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the default client factory using plain socket

the default client factory using plain socket
sourceraw docstring


(call-remote sc
             {:keys [async? callback extensions] :as options})

call a remote function by its namespace and function name, without a local defn-remote reference.

  • sc the slacker client
  • remote-ns remote namespace, string
  • remote-fn remote function name, string
  • args arguments, vec
  • :async? true make this a async function, returns a manifold deferred
  • :callback (fn [r e] ) set a callback for this async function
  • :extensions {} add extension data for the function call
call a remote function by its namespace and function name, without a
local `defn-remote` reference.

* `sc` the slacker client
* `remote-ns` remote namespace, string
* `remote-fn` remote function name, string
* `args` arguments, vec
* `:async? true` make this a async function, returns a manifold deferred
* `:callback (fn [r e] )` set a callback for this async function
* `:extensions {}` add extension data for the function call
sourceraw docstring


(close-slackerc client)

Close a slacker client

Close a slacker client
sourceraw docstring


(defn-remote sc
             {:keys [remote-ns remote-name async? fire-and-forget? callback
              :or {remote-ns (ns-name *ns*)
                   remote-name nil
                   async? false
                   fire-and-forget? false
                   callback nil}
              :as options})

Define a facade for remote function. You have to provide the connection and the function name. (Argument list is not required here.)

Define a facade for remote function. You have to provide the
connection and the function name. (Argument list is not required here.)
sourceraw docstring


(shutdown-slacker-client-factory factory)

Shutdown a client factory, close all clients derived from it.

Shutdown a client factory, close all clients derived from it.
sourceraw docstring


(slacker-client-factory ssl-context)

Create a secure client factory from ssl-connect

Create a secure client factory from ssl-connect
sourceraw docstring


(slacker-meta f)

Fetch metadata of a slacker function.

Fetch metadata of a slacker function.
sourceraw docstring


(slacker-server-status sc)

Fetch server status of current slacker server.

Fetch server status of current slacker server.
sourceraw docstring


  {:keys [content-type factory ping-interval timeout backlog
          interrupt-on-timeout interceptors callback-executor protocol-version]
   :or {content-type :clj interceptors interceptor/default-interceptors}})

Create connection to a slacker server.

Create connection to a slacker server.
sourceraw docstring


(use-remote sc-sym)
(use-remote sc-sym rns)
(use-remote sc-sym rns lns & {:keys [only exclude] :or {only [] exclude []}})

import remote functions the current namespace, this function will generate remote call, use it carefully in a declarative style.

import remote functions the current namespace, this function
will generate remote call, use it carefully in a declarative style.
sourceraw docstring


(with-callback & body)

call the slacker remote function with a custom callback, and make the function an async one

call the slacker remote function with a custom callback, and make the
function an async one
sourceraw docstring


(with-slackerc sc & body)

call the slacker remote function with a client other than the client used to declare the function

call the slacker remote function with a client other than the client
used to declare the function
sourceraw docstring

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