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(class name properties)

Creates a CSS class with the given name and properties. Normally you should let stylefy convert your style maps to unique CSS classes by calling use-style. Thus, there is usually no need to create customly named classes when using stylefy, unless you work with some 3rd party framework.

Example: (stylefy/class "enter-transition" {:transition "background-color 2s"})

Creates a CSS class with the given name and properties.
Normally you should let stylefy convert your style maps to unique CSS classes by calling
use-style. Thus, there is usually no need to create customly named classes when using stylefy,
unless you work with some 3rd party framework.

(stylefy/class "enter-transition"
                {:transition "background-color 2s"})
sourceraw docstring


(font-face properties)

Adds the given font-face definition to DOM. Properties are given in the same form as Garden accepts them.

Example: (stylefy/font-face {:font-family "open_sans" :src "url('../fonts/OpenSans-Regular-webfont.woff') format('woff')" :font-weight "normal" :font-style "normal"})

Adds the given font-face definition to DOM.
Properties are given in the same form as Garden accepts them.

(stylefy/font-face {:font-family "open_sans"
                    :src "url('../fonts/OpenSans-Regular-webfont.woff') format('woff')"
                    :font-weight "normal"
                    :font-style "normal"})
sourceraw docstring


(init options)

Initialises stylefy.

Internally checks cache once and starts checking if new styles need to be added into the DOM as CSS classes.

The following options are supported: use-caching? If true, caches the generated CSS code using localstorage so that future page loads work faster. Defaults to false. Also check :cache-options. cache-options A map which can contain the following keywords: expires Number of seconds after the cache is cleared automatically. For example, value 604800 clears the cache after one week. By default, the cache is never cleared automatically. You can also clear the cache manually by calling stylefy.cache/clear. global-vendor-prefixes A map containing a set of ::stylefy/vendors and ::stylefy/auto-prefix properties. These properties are globally prefixed in all CSS code.

Initialises stylefy.

Internally checks cache once and starts checking if new styles need to be added into
the DOM as CSS classes.

The following options are supported:
  use-caching?              If true, caches the generated CSS code using localstorage
                            so that future page loads work faster. Defaults to false.
                            Also check :cache-options.
  cache-options             A map which can contain the following keywords:
    expires                 Number of seconds after the cache is cleared automatically.
                            For example, value 604800 clears the cache after one week.
                            By default, the cache is never cleared automatically.
                            You can also clear the cache manually by calling stylefy.cache/clear.
  global-vendor-prefixes    A map containing a set of ::stylefy/vendors and
                            ::stylefy/auto-prefix properties.
                            These properties are globally prefixed in all CSS code.
sourceraw docstring


(keyframes identifier & frames)

Adds the given keyframe definition to DOM. Identifier is the name of the keyframes. Frames are given in the same form as Garden accepts them.

Example: (stylefy/keyframes "simple-animation" [:from {:opacity 0}] [:to {:opacity 1}])

Adds the given keyframe definition to DOM.
Identifier is the name of the keyframes.
Frames are given in the same form as Garden accepts them.

(stylefy/keyframes "simple-animation"
                     {:opacity 0}]
                     {:opacity 1}])
sourceraw docstring


(prepare-styles styles)

Will convert the given styles and their sub-styles to CSS and add them into the DOM immediately, all at once.

Normally, when you call use-style, the given style is converted to CSS and will be added into the DOM very soon. Until then, the style is returned as inline style, except if it cannot be present as inline style (it contains some specific modes and media queries). In this purpose, it can be useful to ask stylefy to prepare certain styles before they are used in a component. This way, components using these styles can start using CSS classes and media queries immediately.

This function should be called when a component is going to be created (in :component-will-mount lifecycle method).

Will convert the given styles and their sub-styles to CSS
and add them into the DOM immediately, all at once.

Normally, when you call use-style, the given style is converted to CSS and will
be added into the DOM very soon. Until then, the style is returned as inline style, except
if it cannot be present as inline style (it contains some specific modes and media queries).
In this purpose, it can be useful to ask stylefy to prepare
certain styles before they are used in a component. This way, components using these styles
can start using CSS classes and media queries immediately.

This function should be called when a component is going to be created
(in :component-will-mount lifecycle method).
sourceraw docstring


(sub-style style & sub-styles)

Returns sub-style for a given style.

Returns sub-style for a given style.
sourceraw docstring


(tag name properties)

Creates a CSS selector for the given tag and properties. Normally you should let stylefy convert your style maps to unique CSS classes by calling use-style, instead of creating tag selectors. However, custom tag styles can be useful for setting styles on base elements, like html or body.

