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(apply-summary {:keys [start-path insert-path] :as task} data & opts)

Takes an summarization task and a piece of data. Returns the data with the task applied.

Takes an summarization task and a piece of data. Returns the data
with the task applied.
sourceraw docstring


(collect-values path data)

Finds and returns values in data according to path. Path is a vector containing keywords and subvectors. Keywords are followed in the nested data, keywords leading to vectors must end in * and all items in the vector are followed from that path on. Vectors are interpreted as filtering constructs. They don't navigate deeper in data, but limit the collection of values collected so far.

Finds and returns values in data according to path. Path is a vector
containing keywords and subvectors. Keywords are followed in the
nested data, keywords leading to vectors must end in * and all items
in the vector are followed from that path on. Vectors are
interpreted as filtering constructs. They don't navigate deeper in
data, but limit the collection of values collected so far.
sourceraw docstring


(path-parts path)
(path-parts path acc)

Splits a vector of keywords and filter-vectors into parts and labels them.

eg. (path-parts [:go* :in :this [:v '<= 33] :find* :more ['max :ttt] :thingies* :id])

=> ([:path [:go* :in :this]] [:filter [<= :v 33]] [:path [:find* :more]] [:filter [max :ttt]] [:path [:thingies* :id]])

Splits a vector of keywords and filter-vectors into parts and labels

(path-parts [:go* :in :this [:v '<= 33] :find* :more ['max :ttt] :thingies* :id])

=> ([:path [:go* :in :this]]
    [:filter [<= :v 33]]
    [:path [:find* :more]]
    [:filter [max :ttt]]
    [:path [:thingies* :id]])
sourceraw docstring

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