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Basic graphics functions to simplify use of Graphics2D.

Basic graphics functions to simplify use of Graphics2D.
raw docstring


(anti-alias g2d)

Enable anti-aliasing on the given Graphics2D object.

Returns g2d.

Enable anti-aliasing on the given Graphics2D object.

Returns g2d.
sourceraw docstring


(arc x y w h start extent)
(arc x y w h start extent arc-type)


(buffered-image width height)
(buffered-image width height t)


(chord x y w h start extent)


(circle x y radius)

Create a circle with the given center and radius

Create a circle with the given center and radius
sourceraw docstring


(draw g2d)
(draw g2d shape style)
(draw g2d shape style & more)

Draw a one or more shape/style pairs to the given graphics context.

shape should be an object that implements Draw protocol (see (rect), (ellipse), etc.

style is a style object created with (style). If the style's :foreground is non-nil, the border of the shape is drawn with the given stroke. If the style's :background is non-nil, the shape is filled with that color.

Returns g2d.

Draw a one or more shape/style pairs to the given graphics context.

shape should be an object that implements Draw protocol (see (rect),
(ellipse), etc.

style is a style object created with (style). If the style's :foreground
is non-nil, the border of the shape is drawn with the given stroke. If
the style's :background is non-nil, the shape is filled with that color.

Returns g2d.
sourceraw docstring



(draw* shape g2d style)


(ellipse x y w)
(ellipse x y w h)

Create an ellipse that occupies the given rectangular region

Create an ellipse that occupies the given rectangular region
sourceraw docstring


(image-shape x y image)




(line x1 y1 x2 y2)


(linear-gradient &
                 {:keys [start end fractions colors cycle]
                  :or {start default-start
                       end default-end
                       fractions default-fractions
                       colors default-colors
                       cycle :none}
                  :as opts})

Creates a linear gradient suitable for use on the :foreground and :background properties of a (, or anywhere a java.awt.Paint is required. Has the following options:

:start The start [x y] point, defaults to [0 0] :end The end [x y] point, defaults to [1 0] :fractions Sequence of fractional values indicating color transition points in the gradient. Defaults to [0.0 1.0]. Must have same number of entries as :colors. :colors Sequence of color values correspoding to :fractions. Value is passed through (seesaw.color/to-color). e.g. :blue, "#fff", etc. :cycle The cycle behavior of the gradient, :none, :repeat, or :reflect. Defaults to :none.


; create a horizontal red, white and blue gradiant with three equal parts (linear-gradient :fractions [0 0.5 1.0] :colors [:red :white :blue])


Creates a linear gradient suitable for use on the :foreground and
:background properties of a (, or anywhere
a java.awt.Paint is required. Has the following options:

  :start The start [x y] point, defaults to [0 0]
  :end   The end [x y] point, defaults to [1 0]
  :fractions Sequence of fractional values indicating color transition points
             in the gradient. Defaults to [0.0 1.0]. Must have same number
             of entries as :colors.
  :colors Sequence of color values correspoding to :fractions. Value is passed
          through (seesaw.color/to-color). e.g. :blue, "#fff", etc.
  :cycle The cycle behavior of the gradient, :none, :repeat, or :reflect.
         Defaults to :none.


  ; create a horizontal red, white and blue gradiant with three equal parts
  (linear-gradient :fractions [0 0.5 1.0] :colors [:red :white :blue])

sourceraw docstring


(path opts & forms)


(pie x y w h start extent)


(polygon & points)

Create a polygonal shape with the given set of vertices. points is a list of x/y pairs, e.g.:

(polygon [1 2] [3 4] [5 6])

Create a polygonal shape with the given set of vertices.
points is a list of x/y pairs, e.g.:

  (polygon [1 2] [3 4] [5 6])
sourceraw docstring


(push g2d & forms)

Push a Graphics2D context (Graphics2d/create) and automatically dispose it.

For example, in a paint handler:

(fn [c g2d] (.setColor g2d java.awt.Color/RED) (.drawString g2d "This string is RED" 0 20) (push g2d (.setColor g2d java.awt.Color/BLUE) (.drawString g2d "This string is BLUE" 0 40)) (.drawString g2d "This string is RED again" 0 60))

Push a Graphics2D context (Graphics2d/create) and automatically dispose it.

For example, in a paint handler:

  (fn [c g2d]
    (.setColor g2d java.awt.Color/RED)
    (.drawString g2d "This string is RED" 0 20)
    (push g2d
      (.setColor g2d java.awt.Color/BLUE)
      (.drawString g2d "This string is BLUE" 0 40))
    (.drawString g2d "This string is RED again" 0 60))
sourceraw docstring


(radial-gradient &
                 {:keys [center focus radius fractions colors cycle]
                  :or {center default-center
                       radius default-radius
                       fractions default-fractions
                       colors default-colors
                       cycle :none}
                  :as opts})

Creates a radial gradient suitable for use on the :foreground and :background properties of a (, or anywhere a java.awt.Paint is required. Has the following options:

:center The center [x y] point, defaults to [0 0] :focus The focus [x y] point, defaults to :center :radius The radius. Defaults to 1.0 :fractions Sequence of fractional values indicating color transition points in the gradient. Defaults to [0.0 1.0]. Must have same number of entries as :colors. :colors Sequence of color values correspoding to :fractions. Value is passed through (seesaw.color/to-color). e.g. :blue, "#fff", etc. :cycle The cycle behavior of the gradient, :none, :repeat, or :reflect. Defaults to :none.


