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The images displayed of US surface temperatures where generated via colorizing a tensor:

(defn color-lerp
  ^BufferedImage [api-varname variable-data tile-size]
  (if-let [color-data (get default-api-variable-color-map api-varname)]
    (let [{:keys [min-value max-value gradient-name]} color-data]
      (when-not (= (dtype/ecount variable-data)
                   (* tile-size tile-size))
        (throw (Exception. "Variable data is wrong size.")))
      (-> (dtt/reshape variable-data [tile-size tile-size])
          (dtt-gradients/colorize gradient-name
                                  :data-min min-value
                                  :data-max max-value)))
    (throw (Exception. (format "Failed to find color data for var: %s" api-varname)))))

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