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# Transducers API namespace
raw docstring


(->boolean x)
(->boolean {:keys [nil-fill]} x)

Translate to boolean from string or other numeric.

An opts map can be specified as the first arguments with the following options:

  • :nil-fill - return this when input is empty/nil.
Translate to boolean from string or other numeric.

An opts map can be specified as the first arguments with the following options:
* `:nil-fill` - return this when input is empty/nil.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(->double x)
(->double {:keys [nil-fill]} x)

Translate to double from string or other numeric.

An opts map can be specified as the first arguments with the following options:

  • :nil-fill - return this when input is empty/nil.
Translate to double from string or other numeric.

An opts map can be specified as the first arguments with the following options:
* `:nil-fill` - return this when input is empty/nil.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(->float x)
(->float {:keys [nil-fill]} x)

Translate to float from string or other numeric.

An opts map can be specified as the first arguments with the following options:

  • :nil-fill - return this when input is empty/nil.
Translate to float from string or other numeric.

An opts map can be specified as the first arguments with the following options:
* `:nil-fill` - return this when input is empty/nil.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(->idiomatic-keyword x)

Takes a string, replacing consecutive underscores and spaces with a single dash(-), then returns a keyword based on the transformed string.

Takes a string, replacing consecutive underscores and spaces with a single dash(-),
then returns a keyword based on the transformed string.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(->int x)
(->int {:keys [nil-fill]} x)

Translate to int from string or other numeric. If string represents a non integer value, it will be rounded down to the nearest int.

An opts map can be specified as the first arguments with the following options:

  • :nil-fill - return this when input is empty/nil.
Translate to int from string or other numeric. If string represents a non integer value,
it will be rounded down to the nearest int.

An opts map can be specified as the first arguments with the following options:
* `:nil-fill` - return this when input is empty/nil.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(->long x)
(->long {:keys [nil-fill]} x)

Translate to long from string or other numeric. If string represents a non integer value, will be rounded down to the nearest long.

An opts map can be specified as the first arguments with the following options:

  • :nil-fill - return this when input is empty/nil.
Translate to long from string or other numeric. If string represents a non integer value,
will be rounded down to the nearest long.

An opts map can be specified as the first arguments with the following options:
* `:nil-fill` - return this when input is empty/nil.
source (clj)source (cljs)raw docstring


(batch n)

Returns a transducer that will return a sequence of row batches, where the batch size is n.

Returns a transducer that will return a sequence of row batches, where the batch
size is n.
sourceraw docstring


(cast-with cast-fns)
(cast-with cast-fns {:as opts :keys [except-first exception-handler only]})

Returns a transducer that casts the vals of each row according to cast-fns, which must either be a map of column-name -> casting-fn or a single casting function to be applied towards all columns. Options include:

  • :except-first - Leaves the first row unaltered; useful for preserving header row.
  • :exception-handler - If cast-fn raises an exception, this function will be called with args colname, value, and the result used as the parse value.
  • :only - Only cast the specified column(s); can be either a single column name, or a vector of them.
Returns a transducer that casts the vals of each row according to `cast-fns`, which must either
be a map of `column-name -> casting-fn` or a single casting function to be applied towards all columns.
Options include:

* `:except-first` - Leaves the first row unaltered; useful for preserving header row.
* `:exception-handler` - If cast-fn raises an exception, this function will be called with args
  `colname, value`, and the result used as the parse value.
* `:only` - Only cast the specified column(s); can be either a single column name, or a vector of them.
sourceraw docstring


(mappify {:as opts :keys [keyify transform-header header] :or {keyify true}})

Returns a transducer that transforms row vectors into maps, where keys are taken as the first row or as specified via :header option. Options include:

  • :keyify - bool; specify whether header/column names should be turned into keywords (default: true).
  • :header - specify the header to use for map keys, preventing first row of data from being consumed as header.
  • :transform-header - specify a transformation function for each header key (ignored if :header or :keyify is specified).
Returns a transducer that transforms row vectors into maps, where keys are taken as the first row or as
specified via `:header` option.  Options include:

* `:keyify` - bool; specify whether header/column names should be turned into keywords (default: `true`).
* `:header` - specify the header to use for map keys, preventing first row of data from being consumed as header.
* `:transform-header` - specify a transformation function for each header key (ignored if `:header` or `:keyify` is specified).
sourceraw docstring


