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Postgres based background processing worker system thing.

Built on top of next.jdbc, hikari-cp, hugsql and

:warning: Definitely not usable yet, see dev-resources/taskmaster/ directory for samples and examples

Recommended environment:

  • Linux
  • Postgres 11
  • JDK 11
  • Clojure 1.10.1

But will probably work with Postgres 9.6, Clojure 1.9 and JDK 8.


Database setup

You'll need a Postgres server, and a databsae created. Then you can create the necessary jobs table structure:

(taskmaster.operation/create-jobs-table! jdbc-connection)

:warning: This has to run before you start any consumers, as they will attempt to fetch any unprocessed jobs while starting!

Now you can define your consumer, and a callback function which will process each job. If processing is done, return :taskmaster.operation/ack qualified symbol. If not, return :taskmaster.operation/reject.

That will keep the failed job data in the jobs table so that you can:

  • requeue it by setting run_out column to 0
  • implement a garbage collector and delete them some other time

(defn callback [{:keys [payload]}]
  (if (do/some-other-work payload)

Let's define a consumer:

(def consumer
  (taskmaster.queue/start! jdbc-conn {:queue-name "do_work_yo"
                                      :callback callback
                                      :concurrency 3}))

Consumer will spin up 1 listener thread to be notified about new reocrds being inserted matching the queue name and 3 threads to process these jobs, in parallel, one at a time.

Now let's queue up some jobs:

(taskmaster.queue/put! jdbc-conn {:queue-name "do_work_yo" :payload {:send-email ""}})

By default, job payloads are stored as JSON and Taskmaster is setup to serialize/deserialize it using Cheshire.

Next steps

That's it, you can now add other fun things like:

  • use the middleware pattern to add instrumentation and error reporting
  • spin up multiple consumers to consume from many "queues"
  • add some sort of schema validation when pushing/pulling data off the queue


Recommended way is to use a Component approach, but it's not stricly necessary:

(require '[ :as c]
         '[taskmaster.component :as com]
         '[ :as log]
         '[com.stuartsierra.component :as component])

(def qs (atom []))

;; `component` is the whole consumer component here - so you have access to its' dependencies
(defn callback [{:keys [id queue-name payload component] :as job}]
  (log/infof "got-job t=%s q=%s %s" component queue-name payload)
  (swap! qs conj id)
  (log/info (count (set @qs)))
  (let [res   (if (and (:some-number payload) (even? (:some-number payload)))
    (log/info res)

(def system
  {:db-conn (c/make-one)
   :consumer (component/using
              (com/create-consumer {:queue-name "t3"
                                    :callback callback
                                    :concurrency 2})
              [:db-conn :some-thing])
   :some-thing {:some :thing}
   :publisher (component/using

(def SYS
  (component/start-system (component/map->SystemMap system)))

(com/put! (:publisher SYS) {:queue-name "t3" :payload {:some-number 2}})

(component/stop SYS)

How does this work?

There are three core parts:

  • Postgres' LISTEN / NOTIFY triggers and functions
  • an internal j.u.c ConcurrentLinkedQueue
  • Postgres' select ... FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED

When the job table is setup, there's a trigger added to send NOTIFY whenever a new record is inserted. Then Taskmaster sets up a listener to receive pings whenever inserts happen. These pings are sent over a ConcurrentLinkedQueue to a pool of threads, which pull all job payloads from the table via a transaction and ensure atomicity via SELECT ... FOR ... SKIP LOCKED.


  • [ ] non-deleting mode, where ackd jobs stay in the table, this is useful for reprocessing jobs or gathering some extra metrics
  • [ ] verify this actually works in production workloads
  • [ ] shed dependencies - atm it pulls in a lot of stuff from EnjoyHQ's open source projects - this will make Component dependency truly optional


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Copyright and License

Copyright © 2020 Łukasz Korecki All rights reserved. The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 which can be found at By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

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