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Versions 7.x (master branch) 4.x (4.0 branch)

[scicloj/tablecloth "4.04"]

Introduction is a great and fast library which brings columnar dataset to the Clojure. Chris Nuernberger has been working on this library for last year as a part of bigger stack.

I’ve started to test the library and help to fix uncovered bugs. My main goal was to compare functionalities with the other standards from other platforms. I focused on R solutions: dplyr, tidyr and data.table.

During conversions of the examples I’ve come up how to reorganized existing functions into simple to use API. The main goals were:

  • Focus on dataset manipulation functionality, leaving other parts of like pipelines, datatypes, readers, ML, etc.
  • Single entry point for common operations - one function dispatching on given arguments.
  • group-by results with special kind of dataset - a dataset containing subsets created after grouping as a column.
  • Most operations recognize regular dataset and grouped dataset and process data accordingly.
  • One function form to enable thread-first on dataset.

Important! This library is not the replacement of nor a separate library. It should be considered as a addition on the top of

If you want to know more about and dtype-next please refer their documentation:

Join the discussion on Zulip


Please refer detailed documentation with examples

Usage example

(require '[tablecloth.api :as tc])
(-> ""
    (tc/dataset {:key-fn keyword})
    (tc/group-by (fn [row]
                    {:symbol (:symbol row)
                     :year (tech.v3.datatype.datetime/long-temporal-field :years (:date row))}))
    (tc/aggregate #(tech.v3.datatype.functional/mean (% :price)))
    (tc/order-by [:symbol :year])
    (tc/head 10))

_unnamed [10 3]:



Tablecloth is open for contribution. The best way to start is discussion on Zulip.

Development tools for documentation

Documentation is written in RMarkdown, that means that you need R to create html/md/pdf files. Documentation contains around 600 code snippets which are run during build. There are two files:

  • README.Rmd
  • docs/index.Rmd

Prepare following software:

  1. Install R
  2. Install rep, nRepl client
  3. Install pandoc
  4. Run nRepl
  5. Run R and install R packages: install.packages(c("rmarkdown","knitr"), dependencies=T)
  6. Load rmarkdown: library(rmarkdown)
  7. Render readme: render("README.Rmd","md_document")
  8. Render documentation: render("docs/index.Rmd","all")

API file generation

tablecloth.api namespace is generated out of api-template, please run it before making documentation

(exporter/write-api! 'tablecloth.api.api-template
                     '[group-by drop concat rand-nth first last shuffle])


  1. Before commiting changes please perform tests. I ususally do: lein do clean, check, test and build documentation as described above (which also tests whole library).
  2. Keep API as simple as possible:
    • first argument should be a dataset
    • if parametrizations is complex, last argument should accept a map with not obligatory function arguments
    • avoid variadic associative destructuring for function arguments
    • usually function should working on grouped dataset as well, accept parallel? argument then (if applied).
  3. Follow potemkin pattern and import functions to the API namespace using tech.v3.datatype.export-symbols/export-symbols function
  4. Functions which are composed out of API function to cover specific case(s) should go to tablecloth.utils namespace.
  5. Always update README.Rmd,, docs/index.Rmd, tests and function docs are highly welcomed
  6. Always discuss changes and PRs first


  • tests
  • tutorials


Copyright (c) 2020 Scicloj

The MIT Licence

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