(parse-and-process csv-readable
                   {:keys [parser-opts] :or {parser-opts {}} :as opts})

This is a convenience function for reading a csv file using clojure-csv and passing it through process with the given set of options (specified last as kw args, in contrast with our other processing functions). Note that :parser-opts can be specified and will be passed along to clojure-csv/parse-csv

This is a convenience function for reading a csv file using `clojure-csv` and passing it through `process`
with the given set of options (specified _last_ as kw args, in contrast with our other processing functions).
Note that `:parser-opts` can be specified and will be passed along to `clojure-csv/parse-csv`
sourceraw docstring


(process {:keys [mappify keyify header transform-header remove-comments
                 comment-re comment-char structs cast-fns cast-exception-handler
          :or {mappify true keyify true remove-comments true comment-re #"^\#"}
          :as opts})
(process {:keys [mappify keyify header transform-header remove-comments
                 comment-re comment-char structs cast-fns cast-exception-handler
          :or {mappify true keyify true remove-comments true comment-re #"^\#"}
          :as opts})

Returns a transducers that composes the most frequently used input processing capabilities, and is controlled by an opts hash with opinionated defaults:

  • :mappify - bool; transform rows from vectors into maps using mappify.
  • :keyify - bool; specify whether header/column names should be turned into keywords (default: true).
  • :transform-header - specify a transformation function for each header key (ignored if :header or :keyify is specified).
  • :header - specify header to be used in mappify; as per mappify, first row will not be consumed as header
  • :structs - bool; use structify insead of mappify
  • :remove-comments - bool; remove comment lines, as specified by :comment-re or :comment-char. Also removes empty lines. Defaults to true.
  • :comment-re - specify a regular expression to use for commenting out lines.
  • :comment-char - specify a comment character to use for filtering out comments; overrides comment-re.
  • :cast-fns - optional map of colname | index -> cast-fn; row maps will have the values as output by the assigned cast-fn.
  • :cast-exception-handler - If cast-fn raises an exception, this function will be called with args colname, value, and the result used as the parse value.
  • :cast-only - Only cast the specified column(s); can be either a single column name, or a vector of them.
Returns a transducers that composes the most frequently used input processing capabilities,
and is controlled by an `opts` hash with opinionated defaults:

* `:mappify` - bool; transform rows from vectors into maps using `mappify`.
* `:keyify` - bool; specify whether header/column names should be turned into keywords (default: `true`).
* `:transform-header` - specify a transformation function for each header key (ignored if `:header` or `:keyify` is specified).
* `:header` - specify header to be used in mappify; as per `mappify`, first row will not be consumed as header
* `:structs` - bool; use structify insead of mappify
* `:remove-comments` - bool; remove comment lines, as specified by `:comment-re` or `:comment-char`. Also
   removes empty lines. Defaults to `true`.
* `:comment-re` - specify a regular expression to use for commenting out lines.
* `:comment-char` - specify a comment character to use for filtering out comments; overrides comment-re.
* `:cast-fns` - optional map of `colname | index -> cast-fn`; row maps will have the values as output by the
   assigned `cast-fn`.
* `:cast-exception-handler` - If cast-fn raises an exception, this function will be called with args
  `colname, value`, and the result used as the parse value.
* `:cast-only` - Only cast the specified column(s); can be either a single column name, or a vector of them.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-comments {:as opts :keys [comment-re comment-char]})

Returns a transducer that removes rows starting with a comment character (by default, #). Operates by checking whether the first item of every row in the collection matches a comment pattern. Also removes empty lines. Options include:

  • :comment-re - Specify a custom regular expression for determining which lines are commented out.
  • :comment-char - Checks for lines lines starting with this char.

Note: this function only works (or makes sense) with rows that are vectors, and so should always be used before mappify.

Returns a transducer that removes rows starting with a comment character (by default, `#`).
Operates by checking whether the first item of every row in the collection matches a comment pattern.
Also removes empty lines. Options include:

* `:comment-re` - Specify a custom regular expression for determining which lines are commented out.
* `:comment-char` - Checks for lines lines starting with this char.

Note: this function only works (or makes sense) with rows that are vectors, and so should always be used
before mappify.
sourceraw docstring


(slurp-csv csv-filename & {:as opts})

This convenience function let's you parse-and-process csv data given a csv filename. Note that it is not lazy, and must read in all data so the file handle can be closed.

