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This library gives easy access to all estimators from sklearn in a Clojure friendly way, using internally libpython-clj.

It uses a for input and output and converts to python data structures as needed.

As all estimators in sklearn uses the same interface, it should work for all estimators.


Setup libpython-clj including sklearn.

If you need to call py/initialize! as part of your libpython-clj setup, this needs to happen before require the other namesspaces. This can be done easely by adding a user.clj file which contains the call to py/initialize!

   '[libpython-clj.python :refer [py.-]]
   '[tech.v3.dataset :as ds]
   '[tech.v3.dataset.modelling :as ds-mod]
   '[scicloj.sklearn-clj :refer :all]

;; example train and test dataset 

  (def train-ds
    (-> (ds/->dataset {:x1 [1 1 2 2]
                  :x2 [1 2 2 3]
                  :y  [6 8 9 11]})
     (ds-mod/set-inference-target :y)))

  (def test-ds
     (ds/->dataset {:x1 [3]
                  :x2 [5]
                  :y  [0]})
     (ds-mod/set-inference-target :y)))

;; fit a liner expression model from sklearn, class sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression
  (def lin-reg
    (fit train-ds :linear-model :linear-regression {}))

;; Call predict with new data on the estimator
  (predict test-ds lin-reg {})
  ;; => _unnamed [1 3]:
  ;;    | :x1 | :x2 |   :y |
  ;;    |-----|-----|------|
  ;;    |   3 |   5 | 16.0 |

;; use an other estimator, this time: sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler
  (def data
    (ds/->dataset {:x1 [0 0 1 1]
                 :x2 [0 0 1 1]}))
;; fit the scaler on data                 
  (def scaler
    (fit data :preprocessing :standard-scaler {}))

  (py.- scaler mean_)
  ;; => [0.5 0.5]
;; apply the scaling on new data  
  (transform (ds/->dataset {:x1 [2] :x2 [2]})  scaler {})
  ;; => :_unnamed [1 2]:
  ;;    | :x1 | :x2 |
  ;;    |-----|-----|
  ;;    | 3.0 | 3.0 |

The library provides as well an adaptor to the scicloj metamorph library, in order to use the estimators inside a metamorph pipeline.

(:require [scicloj.sklearn-clj.metamorph :as sklearn-mm])

;; adding this as a pipeline operation somewhere in the pipeline
;; The estimate functon will do the right thing, depending on the :metamorph/mode   key being
;; :fit or :transform  , namely calling "fit" on :fit  and "predict" on :transform
(sklearn-mm/estimate :linear-model :linear-regression {})


Copyright © 2021 Carsten Behring

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


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