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  • Moved specs that are not likely to find errors while instrumented to speculative.optional. Not requiring this namespace before instrumenting has significant performance benefit.

Running the first 20 coal-mine test sets in cljs+node, compare

"Elapsed time: 3198.731217 msecs"


"Elapsed time: 21343.952922 msecs"
  • Stricter merge-with spec:
user=> (merge-with assoc {:a 1} [:a :b])
Execution error (ClassCastException) at user$eval164/invokeStatic (REPL:1).
clojure.lang.Keyword cannot be cast to java.util.Map$Entry


user=> (merge-with + {:a 1} [:a :b])
Evaluation error - invalid arguments to clojure.core/merge-with at (NO_SOURCE_FILE:15).
:a - failed: map-entry? at: [:maps :rest-maps] spec: :speculative.core/map-entry
:b - failed: map-entry? at: [:maps :rest-maps] spec: :speculative.core/map-entry
  • speculative.test macros gentest and check renamed to check and check-call to closer resemble naming in clojure.spec.test.alpha
  • speculative.test no longer needs require to clojure.spec.test.alpha in CLJS (#95)

0.2.0 (2018-11-09)

  • Specs for =, /, apply (clj only), assoc, count, every?, filter, first, get, juxt, not-any?, not-every?, range, partial, remove, reset!, swap!, some, some? and str.
  • Namespace speculative.test with tools around clojure.spec.test.alpha. More info here.

0.1.0 (2018-10-20)

  • Initial release with specs for map, filter, merge, merge-with, fnil and reduce.

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