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SICMUtils ships with a configuration that allows clj-kondo to lint the library's macros. This page contains installation instructions, as well as a directory of all customizable linter warnings.

For all available linters offered by clj-kondo, see their

Table of Contents


To use the configuration exported by SICMUtils, you'll need to install it into your project.

The steps listed here mirror the instructions in the clj-kondo repo.

To install the exported linter configuration:

  1. Install the SICMUtils dependency into your project using the appropriate entry listed at Clojars. For example, If you are using deps.edn, add the project to the map under :deps:
;; See to pick an explicit version!
 {sicmutils/sicmutils {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}
  1. Install clj-kondo using these instructions. I highly recommend configuring editor integration for your text editor.

3.. If it doesn't exist yet, create a .clj-kondo folder in your project:

mkdir .clj-kondo
  1. Run clj-kondo using the following command. This will import the sicmutils config and populate clj-kondo's cache with linting information about all of your dependencies:
# If you're using Leiningen:
$ clj-kondo --copy-configs --dependencies --lint "$(lein classpath)"
Imported config to .clj-kondo/sicmutils/sicmutils. To activate, add "sicmutils/sicmutils" to :config-paths in .clj-kondo/config.edn.

# If you're using deps.edn:
$ clj-kondo --copy-configs --dependencies --lint "$(clojure -Spath)"
Imported config to .clj-kondo/sicmutils/sicmutils. To activate, add "sicmutils/sicmutils" to :config-paths in .clj-kondo/config.edn.
  1. As instructed, either create or edit .clj-kondo/config.edn so that it contains a :config-paths entry with "sicmutils/sicmutils":
{:config-paths ["sicmutils/sicmutils"]}
  1. Check the imported files into source control in your project.

Disabling Linters

To disable or modify the warning level of any of the linters listed below, you have a few options. This section will highlight the two most common overrides.

(For the full list, see the config section of the clj-kondo docs.)

You can place a specific override directly on a particular form:

;; Ignore any :sicmutils.pattern/ruleset-args warning emitted in the `(ruleset ...)` form:

#_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:sicmutils.pattern/ruleset-args]}
 (+ (? x) (? y)) (fn [m] (- ('?x m) ('?y m))))

Or you can add an entry for any of the linters to a map under :linters keyword in your project's .clj-kondo/config.edn. For example, this config will disable the :sicmutils.pattern/ruleset-args error:

 {:sicmutils.pattern/ruleset-args {:level :off}}}

Other valid levels are :warning and :error.

See the config section of the clj-kondo docs for more information.

Linter Directory

This section describes all of the custom warnings emitted by the SICMUtils clj-kondo config.

Invalid Pattern Binding Symbol

Keyword: :sicmutils.pattern/binding-sym

Description: warn when a binding form like (? x) in the pattern argument to a pattern.rule macro contains anything other than a simple, non-qualified symbol.

Default level: :error

Example trigger:

(require '[sicmutils.rule :as r])

(r/rule (+ (? "x") ?y) => "match!")

Example message:: Binding variable "x" must be a non-namespaced symbol.

Ignored Segment Restriction

Keyword: :sicmutils.pattern/ignored-restriction

Description: warn when a segment binding form like (?? x) or ($$ x) contain restrictions like (?? x all-odd?). These don't error but aren't currently used.

Default level: :warning

Example trigger:


(require '[sicmutils.rule :as r])

(r/rule (+ (?? x odd?) ?y) => "match!")

Example message: Restrictions are (currently) ignored on ?? binding forms: odd?

Invalid Restriction in Consequence

Keyword: :sicmutils.pattern/consequence-restriction

Description: warn when a binding form like (? x), (?? x) or ($$ x) in a consequence contains restrictions like (? x odd?). These are meaningless in consequences, and may error in the future.

Default level: :error

Example trigger:

(require '[sicmutils.rule :as r])

(r/rule (+ (? x) (? y)) => (+ (? y odd?) (? x)))

Example message: Restrictions are not allowed in consequence bindings: odd?.

Ruleset Argument Count

Keyword: :sicmutils.pattern/ruleset-args

Description: warn when the sicmutils.pattern/ruleset receives arguments that aren't grouped into three. Each triplet should match the arguments you would supply to the 3-arity of sicmutils.pattern/rule.

Default level: :error

Example trigger:

(require '[sicmutils.rule :as r])

(r/ruleset (+ (? x) (? y))
           (fn [m] (- ('?x m) ('?y m))))

Example message: ruleset requires bindings in groups of 3. Received 2 bindings.

Invalid with-literal-functions Binding

Keyword: :sicmutils.abstract.function/invalid-binding

Description: warn when an binding entry passed to the first argument of with-literal-functions (in either sicmutils.abstract.function or sicmutils.env) is anything other than an unqualified symbol or a 3-vector containing a symbol, a domain and a range.

Default level: :error

Example trigger:

(require '[sicmutils.env :as e])

(e/with-literal-functions [x 10 y]
  [x y])

Example message: Bindings must be either bare symbols or 3-vectors of the form [sym domain range]. Received: 10.

Invalid Coordinate System Bindings

Keyword: :sicmutils.calculus.coordinate/invalid-binding

Description: warn when the left side of a binding pair passed to let-coordinates or using-coordinates (in either sicmutils.calculus.coordinate or sicmutils.env) is anything other than a potentially-nested structure of vectors or lists beginning with up or down with unqualified symbols at the leaves.

Default level: :error

Example trigger:

(require '[sicmutils.env :as e])

(e/let-coordinates [[x (up {:key "val"})] R3-rect]

Example message: Bindings must be either a vector or list (optionally beginning withupordown) or a bare symbol. Received: {:key "val"}.

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