; create a red, white and blue gradiant with three equal parts (radial-gradient :radius 100.0 :fractions [0 0.5 1.0] :colors [:red :white :blue])


Creates a radial gradient suitable for use on the :foreground and
:background properties of a (, or anywhere
a java.awt.Paint is required. Has the following options:

  :center The center [x y] point, defaults to [0 0]
  :focus The focus [x y] point, defaults to :center
  :radius   The radius. Defaults to 1.0
  :fractions Sequence of fractional values indicating color transition points
             in the gradient. Defaults to [0.0 1.0]. Must have same number
             of entries as :colors.
  :colors Sequence of color values correspoding to :fractions. Value is passed
          through (seesaw.color/to-color). e.g. :blue, "#fff", etc.
  :cycle The cycle behavior of the gradient, :none, :repeat, or :reflect.
         Defaults to :none.


  ; create a red, white and blue gradiant with three equal parts
  (radial-gradient :radius 100.0 :fractions [0 0.5 1.0] :colors [:red :white :blue])

sourceraw docstring


(rect x y w)
(rect x y w h)

Create a rectangular shape with the given upper-left corner, width and height.

Create a rectangular shape with the given upper-left corner, width and
sourceraw docstring


(rotate g2d degrees)

Apply a rotation to the graphics context by degrees

Returns g2d

Apply a rotation to the graphics context by degrees

Returns g2d
sourceraw docstring


(rounded-rect x y w h)
(rounded-rect x y w h rx)
(rounded-rect x y w h rx ry)

Create a rectangular shape with the given upper-left corner, width, height and corner radii.

Create a rectangular shape with the given upper-left corner, width,
height and corner radii.
sourceraw docstring


(scale g2d s)
(scale g2d sx sy)

Apply a scale factor to the graphics context

Returns g2d

Apply a scale factor to the graphics context

Returns g2d
sourceraw docstring


(string-shape x y value)




(stroke &
        {:keys [width cap join miter-limit dashes dash-phase]
         :or {width 1
              cap :square
              join :miter
              miter-limit 10.0
              dashes nil
              dash-phase 0.0}})

Create a new stroke with the given properties:

:width Width of the stroke

Create a new stroke with the given properties:

:width Width of the stroke
sourceraw docstring




(style & {:keys [foreground background stroke font]})

Create a new style object for use with ( Takes a list of key/value pairs:

:foreground A color value (see seesaw.color) for the foreground (stroke) :background A color value (see seesaw.color) for the background (fill) :stroke A stroke value used to draw outlines (see :font Font value used for drawing text shapes

The default value for all properties is nil. See ( for interpretation of nil values.


Style objects are immutable so they can be efficiently "pre-compiled" and used for drawing multiple shapes.


; Red on black (style :foreground :red :background :black :font :monospace)

; Red, 8-pixel line with no fill. (style :foreground :red :stroke 8)

See: ( (

Create a new style object for use with ( Takes a list
of key/value pairs:

  :foreground A color value (see seesaw.color) for the foreground (stroke)
  :background A color value (see seesaw.color) for the background (fill)
  :stroke     A stroke value used to draw outlines (see
  :font       Font value used for drawing text shapes

  The default value for all properties is nil. See ( for
  interpretation of nil values.


  Style objects are immutable so they can be efficiently "pre-compiled" and
  used for drawing multiple shapes.


  ; Red on black
  (style :foreground :red :background :black :font :monospace)

  ; Red, 8-pixel line with no fill.
  (style :foreground :red :stroke 8)

sourceraw docstring


(to-paint v)


(to-stroke v)

Convert v to a stroke. As follows depending on v:

nil - returns nil java.awt.Stroke instance - returns v

Throws IllegalArgumentException if it can't figure out what to do.

Convert v to a stroke. As follows depending on v:

 nil - returns nil
 java.awt.Stroke instance - returns v

Throws IllegalArgumentException if it can't figure out what to do.
sourceraw docstring


(translate g2d dx dy)

Apply a translation to the graphics context

Returns g2d

Apply a translation to the graphics context

Returns g2d
sourceraw docstring


(update-style s
              {:keys [foreground background stroke font]
               :or {foreground (:foreground s)
                    background (:background s)
                    stroke (:stroke s)
                    font (:font s)}})

Update a style with new properties and return a new style. This is basically exactly the same as (clojure.core/assoc) with the exception that color, stroke, and font values are interpreted by Seesaw.


(def start (style :foreground blue :background :white)) (def no-fill (update-style start :background nil)) (def red-line (update-style no-fill :foreground :red))

See: ( (

Update a style with new properties and return a new style. This is basically
exactly the same as (clojure.core/assoc) with the exception that color, stroke,
and font values are interpreted by Seesaw.


  (def start (style :foreground blue :background :white))
  (def no-fill (update-style start :background nil))
  (def red-line (update-style no-fill :foreground :red))

sourceraw docstring

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