Stavka (Ставка) is the high command of your clojure application, which manages configuration from various sources.
, enabled when cheshire
on classpath(yaml)
, enabled when clj-yaml
on classpath(property)
, enabled when hawk
on classpath(poll)
($l) ($f) ($b) ($s)
Use stavka with component or mount. You can have multiple config instance and manage life-cycle of updater.
(require '[stavka.core :as sta :refer :all])
;; Use stavka with mount
(defstate config
;; load configuration from multiple sources and merge them like
;; clojure.core/merge.
;; using environment variables by default
;; also load edn from classpath
(edn (classpath "/default.edn"))
;; load another properties from filesystem, and watch is for change
(properties (watch (file "/etc/")))
;; and fetch a remote json configuration. check every 10 seconds
;; for update.
(json (poll (url "http://somehost/configuration/my.json") 10000)))
:stop (stop-updaters! config))
;; Use stavka with component
(defrecord StavkaConfiguration [config]
(start [component]
(assoc component :config
(edn (classpath "/default.edn"))
(properties (watch (file "/etc/")))
(json (poll (url "http://somehost/configuration/my.json") 10000)))))
(stop [component]
(stop-updaters! config)
(assoc component :config nil)))
{:some {:config {:key "some-value"}}}
"some": {
"config": {
"key" : "some-value"
key: some-value
;; get configuration
($ config :some.config.key)
;; get configuration with type convertion
;; $l: as long
;; $f: as double
;; $s: as string
;; $b: as boolean
($l config :some.config.key)
And you can still use stavka globally:
(edn (classpath "/default.edn"))
(properties (watch (file "/etc/")))
(json (poll (url "http://somehost/configuration/my.json") 10000)))
;; use double-$ to access global config
($$ :some.config.key)
($$l :some.config.key)
Add change listener on some key when you have updater configured:
(on-change! config :some.config.key
(fn [new-value previous-value]
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