An implementation of ResultSet handling functions.
Defines the following protocols:
Also provides the default implemenations for Executable and the default datafy/nav behavior for rows from a result set.
An implementation of ResultSet handling functions. Defines the following protocols: * ReadableColumn -- to read column values by label or index * RowBuilder -- for materializing a row * ResultSetBuilder -- for materializing a result set * DatafiableRow -- for turning a row into something datafiable Also provides the default implemenations for Executable and the default datafy/nav behavior for rows from a result set.
(as-arrays rs opts)
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces a vector of column names followed by vectors of row values.
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces a vector of column names followed by vectors of row values.
(as-lower-arrays rs opts)
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces a vector of lower-case column names followed by vectors of row values.
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces a vector of lower-case column names followed by vectors of row values.
(as-lower-maps rs opts)
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with lower-case keys.
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with lower-case keys.
(as-maps rs opts)
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces bare vectors of hash map rows.
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces bare vectors of hash map rows.
(as-unqualified-arrays rs opts)
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces a vector of simple column names followed by vectors of row values.
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces a vector of simple column names followed by vectors of row values.
(as-unqualified-lower-arrays rs opts)
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces a vector of simple, lower-case column names followed by vectors of row values.
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces a vector of simple, lower-case column names followed by vectors of row values.
(as-unqualified-lower-maps rs opts)
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with simple, lower-case keys.
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with simple, lower-case keys.
(as-unqualified-maps rs opts)
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with simple keys.
Given a ResultSet and options, return a RowBuilder / ResultSetBuilder that produces bare vectors of hash map rows, with simple keys.
Given a connectable object, return a function that knows how to turn a row into a datafiable object that can be 'nav'igated.
Given a connectable object, return a function that knows how to turn a row into a datafiable object that can be 'nav'igated.
(datafiable-row this connectable opts)
(get-column-names rsmeta opts)
Given ResultSetMetaData, return a vector of column names, each qualified by the table from which it came.
Given ResultSetMetaData, return a vector of column names, each qualified by the table from which it came.
(get-lower-column-names rsmeta opts)
Given ResultSetMetaData, return a vector of lower-case column names, each qualified by the table from which it came.
Given ResultSetMetaData, return a vector of lower-case column names, each qualified by the table from which it came.
(get-unqualified-column-names rsmeta opts)
Given ResultSetMetaData, return a vector of unqualified column names.
Given ResultSetMetaData, return a vector of unqualified column names.
(get-unqualified-lower-column-names rsmeta opts)
Given ResultSetMetaData, return a vector of unqualified column names.
Given ResultSetMetaData, return a vector of unqualified column names.
Protocol for reading objects from the java.sql.ResultSet. Default implementations (for Object and nil) return the argument, and the Boolean implementation ensures a canonicalized true/false value, but it can be extended to provide custom behavior for special types.
Protocol for reading objects from the java.sql.ResultSet. Default implementations (for Object and nil) return the argument, and the Boolean implementation ensures a canonicalized true/false value, but it can be extended to provide custom behavior for special types.
(read-column-by-index val rsmeta idx)
Function for transforming values after reading them via a column index.
Function for transforming values after reading them via a column index.
(read-column-by-label val label)
Function for transforming values after reading them via a column label.
Function for transforming values after reading them via a column label.
Protocol for building result sets in various representations: ->rs -- called to create the basis of the result set with-row -- called with the result set and the row to be added rs! -- called to finalize the result set once it is complete
Default implementations for building vectors of hash maps and vectors of column names and row values: MapResultSetBuilder & ArrayResultSetBuilder
Protocol for building result sets in various representations: ->rs -- called to create the basis of the result set with-row -- called with the result set and the row to be added rs! -- called to finalize the result set once it is complete Default implementations for building vectors of hash maps and vectors of column names and row values: MapResultSetBuilder & ArrayResultSetBuilder
(->rs _)
(rs! _ rs)
(with-row _ rs row)
Protocol for building rows in various representations: ->row -- called once per row to create the basis of each row column-count -- return the number of columns in each row with-column -- called with the row and the index of the column to be added; this is expected to read the column value from the ResultSet! row! -- called once per row to finalize each row once it is complete
The default implementation for building hash maps: MapResultSetBuilder
Protocol for building rows in various representations: ->row -- called once per row to create the basis of each row column-count -- return the number of columns in each row with-column -- called with the row and the index of the column to be added; this is expected to read the column value from the ResultSet! row! -- called once per row to finalize each row once it is complete The default implementation for building hash maps: MapResultSetBuilder
(->row _)
(column-count _)
(row! _ row)
(with-column _ row i)
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