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[0.14.0] 2021-04-15


  • More sync interceptors:
    • sync-form-path, use form buffer data for params and route params
    • sync-data-path, performs get-in on db and merged in to params and route-params
  • stcu/move-keys for smuggling top-level keys into a nested map
  • stnu/route, stnu/params, stnu/route-name route helpers


  • New, simpler validation system. Form flow is now only responsible for recording input events; it's not responsible for handling the logic of validating and placing errors in the :errors key. Forms no longer take a :validate key. Instead, they take a :dscr-sub key which should be a subscription. The subscription should be multi-arity; when it receivs a form path, it should describe the form as a whole. When it receives form path and attr-path, it should describe the attr.

    The notion of "description" is a better separation of concerns: the subscription is a view of the form, and it can be any function. It's more flexible than just validation, because sometimes you want to describe the form or attrs beyond just "has error". Sometimes it's "is valid", sometimes it's "upload complete", sometimes it's "username available".

    The form field component helper has been updated to display descriptions.

    A new namespace, sweet-tooth.frontend.form.describe, was added with a default description sub, ::stored-errors, which simply return any errors stored in a form. It also includes reg-describe-validation-sub, which creates a subscription that's meant to capture a common pattern of only showing errors when a user attempts to submit a form. In the future, this ns will include additional helpers, e.g. one that will display error messages for an input when it receivs a blur.

  • renamed on-submit-handler to submit-fn for brevity, plus updated submit-fn to allow for a couple sugared inputs

  • update signature of route lifecycle guards (:can-exit? etc) to [db existing-route new-route]

  • event handler merging for form components. If you supply a handler that has a framework default, like :on-changed, the handler default will be passed in as the second argument and the input's opts as the third


  • removed stnf/*-with-route-params, which was used to add frontend route params to a sync request. that functionality is now possible with stsf/get {:rules #{merge-route-params}}. The removed handlers weren't compatible with the rest of the sync interceptors, like :once


  • :select input component has a default :format-read that relaces nil with ""
  • nav flow lifecycle correctly now only calls :can-exit? on existing route and :can-enter? on new route
  • fixed bug with recording input events for nested attr paths

[0.13.3] 2020-11-08


  • sweet-tooth.frontend.nav.utils/routed-entity-form, helper that returns form for routed entity
  • :sweet-tooth.frontend.core.flow/remove-entity handler
  • broke out form sync subs to sweet-tooth.frontend.form.components/form-sync-subs
  • sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.flow/sync-subs
  • sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.flow/remove-req
  • sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.flow/remove-reqs - filter many reqs by key and value
  • ::stsf/remove-reqs handler that calls above
  • ::stsf/remove-reqs-by-route-and-method creates filters for above to remove reqs that match sets of methods and route names
  • added stsf/sync-req->sync-event to avoid awkward composition of generating a function and immediately applying it, which was necessary with stsf/sync-fx
  • added stsf/sync-req->dispatch


  • Made sync behavior more modular with interceptors. Can add :rules to sync options, including:
    • :once only sync when there is no existing sync with a :success status
    • :merge-route-params merges in route params
    • :when-not-active only sync if there is not an existing, active sync (prevents form double submit for example)
  • Added :entity-path key to sync options. When specified, will look up entity at path and use it for :route-params and :params of a request.
  • Made "reitit could not generate path" warning less noisy
  • allow nil sync responses
  • renamed stsf/sync-fx to stsf/sync-fx-handler
  • renamed stsf/sync-once-fx to stsf/sync-once-fx-handler

[0.13.2] 2020-09-06


  • Fixed :$ctx reference in sync flow success
  • checkbox input uses :checked instead of :default-checked so its controlled

[0.13.1] 2020-07-03


  • sweet-tooth.frontend.routes/route: get a route from the frontend router


  • When nav flow doesn't find a path's route, it attempts to use a ::stnf/not-found route
  • sweet-tooth.frontend.routes.protocol/route can now take a route name
  • sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.dispatch.ajax/request-methods now includes all supported request methods
  • sync requests now have a default 503 handler specifically
  • project name from sweet-tooth/sweet-tooth-frontend to sweet-tooth/frontend

[0.13.0] 2020-05-24


  • Can now specify :method as a sync opt, further allowing the request signature (name) to diverge from the sync calls

  • Cleaned up form macro, getting rid of unnecessary duplication

  • added :default-on to sync opts to eliminate the need to always have to specify the default handlers whenever you want to have custom sync handlers. If you need to treat default handlers in some custom way you can do something like:

    {:default-on {:success :skip}
     :on         {:success [[:first :event]
                            [::stsf/default-sync-success :$ctx]
                            [:next :event]]}

    But you're probably better off just writing a named handler.

[0.12.7] 2020-05-10


  • sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.flow/sync-entity-req: use like (sync-entity-req :put :comment {:id 1 :content \"comment\"}). Handles common case of just wanting to sync an entity by associating the entity into the :route-params and :params sync options.
  • :sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.flow/sync-entity handler
  • :sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.flow/sync-entity-once handler
  • :sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.flow/sync-unless-active handler, now used by sweet-tooth.frontend.form.flow/submit-form to prevent double form submission
  • :sweet-tooth.frontend.nav.flow/navigate-route handler, allows you to navigate using route data instead of a path string


  • Input component options weren't getting applied correctly

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