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Dataset and ETL pipeline for machine learning.

Dataset Pipeline Processing

Dataset ETL is a repeatable processing that stores data so that doing inference later is automatic.

  1. Build your ETL pipeline.
  2. Apply to training dataset. Result is a new pipeline with things that min,max per column stored or even trained models.
  3. Train, gridsearch, get a model.
  4. Use ETL pipeline returned from (2) with no modification to apply to new inference samples.
  5. Infer.


user> (require '[ :as etl])
user> (require '[ :as dataset])
user> (require '[clojure.edn :as edn])
user> (require '[ :as io])
user> (require '[camel-snake-kebab.core :refer [->kebab-case]])
user> (require '[clojure.string :as s])

user> (def mapseq-fruit-dataset
   (fn []
     (let [fruit-ds (slurp (io/resource "fruit_data_with_colors.txt"))
           dataset (->> (s/split fruit-ds #"\n")
                        (mapv #(s/split % #"\s+")))
           ds-keys (->> (first dataset)
                        (mapv (comp keyword ->kebab-case)))]
       (->> (rest dataset)
            (map (fn [ds-line]
                   (->> ds-line
                        (map (fn [ds-val]
                                 (Double/parseDouble ^String ds-val)
                                 (catch Throwable e
                                   (-> (->kebab-case ds-val)
                        (zipmap ds-keys)))))))))
user> (take 3 (mapseq-fruit-dataset))
({:color-score 0.55,
  :fruit-label 1.0,
  :fruit-name :apple,
  :fruit-subtype :granny-smith,
  :height 7.3,
  :mass 192.0,
  :width 8.4}
 {:color-score 0.59,
  :fruit-label 1.0,
  :fruit-name :apple,
  :fruit-subtype :granny-smith,
  :height 6.8,
  :mass 180.0,
  :width 8.0}
 {:color-score 0.6,
  :fruit-label 1.0,
  :fruit-name :apple,
  :fruit-subtype :granny-smith,
  :height 7.2,
  :mass 176.0,
  :width 7.4})

user> (def etl-source-pipeline '[[remove [:fruit-subtype :fruit-label]]
                                 [string->number string?]
                                 ;;Range numeric data to -1 1
                                 [range-scaler (not categorical?)]])
user> (def pipeline-result (etl/apply-pipeline (mapseq-fruit-dataset)
                                               {:target :fruit-name}))
user> (:options pipeline-result)
{:dataset-column-metadata {:post-pipeline [{:categorical? true,
                                            :datatype :float64,
                                            :name :fruit-name,
                                            :size 59,
                                            :target? true}
                                           {:datatype :float64, :name :mass, :size 236}
                                           {:datatype :float64, :name :width, :size 177}
                                           {:datatype :float64, :name :height, :size 59}
                                           {:datatype :float64,
                                            :name :color-score,
                                            :size 118}],
                           :pre-pipeline [{:datatype :float32,
                                           :name :fruit-label,
                                           :size 59}
                                          {:categorical? true,
                                           :datatype :string,
                                           :name :fruit-name,
                                           :size 59}
                                          {:categorical? true,
                                           :datatype :string,
                                           :name :fruit-subtype,
                                           :size 59}
                                          {:datatype :float32, :name :mass, :size 59}
                                          {:datatype :float32, :name :width, :size 59}
                                          {:datatype :float32, :name :height, :size 59}
                                          {:datatype :float32,
                                           :name :color-score,
                                           :size 59}]},
 :feature-columns [:color-score :height :mass :width],
 :label-columns [:fruit-name],
 :label-map {:fruit-name {"apple" 0, "lemon" 2, "mandarin" 3, "orange" 1}},
 :target :fruit-name}
user> (:pipeline pipeline-result)
[{:context {}, :operation [remove [:fruit-subtype :fruit-label]]}
 {:context {:label-map {:fruit-name {"apple" 0, "lemon" 2, "mandarin" 3, "orange" 1}}},
  :operation [string->number (:fruit-name)]}
 {:context {:color-score {:max 0.9300000071525574, :min 0.550000011920929},
            :height {:max 10.5, :min 4.0},
            :mass {:max 362.0, :min 76.0},
            :width {:max 9.600000381469727, :min 5.800000190734863}},
  :operation [range-scaler #{:color-score :height :mass :width}]}]
user> (clojure.pprint/print-table (->> (dataset/->flyweight (:dataset pipeline-result))
                                       (take 10)))

| :fruit-name |                :mass |               :width |               :height |        :color-score |
|         0.0 | -0.18881118881118886 |  0.36842068278560225 |  0.015384674072265625 |                -1.0 |
|         0.0 |  -0.2727272727272727 |  0.15789457833668674 |  -0.13846147977388823 |  -0.789473882342312 |
|         0.0 | -0.30069930069930073 | -0.15789482930359944 | -0.015384674072265625 | -0.7368420392192294 |
|         3.0 |  -0.9300699300699301 |  -0.7894738955510845 |   -0.7846154433030348 | 0.31578949019519276 |
|         3.0 |  -0.9440559440559441 |  -0.8947369477755422 |   -0.8153846447284405 |  0.2631579607807706 |
|         3.0 |   -0.972027972027972 |                 -1.0 |   -0.9076922490046575 | 0.15789458824326608 |
|         3.0 |   -0.972027972027972 |  -0.9473684738877711 |   -0.9076922490046575 |  0.3684210196096147 |
|         3.0 |                 -1.0 |                 -1.0 |                  -1.0 |  0.3684210196096147 |
|         0.0 | -0.28671328671328666 |  -0.3157896586071989 |   0.16923082791841937 |   0.947368470585578 |
|         0.0 | -0.32867132867132864 | -0.15789482930359944 |  -0.07692307692307687 |  0.7894735686336514 |


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