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A core assertion made in the initial paper was the extension of the above concepts to a classical n-dimensions numeric computing language of the type of J or APL. We now demonstrate our proof of this assertion. For our proof, we will mainly talk about the functional (reader) part of the tensor system. The writer part, which is used more rarely and is less powerful, follows logically from same principles.

Extension To N-Dimensions

Starting from a random access reader interface, our goal is to create a system that allows computation to occurn in a N-dimensional system. In essence, where most libraries start from a concrete known storage datatype such as a primitive array, we start from an abstract interface. Given that all memory access can be modeled in this fashion we then note that we must be able to present an n-dimensional interface upon this basis.

We can design our extension such that it only presents a remapping of the linear address space. We will need the inverse of this operation for sparse tensors so the mapping needs to be invertible. All reorganizations of the data can be represented by this remapping of the address space and we present 4 of them:

  1. reshape - starting at same base address, change the shape of the item in a way independent of the previous shape but respecting previous strides.
  2. select - Select a subset of the hyper rectangle to operate on. This subset may or may not be contiguous.
  3. transpose - Reorder the dimensions to effect a generalized in-place transposition.
  4. broadcast - Duplicate some dimensions in a known way. For our purposes, the duplicated dimension must evenly divide a.k.a. be commensurate with the broadcast dimension.
  5. rotation - rotate a dimension forward or backward.

We represent our mapping as a tuple of [shape strides] where shape and stride are an array of integers and both are of the same length. Stride represents the amount to 'skip' between successive elements of the same dimension. Thus a 2x2 matrix would have dimensions of {:shape [2 2] :strides [2 1]}. An in-place transpose of [1 0] of this results in a dimension object of {:shape [2 2] :strides [1 2]}.

Mapping from global to local given an input address of n-dims size is a dot product between the strides and the input address resulting in a linear local address. Given a linear local address we can perform the inverse operation first ordering the object in natural stride order (largest to smallest) and then successively dividing and modulating the address:

    (loop [idx 0
           addr addr]
      (if (< idx n-elems)
        (let [local-stride (.read strides idx)
              shape-idx (quot addr local-stride)
              local-shape (.read shape idx)]
          (if (< shape-idx local-shape)
              (let [shape-idx (- shape-idx (.read offsets idx))
                    shape-idx (if (< shape-idx 0)
                                (+ shape-idx local-shape)
                (.append retval-mut (int shape-idx))
                (recur (unchecked-inc idx) (rem addr local-stride))))
            (recur n-elems addr)))
        [(= 0 addr) retval]))

Once we have the non-transposed result, if a transpose operator was applied to the global dimension object we can transpose the result and get the correct dimensions back.

We now define a global linear address space which as the same number of elements as the shape and is represented by iterating through the entire shape in row-major format. For the initial dimension object, the mapping from the global address space to the local address space is the identity function. For the transposed object the mapping from global address space to local address space is slightly more complex but can be achieved by a successive modulation/divide like operation. We do need to reverse the shape and strides and for now assume max-shape is substitutable by shape:

(loop [idx (long 0)
       arg (long arg)
       offset (long 0)]
  (if (< idx n-dims)
    (let [next-max (aget rev-max-shape idx)
          next-stride (aget rev-strides idx)
          next-dim (aget rev-shape idx)
          next-off (aget rev-offsets idx)
          shape-idx (rem (+ arg next-off) next-dim)]
      (recur (inc idx)
             (quot arg next-max)
             (+ offset (* next-stride shape-idx))))

These three operations form the foundation of the necessary basis to map from n-dimensional tensor space to a linear address space. The inverse operation (local->global) is required so that sparse optimizations can apply in tensor space.

Going back to our original set of operations, select of a row can be achieved by simply offsetting our initial buffer (the sub-buffer operation) and removing the outer initial or 'larger' dimension resulting in a dimension object of {:shape [2] :strides [1]}. Select of a column can be achieved by offsetting the intial buffer and removing the 'smaller' dimension, resulting in a dimension object of {:shape [2] :strides [2]}. It is important to note that this changes the local->global address space translation such that not all local address exist in global space thus making the translation itself sparse. Select may also take an array as a dimension thus making address generation dependent on the contents of the array. This allows arbitrary reordering and is the n-dimensional equivalent of an indexed-reader. It forces a secondary lookup in the global->local case and a linear search in the local->global case but in both global->local and the inverse are still available.

Reshape can always be achieved by some combination of sub-buffer and simply replacing the dimension object entirely.

