This document assumes knowledge of re-frame, especially subscriptions.
If you do not currently have that knowledge, please take the time to acquire it.
See the readme for references to learn more.
Bring reactive UI rendering to fulcro.
Fulcro provides powerful features and abstractions but its rendering model makes dealing with derived data difficult to work with. Combined with the realization that a UI is mostly rendering derived data I didn't see a tractable way forward to continue using fulcro without a solution to this problem.
The way I think about this is that most UI libraries have a "pull" mental model where a component (the leaf) asks for data it needs to render. Whereas in fulcro the model is "push" - a mutation augments the data and then tells the leaves to redraw, pushing the data from the core out to the leaves.
The pull model is well studied and understood. It is the domain of dataflow programming and functional reactive programming. You start with a core of data and perform pure functional transforms on this core to get the data in a shape needed to render.
The point of this integration is to bring the pull model to fulcro applications and solve the problem of rendering derived data. Making it simple (not interwoven) and easy (close at hand) to ensure what is rendered onscreen always reflects the state in the fulcro app db without the user having to tell fulcro which components should re-render.
The other pain point it solves is the ability to query for this derived data in event handler code or other non-drawing code and to not need to store the derived data by the user, the library handles that.
In bullet points:
Using render middleware that renders each fulcro component in a reagent Reaction using reagent.ratom/run-in-reaction
When any data the render function is subscribed to (any ratom/reactions it derefed during render change)
a callback fires that will re-render the component.
When a component unmounts we remove the listener created by run-in-reaction
Nothing else about using fulcro components has changed, they will still re-render following the usual fulcro usage.
(defonce fulcro-app (subs/with-reactive-subscriptions ( {})))
(defsub list-idents (fn [db {:keys [list-id]}] (get db list-id)))
;; anytime you have a list of idents in fulcro the subscription pattern is to
;; have input signals that subscribe to layer 2 subscriptions
(reg-sub ::todo-table :-> (fn [db] (-> db :todo/id)))
;; now any subscriptions that use ::todo-table as an input signal will only update if todo-table's output changes.
(defsub todos-list :<- [::list-idents] :<- [::todo-table]
(fn [[idents table]]
(mapv #(get table (second %)) idents)))
(defsub todos-total :<- [::todos-list] :-> count)
(defsc Todo [this {:todo/keys [text state]}]
{:query [:todo/id :todo/text :todo/state]
:ident :todo/id
:initial-state (fn [text] (make-todo (or text "")))}
(dom/div {}
(dom/div "Todo:" (dom/div text))
(dom/div "status: " (pr-str state))))
(def ui-todo (c/computed-factory Todo {:keyfn :todo/id}))
(defsc TodosTotal [this {:keys [list-id]}] {}
(dom/h3 "Total todos: " (todos-total this {:list-id list-id})))
(def ui-todos-total (c/factory TodosTotal))
(defn add-random-todo! [app]
(merge/merge-component! (c/any->app app) Todo (make-todo (str "todo-" (rand-int 1000))) :append [:root/todos]))
(defsc TodoList [this {:keys [list-id]}]
{:ident (fn [] [:component/id ::todo-list])
:query [:list-id]}
(let [todos (todos-list this {:list-id list-id})]
(dom/div {}
(dom/button {:style {:padding 20 :margin "0 1rem"} :onClick #(add-random-todo! this)} "Add")
(when (> (todos-total this {:list-id list-id}) 0)
(dom/button {:style {:padding 20} :onClick #(rm-random-todo! this)} "Remove"))
(ui-todos-total {:list-id list-id})
(map ui-todo todos))))
(def ui-todo-list (c/computed-factory TodoList))
(defsc Root [this {:root/keys [list-id]}]
{:initial-state {:root/list-id :root/todos}
:query [:root/list-id]}
(ui-todo-list {:list-id list-id}))
(! fulcro-app Root js/app)
the subs/with-reactive-subscriptions
call assoc'es the to be a reagent.ratom/atom.
It also assigns the rendering algorithm used by the app to use the ident-optimized render.
The intention of this library is that all derived data is computed using subscriptions
and rendered with their values - this way there are never any stale components on screen - just like in re-frame.
See the space.matterandvoid.subscriptions.react-hook-fulcro
All the subscription compute functions are memoized and thus you must be aware that if the inputs to a subscription do not change then the computation will return the cached data.
When integrating with fulcro the following strategy is recommended to deal with the design tension of wanting optimal caching while still ensuring the UI reflects the most up-to-date state of the app db.
At the layer 2 level use db->tree and depend on the db - this way you'll ensure your downstream subs will properly invalidate the memoization cache (or really, compute on new inputs).
Then in layer 3 subs you can select only the parts of the data tree from the layer 2 inputs that you care about, and pass those to another layer 3 sub - this way the leaf subscription which the UI will use to render - can be memoized while the layer 2 subs (by using db->tree) will ensure they pick up the newest dependent data from a fulcro query.
The short way to say it is if your layer-3 subscription takes as input an ident then you will likely get bit by the subscription not updating properly.
field and some other field changes on them,
having a subscription that maps over them only pulling out the ::title
will enable the subscription to be cached.In short: always mutate the fulcro state atom as usual: you must use transact!
to have your UI stay up to date.
For the best integration the fulcro rule applies: pretend there is no watch on the fulcro state atom.
You're going to have a bad time if you try to use swap!
because fulcro caches a component's props on the component instance
so if a parent component uses a subscription but the child does not and instead renders its props - its parent will refresh
via the reaction firing, but the leaf/child will not because fulcro is rendering its cached props.
Integrating with fulcro-inspect - probably by adding instrumentation inside of defsub that happens based on a compiler flag, as well as during re-render - to allow inspecting how long subscriptions took to compute as well as which components they caused to be re-rendered.
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