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[0.10.1] WIP


  • added MIT license


  • specify init-keys in sweet-tooth.endpoint.system/system
  • spec out sweet-tooth.endpoint.system

[0.10.0] 2020-06-01


  • renamed :coll and :ent reitit router expanders to :collection and :member. Less ambiguous, and :member is more meaningful, especially when paired with :collection.

[0.9.5] 2020-06-01


  • added :sweet-tooth.endpoint.system/mocked-component-opts option for shrubbery mocks to pass through opts to the mocked component

[0.9.4] 2020-06-01


  • endpoint decision maps can now be keyed by path instead of by expander type. These both work:

    {:coll {:get {:handle-ok [}}}
    {"/" {:get {:handle-ok [}}}

[0.9.3] 2020-05-28


  • warning logging when liberator decisions aren't configured correctly


  • sweet-tooth.endpoint.test.harness/assert-response-contains-one-entity-like fixed bug with multiple arities
  • sweet-tooth.endpoint.test.harness/assert-response-contains-entity-like fixed bug with multiple arities

[0.9.2] 2020-05-28


  • Fixed sweet-tooth.endpoint.test.harness/contains-entity? - it wasn't transforming the response data correctly in order to perform the desired comparison.


  • sweet-tooth.endpoint.test.harness/contains-entity?. The assert macros are generally more useful but this function still comes in handy. Maybe show a little more restraint with the deprecation hammer next time, Daniel.

[0.9.1] 2020-05-23


  • Updated middleware so that responses would both return segment-formatted exceptions and print logs


  • docs docs docs
  • componentized ring stacktrace log middleware


  • Fixed formatting bug where mixing ents of different types in the same vector didn't work


  • the module has proved unnecessary
  • functions for creating compojure routes in sweet-tooth.endpoint.liberator. If those get reintroduced they can have their own ns, as reitit does

[0.9.0] 2020-05-16


  • An extensible way to provide component alternatives using the component's configuration. Implemented with the sweet-tooth.endpoint.system/init-key-alternative multimethod, dispatching on the :sweet-tooth.endpoint.system/init-key-alternative key in a component's configuration.
  • A new way to mock components using sweet-tooth.endpoint.system/shrubbery-mock


  • Previous mocking implementations, sweet-tooth.endpoint.mock and sweet-tooth.endpoint.module.mock. These were OK but the module approach was confusing.

[0.8.3] 2020-05-10


  • Added missing ent-type argument to sweet-tooth.endpoint.test.harness/assert-response-contains-one-entity

[0.8.2] 2020-05-10


  • sweet-tooth.endpoint.test.harness/assert-response-contains-one-entity-like a macro for nicer assertions against an API endpoint response. Should only be used with endpoints that return a single entity. Advantage is that it uses (is (= ...)) so you can see the diff between expected and actual.
  • sweet-tooth.endpoint.test.harness/assert-response-contains-entity-like similar to above. assert that one entity among all returned contains specified k/v pairs


  • sweet-tooth.endpoint.routes.reitit/expand-routes added a third argument, keywordize-ig-refs-cljs, a boolean defaulting to true that controls whether integrant.core.Ref types are replaced with the keyword they refer to in cljs compilation. Integrant refs almost always refer to backend components, and replacing them with keywords makes it easier to use the value returned by expaned-routes directly in frontend code.
  • Spec'd and documented sweet-tooth.endpoint.routes.reitit
  • sweet-tooth.endpoint.system/system not uses a custom init function that differs from ig/init in that, when a component's config has Replacement record, that record's :component key is used and the actual init-key method is not called for that component


  • sweet-tooth.endpoint.test.harness/contains-entity? - use sweet-tooth.endpoint.test.harness/assert-response-contains-* macros instead

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