Broadcasting is achieved by the addition of a max-shape element to our dimension object and slight changes to our transformation functions. For our purposes we know that the max-shape element has the same number of entries as our shape but each enty is greater than or equal to the shape and each entry is evenly divided by the respective shape entry. This changes the global->local translation adding in modulation operations where appropriate. It also changes the local->global translation in that now, a local address may represent multiple global addresses.

Rotation is achieved by adding or subtracting an appropriate offset to the address during global->local transation or vise versa respectively.

The final dimension object has at least 4 fields in the worst case: {:shape :strides :offsets :max-shape}. We can divine from this object the broadcast, rotation, or transposition operations that happened but we cannot divine the selection operations. Regardless, using this object in conjunction with a reader we can effectively operate in a space of N dimensions for any reasonable N. Note that because we have the inverse operations we can also implement sparse support throughout our system which as we talked about earlier can be defined in terms of a sparse set of indexes and an assocated data vector.

Using Tensors

user> (require '[tech.v2.datatype :as dtype])
:tech.resource.gc Reference thread starting
user> (require '[tech.v2.tensor :as tens])
user> (def first-tensor (tens/->tensor (->> (range 9)
                                            (partition 3))))
user> first-tensor
 {:datatype :float64, :backing-store [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0]},
 {:shape [3 3],
  :strides [3 1],
  :offsets [0 0],
  :max-shape [3 3],
    #object[tech.v2.tensor.dimensions$get_elem_dims_global$reify__48557 0x439da0d "tech.v2.tensor.dimensions$get_elem_dims_global$reify__48557@439da0d"]>,
    #object[tech.v2.tensor.dimensions$get_elem_dims_local$reify__48599 0x7c033cbe "tech.v2.tensor.dimensions$get_elem_dims_local$reify__48599@7c033cbe"]>},
 :buffer-type :tensor}
user> (println first-tensor)
#tech.v2.tensor<float64>[3 3]
[[0.000 1.000 2.000]
 [3.000 4.000 5.000]
 [6.000 7.000 8.000]]
user> (dtype/->vector first-tensor)
[0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0]
user> (vec (dtype/->reader-of-type first-tensor :int32))
[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]
user> (tens/->tensor first-tensor)
Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at tech.v2.datatype.base/eval34844$fn (base.cljc:256).
Don't know how to create ISeq from: clojure.lang.Keyword
user> (tens/->jvm first-tensor)
[[0.0 1.0 2.0] [3.0 4.0 5.0] [6.0 7.0 8.0]]
user> (def int-data (dtype/copy! first-tensor (int-array 9)))
user> int-data
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
user> (println (tens/transpose first-tensor [1 0]))
#tech.v2.tensor<float64>[3 3]
[[0.000 3.000 6.000]
 [1.000 4.000 7.000]
 [2.000 5.000 8.000]]
user> (println (tens/broadcast first-tensor [6 3]))
#tech.v2.tensor<float64>[6 3]
[[0.000 1.000 2.000]
 [3.000 4.000 5.000]
 [6.000 7.000 8.000]
 [0.000 1.000 2.000]
 [3.000 4.000 5.000]
 [6.000 7.000 8.000]]
user> (println (tens/rotate first-tensor [0 1]))
#tech.v2.tensor<float64>[3 3]
[[2.000 0.000 1.000]
 [5.000 3.000 4.000]
 [8.000 6.000 7.000]]
user> (println (tens/select first-tensor 1 :all))
[3.000 4.000 5.000]
user> (println (tens/select first-tensor :all 2))
[2.000 5.000 8.000]

user> (def sparse-tens (tens/new-tensor [1000 1000] :container-type :sparse))
user>  (:buffer sparse-tens)
{:b-offset 0,
 :b-elem-count 1000000,
 :sparse-value 0.0,
 :indexes [],
 :data [],
 :buffer-datatype :float64}


We present a simple extension and demonstrate some simple operations on dense and sparse data. The index space operations are in-place and work on an arbitrary number of dimensions. In this way, extending our base systems which already support dense and sparse buffers we can further support dense and sparse n-dimensional tensors.

A subset of the addressing scheme is implementable on gpu environments with or without more advanced compilation mechanisms. In fact, it is the scheme used by TVM and Halide for their buffer descriptions so it presents a very natural translation into those environments.

We can create readers and writers out of almost anything and thus we can use this indexing scheme with arbitrary data models not restricted to simple dense buffers of data. In that way we can project arbitrary data and build arbitrary algebras out of a relatively simple hierarchy of abstractions.

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