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Sequences And Arrays

Turing Machines and LISP

We start our discussion talking about the basis of what is computable and why. In the beginning, there was the Turing Machine and it was good. No one built an exact turing machine of course but the axioms developed for doing computions using a turing machine have proved to have a universal truth about them.

The first turing machine design had tape that you could scroll forward or backward and a finite state machine that controlled reading, scrolling, and moving this tape. This was sufficient to describe all of the computations that we know about in an abstract sense. This first turing machine relates closely to the type of sequence based programming we find in normal course of functional programming. Whether your favorite language is typed or not the base mechanics of how you do your computation are the same. Generally speaking, you have sequences, you have map, filter, and reduce. Adding in some minimal control logic and variable declaration and many computational problems seem to dissolve into fairly simple blocks of the above operations. We can add distinct (if we have some form of scalar memory along with sets) and group-by to this system but we cannot in fact efficiently add sort.

John McCarthy came along and in 1958 and invented LISP which is I think a beautiful language because it is based on simple principles build a complete turing machine. He had the insight to build the compiler in LISP and to make the boundaries between the compiler and the program blurry so that you could flow between programming the actual machine and extending the language itself via programming the compiler. LISP is homoiconic which means the language is completely described using datastructures and elements that exist within the language thus making programming the compiler via reading source code and transforming it is the same as reading in data to the program and transforming it via normal programming routines.

Math And Notation

Around the same time that McCarthy was working in LISP, Ken Iverson was getting a PhD from Harvard in mathematics. Ken was working under a legendary visionary and educator named Howard Aiken. Within months of finishing his PhD, Ken was asked by Aiken to prepare a course on doing business data processing.

During the development of the course, Ken realized that the mathematical notation that he was using was lacking in expressiveness so he designed new notation. Later, while working at IBM his team published two books: "A Programming Language" (APL) and "Automatic Data Processing." He and a team completed an initial working batch-mode implementation of the language in 1965 and a timeshare version in 1967. He received the Turing Award in 1979 and continued on to make the opensource J programming language.

APL is based on array programming; so you are dealing with contiguous groups of items. This has important implications and benefits. In fact, there are versions of Turing machines that have random access memory and you can show the two types of machines equivalent but in practice the two types of programming, sequence vs. array, tend to have different shapes.

The foundation of APL (A Programming Language) appears to be nearly completely different than LISP but I intend to show a natural progression from the familiar sequence based constructs of LISP that we all love to the N-dimensional constructs of APL-type languages.

One thing to keep in mind throughout all of this is the fact that regardless of how advanced the hardware underlying your computation system is, the thing it would like to be doing the most is the same thing, over and over again. APL had amazing performance working in very constrained environments precisely because the language is structured such that you do operations on hyper-rectangles of data instead of on one datum.

Toward Unification

Sequences of LISP

Throughout this discussion you will not see any language based security directives (public, private) as they are entirely irrelevant to this discussion.

We start by defining a what a sequence is. A sequence is an abstract interface that has two members, current and next. Current points to the current object in the sequence and next points to another sequence interface or nothing.

interface SequenceElement
  Object current();
  SequenceElement next();

interface Sequence
  SequenceElement first();

Should we get into a situation where we need to avoid boxing things, we have no choice but move to a mutable iterator. It should be noted that a mutable iterator is the clumsy approximation to a sequence that is forced by the necessity to deal with concrete types directly for efficiency concerns:

interface ByteIterator
  byte current();
  bool hasNext();
  byte nextByte();

interface ByteIterable
  ByteIterator iterator();

Note that we attempt the most minimal transformation from sequences to iterators. Note also that the iterator has a current member. This allows a simplification of algorithms as compared to using only nextByte as the algorithm itself does not need to store both the iterator and the current item. It also matches our sequence definition more precisely leading to a natural progression from sequences to iterators where efficiency concerns are beginning to dominate. For primitive types, the iterator interface producs 2 fewer objects per element so you have a significantly less amount of garbage generated via iterating through primitive types than you would via sequencing through them.

