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[0.13.0] 2020-05-24


  • Can now specify :method as a sync opt, further allowing the request signature (name) to diverge from the sync calls

  • Cleaned up form macro, getting rid of unnecessary duplication

  • added :default-on to sync opts to eliminate the need to always have to specify the default handlers whenever you want to have custom sync handlers. If you need to treat default handlers in some custom way you can do something like:

    {:default-on {:success :skip}
     :on         {:success [[:first :event]
                            [::stsf/default-sync-success :$ctx]
                            [:next :event]]}

    But you're probably better off just writing a named handler.

[0.12.7] 2020-05-10


  • sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.flow/sync-entity-req: use like (sync-entity-req :put :comment {:id 1 :content \"comment\"}). Handles common case of just wanting to sync an entity by associating the entity into the :route-params and :params sync options.
  • :sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.flow/sync-entity handler
  • :sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.flow/sync-entity-once handler
  • :sweet-tooth.frontend.sync.flow/sync-unless-active handler, now used by sweet-tooth.frontend.form.flow/submit-form to prevent double form submission
  • :sweet-tooth.frontend.nav.flow/navigate-route handler, allows you to navigate using route data instead of a path string


  • Input component options weren't getting applied correctly

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