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Protocols used to allow access to logging implementations. This namespace only need be used by those providing logging implementations to be consumed by the core api.

Protocols used to allow access to logging implementations.
This namespace only need be used by those providing logging
implementations to be consumed by the core api.
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Returns a Commons Logging-based implementation of the LoggerFactory protocol, or nil if not available.

Returns a Commons Logging-based implementation of the LoggerFactory protocol, or
nil if not available.
sourceraw docstring


A Logger that is not enabled and does nothing on write.

A Logger that is not enabled and does nothing on write.
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A LoggerFactory that always provides the disabled-logger.

A LoggerFactory that always provides the disabled-logger.
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Returns the first non-nil value from slf4j-factory, cl-factory, log4j2-factory, log4j-factory, and jul-factory.

Returns the first non-nil value from slf4j-factory, cl-factory,
log4j2-factory, log4j-factory, and jul-factory.
sourceraw docstring



Returns a java.util.logging-based implementation of the LoggerFactory protocol, or nil if not available.

Returns a java.util.logging-based implementation of the LoggerFactory protocol,
or nil if not available.
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Returns a Log4j-based implementation of the LoggerFactory protocol, or nil if not available.

Returns a Log4j-based implementation of the LoggerFactory protocol, or nil if
not available.
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Returns a Log4j2-based implementation of the LoggerFactory protocol, or nil if not available.

Returns a Log4j2-based implementation of the LoggerFactory protocol, or nil if
not available.
sourceraw docstring


The protocol through which the core api will interact with an underlying logging implementation. Implementations should at least support the six standard logging levels if they wish to work from the level-specific macros.

The protocol through which the core api will interact with an underlying logging
implementation.  Implementations should at least support the six standard
logging levels if they wish to work from the level-specific macros.


(enabled? logger level)

Check if a particular level is enabled for the given Logger.

Check if a particular level is enabled for the given Logger.


(write! logger level throwable message)

Writes a log message to the given Logger.

Writes a log message to the given Logger.
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The protocol through which the core api will obtain an instance satisfying Logger as well as providing information about the particular implementation being used. Implementations should be bound to logger-factory in order to be picked up by this library.

The protocol through which the core api will obtain an instance satisfying Logger
as well as providing information about the particular implementation being used.
Implementations should be bound to *logger-factory* in order to be picked up by
this library.


(get-logger factory logger-ns)

Returns an implementation-specific Logger by namespace.

Returns an implementation-specific Logger by namespace.


(name factory)

Returns some text identifying the underlying implementation.

Returns some text identifying the underlying implementation.
sourceraw docstring



Returns a SLF4J-based implementation of the LoggerFactory protocol, or nil if not available.

Returns a SLF4J-based implementation of the LoggerFactory protocol, or nil if
not available.
sourceraw docstring

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