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How to Use SICMUtils

SICMUtils Supported Environments

This section, like many others in the docs at the moment, is quite sparse. This will change in the coming months!

SICMUtils is best experienced in an interactive environment like the Clojure REPL. We support a number of environments with rich support for TeX rendering and plotting. These are catalogued below., paired with "Getting Started" instructions.

After setting up your environment with any of the listed methods, visit the SICMUtils Quickstart to get some ideas about how to use the library.

Clojure(script) REPL

Install SICMUtils into your Clojure(script) project using the instructions at its Clojars page:


Initialize the sicmutils.env "Batteries Included" environment at the REPL:

(require '[sicmutils.env :as env])



You can access all SICMUtils namespaces from any Nextjournal page by typing


and hitting <space> in any block, and evaluating the following form:

(nextjournal.env/load! :sicmutils)

Any subsequent Clojurescript block will have every function in sicmutils.env available.

Visit the SICMUtils Tutorial on Nextjournal to try all of the examples in the Quickstart in your browser with no setup required.

Many of the exercises from Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics exist in Nextjournal form at the Nextjournal SICM directory. To try any of these notebooks without creating an account:

All cells on this new page will be interactive.

Planned Environments

Many of these are working but undocumented. Check back, or file an issue to get more details.



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