Example: (stylefy/tag "code" {:background-color "lightyellow"})

Creates a CSS selector for the given tag and properties.
Normally you should let stylefy convert your style maps to unique CSS classes by calling
use-style, instead of creating tag selectors. However, custom tag styles
can be useful for setting styles on base elements, like html or body.

(stylefy/tag "code"
              {:background-color "lightyellow"})
sourceraw docstring


(use-style style)
(use-style style options)

Defines a style for a component by converting the given style map in to an unique CSS class, and returning a pointer (a map with :class keyword) to it so that the component can use it.

Calling use-style does not immediately add the generated CSS class to DOM, because doing this in a single render would slow everything down if use-style is called multiple times. If the style has not been added into the DOM yet, it also returns the given props as inline style, so that the component looks good even if CSS class has not been generated yet.

Important exception: if the style contains specific modes or media query definitions, {:style {:visibility "hidden"}} is returned until the DOM is ready. This is done because these definitions cannot be present as inline style. If this is a problem, see prepare-styles function.

The given 'style' parameter is a map which contains CSS style properties (as supported by Garden library). There can also be special namespaced keywords along with the style definitions:

::sub-styles Makes it possible to define a named style map inside of the main style map. The contents of ::sub-styles should be a map, in which keys define the name of the sub-style and values contain the style properties. Sub-styles are nothing special, they are supposed to contain the same contents as the main style map. ::sub-styles helps you to define styles that are closely related to the main style map but do not deserve their own 'def'. ::mode A map in which keys are mode names and values are style properties. Internally all modes are converted to CSS pseudoclasses. You can use any mode name that is a valid CSS speudoclass. ::media A map in which keys are maps presenting CSS media query definitions, and values are style maps which are used when the media query is active. ::vendors A vector of vendor prefixes that are used with ::auto-prefix. ::auto-prefix A set of style properties that should be prefixed with ::vendors. ::with-classes A collection of additional class names that should always be used with this style definition.

Options is an optional map, which contains HTML attributes (:class, :href, :src etc.). It can also contain the the following features:

::with-classes DEPRECATED. A vector of additional class names used with the current style. Deprecated since version 1.3.0: The options map can now contain any HTML attributes. Thus, you can just use :class instead of ::with-classes.

Defines a style for a component by converting the given style map in to an unique CSS class,
and returning a pointer (a map with :class keyword) to it so that the component can use it.

Calling use-style does not immediately add the generated CSS class to DOM, because doing this
in a single render would slow everything down if use-style is called multiple times.
If the style has not been added into the DOM yet, it also returns the given props as inline style, so that
the component looks good even if CSS class has not been generated yet.

Important exception: if the style contains specific modes or media query definitions,
{:style {:visibility "hidden"}} is returned until the DOM is ready.
This is done because these definitions cannot be present as inline style.
If this is a problem, see prepare-styles function.

The given 'style' parameter is a map which contains CSS style properties
(as supported by Garden library). There can also be special namespaced keywords
along with the style definitions:

::sub-styles        Makes it possible to define a named style map inside of the main style map.
                    The contents of ::sub-styles should be a map,
                    in which keys define the name of the sub-style and
                    values contain the style properties.
                    Sub-styles are nothing special, they are supposed to contain the same contents
                    as the main style map. ::sub-styles helps you to define styles that are closely
                    related to the main style map but do not deserve their own 'def'.
::mode              A map in which keys are mode names and values are style properties.
                    Internally all modes are converted to CSS pseudoclasses. You can use any mode name
                    that is a valid CSS speudoclass.
::media             A map in which keys are maps presenting CSS media query definitions, and values
                    are style maps which are used when the media query is active.
::vendors           A vector of vendor prefixes that are used with ::auto-prefix.
::auto-prefix       A set of style properties that should be prefixed with ::vendors.
::with-classes      A collection of additional class names that should always be used with
                    this style definition.

Options is an optional map, which contains HTML attributes (:class, :href, :src etc.).
It can also contain the the following features:

::with-classes       DEPRECATED. A vector of additional class names used with the current style.
                     Deprecated since version 1.3.0: The options map can now contain
                     any HTML attributes. Thus, you can just use :class instead of ::with-classes.
sourceraw docstring


(use-sub-style style sub-style)
(use-sub-style style sub-style options)

Defines style for a component using sub-style.

The style and options are the same as you would use with use-style. sub-style is the name of the sub-stale in the given style map.

If you have a deeper sub-style nesting, ie. you want to get a sub-style from sub-style, take a look at sub-style function.

Defines style for a component using sub-style.

The style and options are the same as you would use with use-style.
sub-style is the name of the sub-stale in the given style map.

If you have a deeper sub-style nesting, ie. you want to get a sub-style from sub-style,
take a look at sub-style function.
sourceraw docstring

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