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A simple library that turns examples in your file into tests and runs them!

This project follows the version scheme MAJOR.MINOR.COMMITS where MAJOR and MINOR provide some relative indication of the size of the change, but do not follow semantic versioning. In general, all changes endeavor to be non-breaking (by moving to new names rather than by breaking existing names). COMMITS is an ever-increasing counter of commits since the beginning of this repository.

Latest stable release: 1.0.15


Add an alias to your ~/.clojure/deps.edn file:

    :readme {:extra-deps {seancorfield/readme {:mvn/version "1.0.15"}}
             :main-opts ["-m" "seancorfield.readme"]}

Then the most basic usage is:

clojure -A:readme

This turns's examples into tests in src/readme.clj, loads and runs them, and then deletes that generated file (line numbers in failures should match line numbers in your original file).

You can optionally provide a different file path for the readme and for the generated file:

clojure -A:readme test/seancorfield/ src/generated_test.clj

Note: The output file path must be on your classpath so that the generated namespace can be require'd. The generated file will be deleted after running the tests (unless it cannot be require'd due to syntax errors, when it will be left in place for you to debug).

If your file contains a REPL session (using a user=> prompt) such as:

user=> some-expression
user=> another-expression

This will generate tests of the form:

(deftest readme-N ; N is the line number
  (is (= result-1 some-expression))
  (is (= result-2 another-expression)))

If your file contains code blocks of the form:

=> result

This will generate tests of the form:

(deftest readme-N ; N is the line number
  (is (= result (do some-expression another-expression))))

Any additional code, without user=> or =>, will be added to the generated test namespace as-is with no direct test. This allows setup code to be shown in the file, followed by specific tests.

Each clojure code block will become a standalone test (if it contains user=> or =>). The tests may be executed in any order (by clojure.test/run-tests). Expressions that are not considered to be parts of any tests will be executed in order when the generated test namespace is loaded (by this readme library).

If you wish to add Clojure-formatted code to your README that is ignored by this library, use whitespace between the triple backtick and clojure, like this:

``` clojure
;; ignored by seancorfield/readme
(do-stuff 42)


You cannot use ns (or in-ns) forms in these examples, because the generated tests are all assumed to be in a single namespace (derived from the generated test filename).

Printed output is not considered when running tests. If the REPL session in your readme file needs to show output, it is recommended to show it as comments like this, so that it will be ignored by the generated tests:

user=> (println (+ 1 2 3))
;; prints:
; 6


Run the tests:

$ clojure -A:test:runner

Build a deployable jar of this library:

$ clojure -A:jar

Install it locally:

$ clojure -A:install

Deploy it to Clojars -- needs CLOJARS_USERNAME and CLOJARS_PASSWORD environment variables:

$ clojure -A:deploy


Copyright © 2020 Sean Corfield, all rights reserved.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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Sean Corfield & Michael Salihi
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