This convenience function let's you `parse-and-process` csv data given a csv filename. Note that it is _not_
lazy, and must read in all data so the file handle can be closed.
sourceraw docstring


(spit-csv file rows)
(spit-csv file
          {:keys [batch-size cast-fns writer-opts header prepend-header]
           :or {batch-size 20 prepend-header true}
           :as opts}

Convenience function for spitting out CSV data to a file using clojure-csv.

  • file - Can be either a filename string, or a file handle.
  • opts - Optional hash of settings.
  • rows - Can be a sequence of either maps or vectors; if the former, vectorize will be called on the input with :header argument specifiable through opts.

The Options hash can have the following mappings:

  • :batch-size - How many rows to format and write at a time?
  • :cast-fns - Formatter(s) to be run on row values. As with cast-with function, can be either a map of column-name -> cast-fn, or a single function to be applied to all values. Note that str is called on all values just before writing regardless of :cast-fns.
  • :writer-opts - Options hash to be passed along to clojure-csv.core/write-csv.
  • :header - Header to be passed along to vectorize, if necessary.
  • :prepend-header - Should the header be prepended to the rows written if vectorize is called?
Convenience function for spitting out CSV data to a file using `clojure-csv`.

* `file` - Can be either a filename string, or a file handle.
* `opts` - Optional hash of settings.
* `rows` - Can be a sequence of either maps or vectors; if the former, vectorize will be
    called on the input with `:header` argument specifiable through `opts`.

The Options hash can have the following mappings:

* `:batch-size` - How many rows to format and write at a time?
* `:cast-fns` - Formatter(s) to be run on row values. As with `cast-with` function, can be either a map
   of `column-name -> cast-fn`, or a single function to be applied to all values. Note that `str` is called
   on all values just before writing regardless of `:cast-fns`.
* `:writer-opts` - Options hash to be passed along to `clojure-csv.core/write-csv`.
* `:header` - Header to be passed along to `vectorize`, if necessary.
* `:prepend-header` - Should the header be prepended to the rows written if `vectorize` is called?
sourceraw docstring


(structify {:as opts :keys [keyify transform-header header] :or {keyify true}})

Takes an optional map of input options and returns a transducer. The transducer transforms row vectors into structs, where keys are taken as the first row or as specified via :header option. This is analogous to mappify. Options:

  • :keyify - bool; specify whether header/column names should be turned into keywords (default: true).
  • :header - specify the header to use for map keys, preventing first row of data from being consumed as header.
  • :transform-header - specify a transformation function for each header key (ignored if :header or :keyify is specified).
Takes an optional map of input options and returns a transducer.  The transducer transforms row vectors into structs,
where keys are taken as the first row or as specified via `:header` option.  This is analogous to mappify.  Options:

* `:keyify` - bool; specify whether header/column names should be turned into keywords (default: `true`).
* `:header` - specify the header to use for map keys, preventing first row of data from being consumed as header.
* `:transform-header` - specify a transformation function for each header key (ignored if `:header` or `:keyify` is specified).
sourceraw docstring


(vectorize {:keys [header prepend-header format-header]
            :or {prepend-header true format-header impl/stringify-keyword}})

Returns a transducer that transforms maps into vectors. Options include:

  • :header - The header to be used. If not specified, this defaults to (-> rows first keys). Only values corresponding to the specified header will be included in the output, and will be included in the order corresponding to this argument.
  • :prepend-header - Defaults to true, and controls whether the :header vector should be prepended to the output sequence.
  • :format-header - If specified, this function will be called on each element of the :header vector, and the result prepended to the output sequence. The default behaviour is to leave strings alone but stringify keyword names such that the : is removed from their string representation. Passing a falsey value will leave the header unaltered in the output.
Returns a transducer that transforms maps into vectors. Options include:

* `:header` - The header to be used. If not specified, this defaults to `(-> rows first keys)`. Only
  values corresponding to the specified header will be included in the output, and will be included in the
  order corresponding to this argument.
* `:prepend-header` - Defaults to true, and controls whether the `:header` vector should be prepended
  to the output sequence.
* `:format-header` - If specified, this function will be called on each element of the `:header` vector, and
  the result prepended to the output sequence. The default behaviour is to leave strings alone but stringify
  keyword names such that the `:` is removed from their string representation. Passing a falsey value will
  leave the header unaltered in the output.
sourceraw docstring

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