Given these two definitions we can expect a few things:

  • map, filter, etc. have lazy processing semantics
  • count realises the entire sequence
  • sort is not possible without another piece of engineering
  • reverse is O(N)

Arrays of APL

We now abstract the concept of an index-addressable storage into 2 interfaces, readers and writers.

interface Countable
  int size();

interface ByteReader extends Countable
  byte read(int idx);

interface ByteWriter extends Countable
  void writer(int idx, byte value);

In addition to these strongly typed interfaces, there are weakly typed bulk interfaces:

(defprotocol PSetConstant
  (set-constant! [item offset value elem-count]))

(defprotocol PWriteIndexes
  (write-indexes! [item indexes values options]))

(defprotocol PReadIndexes
  (read-indexes! [item indexes values options]))

Both share some level of interface and we have some expectations about them. For a lot of reasons, we use strongly typed interfaces where we have an efficiency concern and weakly typed interfaces elsewhere. Chatty, strongly typed interfaces are less ideal than bulk interfaces but we cannot always avoid using them. The peak performance of a chatty interface given the most sophisticated optimizations we know of is still far below the peak performance of a bulk interface regardless of typing if for nothing else than we have to pay for the cost of crossing the interface a large number of times.

We don't explicitly state anything about where read or write are getting/putting their data allowing us to map those interfaces to anything we like.

The reader concept is a natural extension of the sequence concept that allows us to implement algorithms that imply random access generically.

  • size is constant time
  • reverse is constant time
  • We now have binary-search, which gives us a rough version of sort
  • Analog of map is reader-map, which does the operation on read of each element
  • Reductions still only require iterators, creating an iterator from a reader is a constant time operation
  • Parallelizing operations across a range of integers is far easier (and more efficient) than implementing any form of parallel map
  • Given data and index readers, we can return a new reader that arbitrarily changes the order of the values in the original data reader
  • Concatenation produces a new reader in constant time

Moving to more sophisticated operations, we build arg versions of our usual paradigms. Arg means the operation returns results in index space:

  • binary-search - return tuple of [found? index] where if found is true, index points to where the element is and if found is false, index points to where one would call insert to produce a sorted sequence
  • argsort - return sorted list of indexes
  • argfilter - return a potentially shorter list of indexes based on a boolean operation
  • argmax, argmin, argcompare - Return index of the the min, max, item that compared the highest as compared to the rest of the items

Mutables - Arrays With Insert/Remove

An object that knows how to insert elements and is convertible in constant time to a reader that reads elements by index and a writer that writes to that indexed data store. This is neither a list nor a vector but Java called it a list and vector is heavily overloaded with other semantic definitions. insert can be called with the return of size and a new value and the result is the addition of the value to the end of the mutable and an increment to the return value of size.

interface MutableRemove
  void remove(int idx);

interface ByteMutable extends MutableRemove
  void insert(int index, byte value);

In addition to the strongly typed interface, we have bulk weakly typed interfaces:

(defprotocol PRemoveRange
  (remove-range! [item idx n-elems]))

(defprotocol PInsertBlock
  (insert-block! [item idx values options]))


We still need to define a storage mechanism. But with the above definitions, we can define a few purely in terms of the above elements but with different important properties. These properties include:

  • Backed by native malloc data
  • Implements mutable interfaces
  • Sparse expectation of data compression and algorithm optimization. Efficient conversion to CSR and CSC formats.
  • constant convertible in constant time to a tuple of {:java-array :offset :length}
  • constant convertible to a length-mutable datastructure.
  • constant convertible to a integer long value that can be used by native functions.

Container Rules

  1. We can formalize the operation of making a reader out of one container and a writer out of another and copying each element into a copy! operation. In this way we can efficiently copy data from one buffer into another in such a way as to sometimes offer System/arraycopy, memcpy, or dma-transfer as an optimization.
  2. We also formalize set-constant! operation such that it sometimes can be implemented with memset or dma-set.
  3. We add the ability to create sub buffers; a buffer that may be offset and have a shorter length (or both) than the parent buffer but still share the same backing store. This is an important property to both simplify algorithms (they do not have to have these aspects passed in as options) and to create 'pools' where we have a general large memory allocation and then reuse sub-portions of it for different potentially unrelated purposes.

These definitions allow some important optimizations especially if we expect this language to transfer to gpgpu or multi-gpgpu programming where all three of these rules apply albeit without the ability to directly make a reader/writer. We expect in those environments to have access to a dynamic compilation system similar to tvm and as such all variations can be implemented dynamically and efficiently with existing compiler technology.

Summary Of Part 1

We begin with sequences and an efficient (although clumsy) formulation of the sequence concept where we may be dealing with large numbers of primitive types. We then show a typed formulation of index-addressable memory in the form of read, write, and constant time size operations. We define the concept of a container which includes at least both read/write concepts and may also, in the case of a resizeable container include the concept of insert and removal of elements.

We next dive into performing actual arithmetic given the above definitions and combining them with a concept we call 'chaining'.

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