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(is-comment-row? {:keys [type]})


(line-terminators->trie terminator-strings)


(make-row row-content source-row-num {:keys [commentPrefix] :as options})


(make-row-contents-seq input-stream options)


(make-row-seq input-stream options)


(make-tabular-reader stream {:keys [encoding] :as options})


(maybe-char-at s index)


(parse-cell-double-quote row-content
                         {:keys [quoteChar delimiter] :as options})

Parses a tabular cell within a file where the escape and quote character are the same, starting from a given index in a source row string. Returns a map containing the raw cell contents and the string index following the cell within the source string. The index will be one past the end of the string if the cell is the last one within the row.

Parses a tabular cell within a file where the escape and quote
character are the same, starting from a given index in a source row
string. Returns a map containing the raw cell contents and the
string index following the cell within the source string. The index
will be one past the end of the string if the cell is the last one
within the row.
raw docstring


(parse-cell-escape row-content
                   {:keys [escapeChar quoteChar delimiter trim-mode]
                    :as options})

Parses a tabular cell within a file where the escape and quote character are different, starting from a given index in a source row string. Returns a map containing the raw cell contents and the string index following the cell within the source string. The index will be one past the end of the string if the cell is the last one within the row.

Parses a tabular cell within a file where the escape and quote
character are different, starting from a given index in a source row
string. Returns a map containing the raw cell contents and the
string index following the cell within the source string. The index
will be one past the end of the string if the cell is the last one
within the row.
raw docstring


(parse-row-cells row-content
                 {:keys [escapeChar quoteChar delimiter trim-mode] :as options})

Parses the cells within a single tabular row and trims them according to the dialect trim mode.

Parses the cells within a single tabular row and trims them according
to the dialect trim mode.
raw docstring

(read-next-row-content reader escape-char quote-char line-terminator-trie)


(read-quoted-value reader escape-char quote-char)


(read-rows csv-source dialect)

Returns a lazy sequence of CSV rows from the underlying reader. The row records contain the source row number (reader is initially assumed to be positioned on row 1), the parsed content and cells along with any comment. Rows are classified as comments or data rows containing cell data. Cell data values are trimmed according to the trim-mode specified by the options.

Returns a lazy sequence of CSV rows from the underlying reader. The row records contain
the source row number (reader is initially assumed to be positioned on row 1), the parsed
content and cells along with any comment. Rows are classified as comments or data rows containing
cell data. Cell data values are trimmed according to the trim-mode specified by the options.
raw docstring


(read-tabular-source csv-source dialect)


(row-content-iterator reader {:keys [quoteChar escapeChar lineTerminators]})


(row-contents->rows row-contents options)

Converts a sequence of row contents into a sequence of rows

Converts a sequence of row contents into a sequence of rows
raw docstring


(row-contents-seq reader options)


(trim-cell value trim-mode)


(try-read-line-terminator reader trie)

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