* `:randomize-dataset?` - When true, shuffle the dataset.  In that case 'seed' may be
   provided.  Defaults to true.
* `:seed` -  when `:randomize-dataset?` is true then this can either be an
   implementation of java.util.Random or an integer seed which will be used to
   construct java.util.Random.
* `:train-fraction` - Fraction of the dataset to use as training set.  Defaults to
sourceraw docstring


(transform-categorical-map dataset fit-data)

Apply a categorical mapping transformation fit with fit-categorical-map.

Apply a categorical mapping transformation fit with fit-categorical-map.
sourceraw docstring


(transform-one-hot dataset one-hot-fit-data)

Apply a one-hot transformation to a dataset

Apply a one-hot transformation to a dataset
sourceraw docstring


(ungroup ds)
(ungroup ds options)

Concat groups into dataset.

When add-group-as-column or add-group-id-as-column is set to true or name(s), columns with group name(s) or group id is added to the result.

Before joining the groups groups can be sorted by group name.

Concat groups into dataset.

When `add-group-as-column` or `add-group-id-as-column` is set to `true` or name(s), columns with group name(s) or group id is added to the result.

Before joining the groups groups can be sorted by group name.
sourceraw docstring


(union ds & args)


(unique-by ds)
(unique-by ds columns-selector)
(unique-by ds columns-selector options)


(unmark-group ds)

Remove grouping tag

Remove grouping tag
sourceraw docstring


(unroll ds columns-selector)
(unroll ds columns-selector options)

Unfolds sequences stored inside a column(s), turning it into multiple columns. Opposite of fold-by. Add each of the provided columns to the set that defines the "uniqe key" of each row. Thus there will be a new row for each value inside the target column(s)' value sequence. If you want instead to split the content of the columns into a set of new columns, look at separate-column. See

Unfolds sequences stored inside a column(s), turning it into multiple columns. Opposite of [[fold-by]].
Add each of the provided columns to the set that defines the "uniqe key" of each row.
Thus there will be a new row for each value inside the target column(s)' value sequence.
If you want instead to split the content of the columns into a set of new _columns_, look at [[separate-column]].
sourceraw docstring


(update-columns ds columns-map)
(update-columns ds columns-selector update-functions)


(write! dataset output-path)
(write! dataset output-path options)

Write a dataset out to a file. Supported forms are:

(ds/write! test-ds "test.csv")
(ds/write! test-ds "test.tsv")
(ds/write! test-ds "test.tsv.gz")
(ds/write! test-ds "test.nippy")
(ds/write! test-ds out-stream)


  • :max-chars-per-column - csv,tsv specific, defaults to 65536 - values longer than this will cause an exception during serialization.
  • :max-num-columns - csv,tsv specific, defaults to 8192 - If the dataset has more than this number of columns an exception will be thrown during serialization.
  • :quoted-columns - csv specific - sequence of columns names that you would like to always have quoted.
  • :file-type - Manually specify the file type. This is usually inferred from the filename but if you pass in an output stream then you will need to specify the file type.
  • :headers? - if csv headers are written, defaults to true.
Write a dataset out to a file.  Supported forms are:

(ds/write! test-ds "test.csv")
(ds/write! test-ds "test.tsv")
(ds/write! test-ds "test.tsv.gz")
(ds/write! test-ds "test.nippy")
(ds/write! test-ds out-stream)


  * `:max-chars-per-column` - csv,tsv specific, defaults to 65536 - values longer than this will
     cause an exception during serialization.
  * `:max-num-columns` - csv,tsv specific, defaults to 8192 - If the dataset has more than this number of
     columns an exception will be thrown during serialization.
  * `:quoted-columns` - csv specific - sequence of columns names that you would like to always have quoted.
  * `:file-type` - Manually specify the file type.  This is usually inferred from the filename but if you
     pass in an output stream then you will need to specify the file type.
  * `:headers?` - if csv headers are written, defaults to true.
sourceraw docstring




(write-nippy! ds filename)

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