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tenlet - a clojure telnet library

(use 'tenlet.server)

(def server 
  (create-server 5073 {
    :connect  (fn [client])
    :line     (fn [client string])
    :input    (fn [client char-or-keyword])
    :resize   (fn [client {:keys [w h]}])
    :close    (fn [client])
    :shutdown (fn [server])}))

tenlet.server.Client has two user protocols:

  • (write [client string])
  • (close [client])

The :line handler recieves typical newline delimited input from the client. :input recieves single character input, and is meant to be used with IAC DO LINE mode where individual characters are sent over the socket. :input also recieves keywords from mutli character codes (:arrow-left, :pagedown, etc.)

tenlet.escape namespace has protocol defs and escape code fns for styling, placing the cursor, etc. To enable :resize events, tell the client to enter NAWS reporting (write client (str IAC DO NAWS)).


  • [ ] cross platform (clj/cljr/cljs) socket server
  • [x] user handlers for server & client lifecycles
  • [ ] Telnet protocol code defs
  • [x] NAWS terminal size reporting
  • [ ] helpers for line/char, echo, cursor modes
  • [x] string formatting & escape code decorating namespace

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