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Clojars Project is a Clojure library for data processing and machine learning. Datasets are currently in-memory columnwise databases and we support parsing from file or input-stream. We support these formats: raw/gzipped csv/tsv, xls, xlsx, json, and sequences of maps as input sources.

Data storage is efficient (primitive arrays), datetime types are often converted to an integer representation and strings are loaded into string tables. These features together dramatically decrease the working set size in memory. Because data is stored in columnar fashion columnwise operations on the dataset are very fast.

Conversion back into sequences of maps is very efficient and we have support for writing the dataset back out to csv, tsv, and gzipped varieties of those.

Mini Walkthrough

user> (require '[ :as ds])
;; We support many file formats
user> (def csv-data (ds/->dataset ""))
user> (ds/head csv-data)
test/data/stocks.csv [5 3]:

| symbol |       date | price |
|   MSFT | 2000-01-01 | 39.81 |
|   MSFT | 2000-02-01 | 36.35 |
|   MSFT | 2000-03-01 | 43.22 |
|   MSFT | 2000-04-01 | 28.37 |
|   MSFT | 2000-05-01 | 25.45 |
user> (def xls-data (ds/->dataset ""))
user> (ds/head xls-data)
Sheet1 [5 8]:

|     0 | First Name | Last Name | Gender |       Country |   Age |       Date |   Id |
| 1.000 |      Dulce |     Abril | Female | United States | 32.00 | 15/10/2017 | 1562 |
| 2.000 |       Mara | Hashimoto | Female | Great Britain | 25.00 | 16/08/2016 | 1582 |
| 3.000 |     Philip |      Gent |   Male |        France | 36.00 | 21/05/2015 | 2587 |
| 4.000 |   Kathleen |    Hanner | Female | United States | 25.00 | 15/10/2017 | 3549 |
| 5.000 |    Nereida |   Magwood | Female | United States | 58.00 | 16/08/2016 | 2468 |

;;And you can have fine grained control over parsing

user> (ds/head (ds/->dataset ""
                             {:parser-fn {"Date" [:local-date "dd/MM/yyyy"]}}))
Sheet1 [5 8]:

|     0 | First Name | Last Name | Gender |       Country |   Age |       Date |   Id |
| 1.000 |      Dulce |     Abril | Female | United States | 32.00 | 2017-10-15 | 1562 |
| 2.000 |       Mara | Hashimoto | Female | Great Britain | 25.00 | 2016-08-16 | 1582 |
| 3.000 |     Philip |      Gent |   Male |        France | 36.00 | 2015-05-21 | 2587 |
| 4.000 |   Kathleen |    Hanner | Female | United States | 25.00 | 2017-10-15 | 3549 |
| 5.000 |    Nereida |   Magwood | Female | United States | 58.00 | 2016-08-16 | 2468 |

;;Loading from the web is no problem
user> (def airports (ds/->dataset "" 
                                  {:header-row? false}))
user> (ds/head airports) [5 14]:

| 0 |                                           1 |            2 |                3 |   4 |    5 |      6 |     7 |    8 |    9 | 10 |                   11 |      12 |          13 |
| 1 |                              Goroka Airport |       Goroka | Papua New Guinea | GKA | AYGA | -6.082 | 145.4 | 5282 | 10.0 |  U | Pacific/Port_Moresby | airport | OurAirports |
| 2 |                              Madang Airport |       Madang | Papua New Guinea | MAG | AYMD | -5.207 | 145.8 |   20 | 10.0 |  U | Pacific/Port_Moresby | airport | OurAirports |
| 3 |                Mount Hagen Kagamuga Airport |  Mount Hagen | Papua New Guinea | HGU | AYMH | -5.827 | 144.3 | 5388 | 10.0 |  U | Pacific/Port_Moresby | airport | OurAirports |
| 4 |                              Nadzab Airport |       Nadzab | Papua New Guinea | LAE | AYNZ | -6.570 | 146.7 |  239 | 10.0 |  U | Pacific/Port_Moresby | airport | OurAirports |
| 5 | Port Moresby Jacksons International Airport | Port Moresby | Papua New Guinea | POM | AYPY | -9.443 | 147.2 |  146 | 10.0 |  U | Pacific/Port_Moresby | airport | OurAirports |

