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SQS Consumer

Clojars Project


There are a few alternative SQS queuing libraries. None of them focus on creating components that can easily be started and stopped gracefully. This library focusses on solving just that problem.

Libraries should tie you into using the fewest number of other libraries as possible. For example this library will never tie you into an implementation of components such as Stuart Sierra's components or Mount components. This library should work with what ever choice you make. The same is true for async code, we don't want to tie you into core.async.

There are a number of dependencies for the utils ns, these should be dev dependencies and only required if you optionally want to use any of the middleware provided in that ns.


sequential.clj is a wrapper and middlewares for processing messages sequentially

batch.clj is a wrapper and middlewares for processing messages as a single batch

parallel.clj is a wrapper and middlewares for processing messages in parallel - limited by the number of messages that are dequed at a time.

utils.clj contains ring like middleware to take care of some of the common processing you might want to do on a message


Both the utils and parallel have transitive dependencies that are not bundled with this library. If you don't need them, don't declare the dependencies. Be sure to include these dependencies when you do use them:

[org.clojure/data.json "0.2.6"] ;; required by utils
[com.climate/claypoole "1.1.4"] ;; required by parallel

Some common usage patterns, the usage should be fairly similar:

Sequential processing

(require [sqs-consumer.sequential :as queue.sequential]
         [sqs-consumer.utils :as queue.utils])

(defn process [message-body]
  (prn message-body))

(defn create-queue-consumer []
  (queue.sequential/create-consumer :queue-url "sqs-queue-name"
                                    :max-number-of-messages 5
                                    :shutdown-wait-time-ms 2000
                                    :process-fn (-> process
                                                    (queue.sequential/with-message-decoder queue.utils/decode-sns-encoded-json)
                                                    (queue.sequential/with-error-handler #(prn % "error processing message")))))

(let [{:keys [start-consumer
              stop-consumer]} (create-queue-consumer)]
    (.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime)
                      (Thread. (fn []
                                 (log/info "shutting down")
    (log/info "listening for messages...")

Batch processing

(require [sqs-consumer.batch :as queue.batch]
         [sqs-consumer.utils :as queue.utils])

(defn process [message-batch]
  (prn (count message-batch))

(defn create-queue-consumer []
  (queue.batch/create-consumer :queue-url "sqs-queue-name"
                               :max-number-of-messages 10
                               :shutdown-wait-time-ms 2000
                               :process-fn (-> process
                                               (queue.batch/with-message-decoder queue.utils/decode-sns-encoded-json)
                                               (queue.batch/with-error-handler #(prn % "error processing messages")))))

(let [{:keys [start-consumer
              stop-consumer]} (create-queue-consumer)]
    (.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime)
                      (Thread. (fn []
                                 (log/info "shutting down")
    (log/info "listening for messages...")

Parallel processing

Under the hood messages here are processed using Claypoole's upmap which is un-ordered and in parallel. If you're using a FIFO queue where order is guaranteed, this will likely break that guarantee.

(require [sqs-consumer.parallel :as queue.parallel]
         [sqs-consumer.utils :as queue.utils])

(defn process [message-batch]
  (prn (count message-batch))

(defn create-queue-consumer []
  (queue.parallel/create-consumer :queue-url "sqs-queue-name"
                                  :max-number-of-messages 10
                                  :threadpool-size 3 ;;defaults to 10
                                  :shutdown-wait-time-ms 2000
                                  :process-fn (-> process
                                                  (queue.parallel/with-message-decoder queue.utils/decode-sns-encoded-json)
                                                  (queue.parallel/with-error-handler #(prn % "error processing messages")))))

(let [{:keys [start-consumer
              stop-consumer]} (create-queue-consumer)]
    (.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime)
                      (Thread. (fn []
                                 (log/info "shutting down")
    (log/info "listening for messages...")

Queue URL vs Queue Name

If you pass queue-url then queue-name will never be used. If you only pass queue-name then queue-url will be looked up; AWS will throw an exception if a Queue with that name cannot be found. If neither are passed then an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.


  • [ ] deps.edn?
  • [ ] Don't hard code visibility timeout
  • [ ] Support being able to extend message timeout
  • [ ] Better documentation
  • [ ] Choose a license?
  • [ ] Tests are a bit flaky - sometimes due to timing they fail
  • [ ] metadata from SQS and SNS is lost during the deserialisation, maybe some of that is needed?
  • [x] Should we be using pmap or map across message?
  • [ ] Can we lose the dependency on data.json?

Local development

Testing is done inside docker so no Clojure or AWS depencies are required. Required tools:

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Running the tests

docker-compose up -d
docker-compose build && docker-compose run --rm sqs_consumer lein test


Copyright © 2019 Signal AI

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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