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Developer Information

Source Code

The source code is managed through the nuvla/clojure-library GitHub repository. Clone the repository from these to obtain a copy of the source code.


Leiningen is used to build the library. If you do not already have it installed, then visit its website for installation instructions.

To run the full build, run the following command at the top of the repository:

lein do clean, test, install

All generated artifacts will be put into your local maven repository.

The repository is linked to the Travis continuous integration system, so all changes checked into the GitHub repository will be built automatically on Travis. The build results can be found on the Travis dashboards.

Deploying Artifacts

To deploy the artifacts to the development maven repositories, then run the command:

lein deploy

To successfully push (deploy) artifacts to these repositories, you must have access credentials for the SixSq AWS S3 buckets. Define the following environmental variables:

  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: value of the AWS secret key
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: value of the AWS access key

To add these to the Travis CI configuration, the commands are:

travis encrypt AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<value> --add --com
travis encrypt AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<value> --add --com 

The updated .travis.yml file will need to be pushed into the git repository. The same commands can be used to change the credentials. Be sure to delete the previous definitions from the .travis.yml file.


The documentation will be built automatically from the source code (and files in the doc directory) when a release has been pushed to clojars.

To run the cljdoc server locally to verify the contents and rendering of the documentation, see the cljdoc documentation on running the server locally.

The "ingest" command you will use looks something like this:

./script/cljdoc ingest -p sixsq.nuvla/clojure-library \
                       -v 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT \
                       --jar ~/.m2/reposiory/sixsq/nuvla/clojure-library/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/clojure-library-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar \
                       --pom ~/.m2/repository/sixsq/nuvla/clojure-library/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/clojure-library-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.pom \
                       --git ../clojure-library \
                       --rev "master"

Adjust the command as necessary. **To build from the installed jar file, you must run lein install beforehand!**The ingestion takes a significant amount of time.

If you build the version "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT", the documentation will appear at the URL http://localhost:8000/d/sixsq.nuvla/clojure-library/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.


See the file at the root of the GitHub repository.

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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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