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A wrapper over that also supports pushing tags in the dogstatsd format. It also includes a Ring middleware which instruments response times, HTTP response codes and throughput for your HTTP APIs.


Add [tech.gojek/meajurements "3.2.0"] to your dependencies. Call meajurements.core/setup once to configure the statsd host and port.

Basic reporting

Use the functions in meajurements.core to report metrics to statsd. Tags can optionally be passed as maps.

(require '[meajurements.core :as statsd])
(statsd/timing "foo-service.some-time"
(statsd/increment "foo-service.some-event.count"
                  {:app-name "foo-service"})
(statsd/gauge "foo-service.memory-usage" 500 {:app-name "foo-service"})

Ring middleware for instrumenting APIs

meajurements.ring has a middleware that will instrument response times and throughput per response code for your HTTP APIs.

Wrap your handler with meajurements.ring/wrap-statsd-reporting with a metric prefix and an API name to report metrics to statsd.

Example using bidi:

(require '[meajurements.ring :as statsd-ring])

(def ^:private routes
  ;; Wrap your handler and give it a name
  ["/" {"ping" (statsd-ring/wrap-statsd-reporting (constantly {:status 200
                                                               :body   "pong"})
                                                  "my-app" "ping")}])

(def handler (-> routes

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Sandilya Jandhyala, sezaljain & Ashwin Bhaskar
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