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A Clojure wrapper for the family of Java Socket classes




For running examples, be sure to look in the examples directory. The servers can be run with the following:

$ lein run -m examples.udp.echo-server.server


$ lein run -m examples.udp.quote-server.server

You can use nc (netcat) to connect to these:

$ nc -u localhost 15099

In addition, the quote server example has a client:

$ lein run -m examples.udp.quote-server.client


The following were taken from the examples mentioned above; for the full context, please see that code.

Creating a datagram socket:

(require '[sockets.datagram.socket :as socket])

(def sock (socket/create))

Creating a datagram packet implicitly with receive:

(def pkt (socket/receive sock 256))

Using the update methods with a threading macro:

(require '[inet.address :as inet]
         '[sockets.datagram.packet :as packet])

(socket/send sock
             (-> (packet/create 1)
                 (packet/update-address (inet/create [127 0 0 1]))
                 (packet/update-port port)))


Copyright © 2017 BilloSystems, Ltd. Co.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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