;;At any point you can get a sequence of maps back.  We implement a special version
;;of Clojure's APersistentMap that is much more efficient than even records and shares
;;the backing store with the dataset.

user> (take 2 (ds/mapseq-reader csv-data))
({"date" #object[java.time.LocalDate 0x4a998af0 "2000-01-01"],
  "symbol" "MSFT",
  "price" 39.81}
 {"date" #object[java.time.LocalDate 0x6d8c0bcd "2000-02-01"],
  "symbol" "MSFT",
  "price" 36.35})

;;Data is stored in primitive arrays (even most datetimes!) and strings are stored
;;in string tables.  You can load really large datasets with this thing!

;;Datasets are sequence of columns.
;;Columns themselves are sequences of their entries.
user> (csv-data "symbol")<string>[560]
user> (xls-data "Gender")<string>[1000]
[Female, Female, Male, Female, Female, Male, Female, Female, Female, Female, Female, Male, Female, Male, Female, Female, Female, Female, Female, Female, ...]
user> (take 5 (xls-data "Gender"))
("Female" "Female" "Male" "Female" "Female")

;;datasets and columns implement the clojure metadata interfaces (`meta`, `withMeta`).

user> (->> csv-data
           (map (fn [column]
                  (meta column))))
({:categorical? true, :name "symbol", :size 560, :datatype :string}
 {:name "date", :size 560, :datatype :packed-local-date}
 {:name "price", :size 560, :datatype :float32})

;;We can get a brief description of the dataset:

user> (ds/brief csv-data)
({:min #object[java.time.LocalDate 0x60dcad01 "2000-01-01"],
  :col-name "date",
  :max #object[java.time.LocalDate 0x5fbc8662 "2010-03-01"],
  :n-missing 0,
  :mean #object[java.time.LocalDate 0x3d13058c "2005-05-12"],
  :datatype :packed-local-date,
  :n-valid 560}
 {:min 5.96999979019165,
  :n-missing 0,
  :col-name "price",
  :mean 100.73428564752851,
  :datatype :float32,
  :skew 2.4130946312809254,
  :standard-deviation 132.55477064785,
  :n-valid 560,
  :max 707.0}
 {:col-name "symbol",
  :mode "MSFT",
  :n-missing 0,
  :values ["MSFT" "AMZN" "IBM" "AAPL" "GOOG"],
  :n-values 5,
  :datatype :string,
  :n-valid 560})

;;Another view of that brief:

user> (ds/descriptive-stats csv-data)
test/data/stocks.csv: descriptive-stats [3 10]:

| :col-name |          :datatype | :n-valid | :n-missing |      :mean | :mode |       :min |       :max | :standard-deviation | :skew |
|      date | :packed-local-date |      560 |          0 | 2005-05-12 |       | 2000-01-01 | 2010-03-01 |                     |       |
|     price |           :float32 |      560 |          0 |      100.7 |       |      5.970 |      707.0 |               132.6 | 2.413 |
|    symbol |            :string |      560 |          0 |            |  MSFT |            |            |                     |       |

;;There are analogues of the clojure.core functions that apply to dataset:
;;filter, group-by, sort-by.  These are all implemented efficiently.

;;You can add/remove/update columns
;;You can write out the result back to csv, tsv, and gzipped variations of those.

;;Joins (left, right, inner) are all implemented.

;;Columnwise arithmetic manipulations (+,-, and many more) are provided via the
;;tech.v2.datatype.functional namespace.

;;Datetime columns can be operated on - plus,minus, get-years, get-days, and 
;;many more - uniformly via the tech.v2.datatype.datetime.operations namespace.

;;There is much more.  Please checkout the walkthough and try it out!

More Documentation

Questions, Community

Further Reading


  • csv, xlsx, pandas, dataframe, dplyr, data.table, modelling


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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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