Ziggurat is a framework built to simplify Multi-Stream processing on Kafka. It can be used to create a full-fledged Clojure app that reads and processes messages from Kafka. Ziggurat is built with the intent to abstract out
- reading messages from Kafka
- retrying failed messages
- setting up an HTTP server
from a clojure application such that a user only needs to pass a function that will be mapped to every message recieved from Kafka.
Refer concepts to understand the concepts referred to in this document.
(For mac users only)
Install leiningen: brew install leiningen
Install Rabbitmq: brew install rabbitmq
Start Rabbitmq: brew services run rabbitmq
: ensure the default user-id and password for rabbitmq is guest
Run tests: lein test
Add this to your project.clj
[tech.gojek/ziggurat "2.9.1"]
To start a stream (a thread that reads messages from Kafka), add this to your core namespace.
(require '[ziggurat.init :as ziggurat])
(defn start-fn []
;; your logic that runs at startup goes here
(defn stop-fn []
;; your logic that runs at shutdown goes here
(defn main-fn
(println message)
(ziggurat/main start-fn stop-fn {:stream-id {:handler-fn main-fn}})
The main-fn is the function that will be applied to every message that is read from the Kafka stream.
The main-fn returns a keyword which can be any of the below words
The start-fn is run at the application startup and can be used to initialize connection to databases, http clients, thread-pools, etc.
The stop-fn is run at shutdown and facilitates graceful shutdown, for example, releasing db connections, shutting down http servers etc.
Ziggurat enables reading from multiple streams and applying same/different functions to the messages. :stream-id
is a unique identifier per stream. All configs, queues and metrics will be namespaced under this id.
(ziggurat/main start-fn stop-fn {:stream-id-1 {:handler-fn main-fn-1}
:stream-id-2 {:handler-fn main-fn-2}})
(require '[ziggurat.init :as ziggurat])
(defn start-fn []
;; your logic that runs at startup goes here
(defn stop-fn []
;; your logic that runs at shutdown goes here
(defn handler-function [_request]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "application/json"}
:body (get-resource)})
(def routes [["v1/resources" {:get handler-function}]])
(defn main-fn
(println message)
(ziggurat/main start-fn stop-fn {:stream-id {:handler-fn main-fn}} routes)
Ziggurat also sets up a HTTP server by default and you can pass in your own routes that it will serve. The above example demonstrates how you can pass in your own route.
All Ziggurat configs should be in your clonfig
under the :ziggurat
{:ziggurat {:app-name "application_name"
:nrepl-server {:port [7011 :int]}
:stream-router {:stream-id {:application-id "kafka_consumer_id"
:bootstrap-servers "kafka-broker-1:6667,Kafka-broker-2:6667"
:stream-threads-count [1 :int]
:origin-topic "kafka-topic-*"
:oldest-processed-message-in-s [604800 :int]
:proto-class "proto-class"}}
:datadog {:host "localhost"
:port [8125 :int]
:enabled [false :bool]}
:sentry {:enabled [false :bool]
:dsn "dummy"
:worker-count [5 :int]
:queue-size [5 :int]
:thread-termination-wait-s [1 :int]}
:rabbit-mq-connection {:host "localhost"
:port [5672 :int]
:prefetch-count [3 :int]
:username "guest"
:password "guest"
:channel-timeout [2000 :int]}
:rabbit-mq {:delay {:queue-name "application_name_delay_queue"
:exchange-name "application_name_delay_exchange"
:dead-letter-exchange "application_name_instant_exchange"
:queue-timeout-ms [5000 :int]}
:instant {:queue-name "application_name_instant_queue"
:exchange-name "application_name_instant_exchange"}
:dead-letter {:queue-name "application_name_dead_letter_queue"
:exchange-name "application_name_dead_letter_exchange"}}
:retry {:count [5 :int]
:enabled [false :bool]}
:jobs {:instant {:worker-count [4 :int]
:prefetch-count [4 :int]}}
:http-server {:port [8010 :int]
:thread-count [100 :int]}}}
Copyright 2018, GO-JEK Tech <http://gojek.tech>
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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