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Netty-inspired query string parameter handling functions

Netty-inspired query string parameter handling functions
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(add-params {:keys [query-string] :as request})

Add parsed params to a request at the `:get-params' key. Empty query strings yield an unmodified request map.

The key looked up in the request is :query-string, as defined in

Add parsed params to a request at the `:get-params' key.
Empty query strings yield an unmodified request map.

The key looked up in the request is `:query-string`, as
defined in
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An interceptor-style handler for query args.

An interceptor-style handler for query args.
sourceraw docstring


(parse-params input)

Given a query-string yield a map of argument name to value. Multiple occurences of the same argument yield a vector of values.

Given a query-string yield a map of argument name to value.
Multiple occurences of the same argument yield a vector of
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(wrap-params f)

A ring wrapper for parameters.

A ring wrapper for parameters.
sourceraw docstring

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