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A clojure jdbc library that doesn't get in your way, and that defaults to using connection pooling.

Clojars Project



(require '[sjdbc.core :as sjdbc])

;;(def conn (sjdbc/open "jdbc url" pool-options))
(def conn (sjdbc/open "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/test?user=fred&password=secret&ssl=true" {:min-pool-size 1 :max-pool-size 10}))
(jsdbc/query conn "select * from testtable")
;; or with authentication
(def conn (sjdbc/open "jdbc url" "user" "password" pool-options))
(sjdbc/exec conn "CREATE TABLE testtable (id int, name varchar)")

(sjdbc/query conn "select * from testtable")

;; insert with parameters
(sjdbc/exec conn "INSERT INTO testtable (?, ?)" 1 "myname")

;;close the connection pool when no more queries are going to be made
(jsdbc/close conn)

;for complete control use with result set

(sjdbc/query-with-rs conn "SELECT * FROM test" (fn [^ResultSet rs]
                                                    (while (.next rs)
                                                      (swap! counter inc))))

Streaming large Mysql data sets

See: (under ResultSet)

(sjdbc/query-streaming-rs conn "SELECT * FROM test" (fn [^ResultSet rs]
                                                     (while (.next rs)
                                                       (swap! counter inc))))

Connection Pooling

DB access should always be performed using db pooling, this is way sjdbc has it backed in as standard and will always use a pooled connection.

Settings are:

{:keys [partition-size min-pool-size max-pool-size] 
:or {partition-size 2 min-pool-size 1 max-pool-size 10}}

Pooling implementation

This library uses bonecp.


Copyright © 2015 gerritjvv

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0

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