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Structurizr for Clojure

Clojars Project

A Clojure library designed to generate software architecture models based upon the C4 model, it uses the Structurizr Java library under the hood. In other words is a wrapper with the most common functions used in the Java library with some syntax sugar macros to better structure the diagram code in a Clojure style.

Go to the Structurizr documentation to understand the C4 model and the concepts behind structurizr (workspaces, model and views).

(This is a libary in alpha version, it's very likely to change)


(ns diagram-example
  (:require [structurizr-clj.core :refer [defmodel defstyles defviews defworkspace] :as structurizr]
            [structurizr-clj.shape :as structurizr.shape]
            [structurizr-clj.tags :as structurizr.tags]))

(defworkspace example
  [workspace (structurizr/new-workspace "Getting Started" "This is a model of my software system")]
  (defmodel [model           (structurizr/model workspace)
             user            (structurizr/add-person model "User" "A user of my software system" [structurizr.tags/person])
             software-system (structurizr/add-software-system model "Software System" "My software system")]
            [yo-service (structurizr/add-container software-system "Yo" "Service" "Clojure" ["Main"])
             database   (structurizr/add-container software-system "Database" "Main database" "Datomic" ["Database"])]
    (structurizr/uses user software-system "Uses")
    (structurizr/uses yo-service database "Persists data" "Datomic")
    (defviews [views                (structurizr/views workspace)
               containers-view      (structurizr/create-container-view views software-system "Containers" "An example of Container context diagram")
               software-system-view (structurizr/create-system-context-view views software-system "System Context" "An example of a System Context diagram")]
      (defstyles [styles (structurizr/styles views)]
        (doto (structurizr/add-element-style styles structurizr.tags/person)
              (structurizr/shape structurizr.shape/person))
        (doto (structurizr/add-element-style styles "Database")
              (structurizr/shape structurizr.shape/cylinder))
        (doto (structurizr/add-element-style styles "Main")
              (structurizr/background "#800080")
              (structurizr/color "#ffffff")))
      (doto software-system-view
      (doto containers-view

Render Workspace

Structurizr Java supports renders to PlantUML, Mermaid, JSON and publish the workspace to the structurizr cloud or on-premise server.

Publish workspace

(defn publish-workspace [workspace]
  (let [api-key      "SOME-API-KEY"
        api-secret   "SOME-API-SECRET"
        client       (structurizr/client api-key api-secret)
        workspace-id 1234]
    (structurizr/publish-workspace client workspace-id workspace)))
;; Using the example workspace

(publish-workspace example)


(ns render-example
  (:require [structurizr-clj.core :refer [defmodel defviews defworkspace] :as structurizr]
            [structurizr-clj.render :as structurizr.render]))

;; Asuming an example workspace is define
(def views (structurizr/views example))

;; There might be many system contex views define, in this case it takes the first one
(def system-context-view (first (structurizr.render/system-context-views views))) 

(structurizr.render/mermaid system-context-view) ;; Returns the string mermaid code
(structurizr.render/mermaid-writer system-context-view "path/mermaid.txt") ;; Writes a file with the mermaid code to the given path


(ns render-example
  (:require [structurizr-clj.core :refer [defmodel defviews defworkspace] :as structurizr]
            [structurizr-clj.render :as structurizr.render]))

;; Asuming an example workspace is define
(def views (structurizr/views example))

;; There might be many system contex views define, in this case it takes the first one
(def system-context-view (first (structurizr.render/system-context-views views))) 

(structurizr.render/plantuml system-context-view) ;; Returns the string plantuml code
(structurizr.render/plantuml-writer system-context-view "path/plantuml.txt") ;; Writes a file with the plantuml code to the given path


(ns render-example
  (:require [structurizr-clj.core :refer [defmodel defviews defworkspace] :as structurizr]
            [structurizr-clj.render :as structurizr.render]))

;; Assuming an example workspace is defined
(structurizr.render/workspace->json example "path/my-workspace.json") ;; Writes JSON file with the workspace data 
(structurizr.render/json->workspace "path/my-workspace.json") ;; Loads workspace from JSON file


Copyright © 2021 FIXME

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

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