OpenCV bindings via javacpp.
You can read a bit more about it here.
Load/save, resize, clone. Becase opencv matrixes need to be released and thus aren't garbage collected they are bound to a think.resource.core/resource-context which unwinds in a way similar to C++ RAII or with-open.
Bindings to clojure.core.matrix and tech.datatype allow you to get into the properties of a loaded matrix.
(require '[tech.opencv :as opencv])
(require '[tech.v2.datatype :as dtype])
(require '[tech.v2.datatype.functional :as dfn])
(let [src-img (opencv/load "test/data/test.jpg")
dest-img (opencv/clone src-img)
num-elems (dtype/ecount src-img)
;;Save as jpg and spend an hour scratching head...
test-fname "darken.png"
convert-fn (fn [input]
(float (Math/floor (* 0.5 input))))]
;;darken img. Float data is range 0-255
(delete-test-file! test-fname)
(-> (unary-op/unary-reader :int16 (unchecked-short (quot x 2)) src-img)
(dtype/copy! dest-img)
(opencv/save test-fname))
(let [result (opencv/load test-fname)
result-data (float-array num-elems)]
(dtype/copy! result result-data)
(is (dfn/equals (take 10 result-data)
(map convert-fn (take 10 (dtype/->reader src-img)))))))
Integrated with the tech.v2.tensor math system:
(require '[tech.v2.tensor :as dtt])
(let [test-image (opencv/load "test/data/test.jpg")
;;Select is in-place so this did not change the image at all.
bgr-image (dtt/select test-image :all :all [2 1 0])
;;Copy src dest
dest-image (dtype/copy! bgr-image (dtype/from-prototype test-image))]
;;The datatype library has the convention that the thing that is mutated
;;is returned from the function.
(opencv/save dest-image "bgr.jpg"))
A bit more involved example:
(let [test-image (opencv/load "test/data/test.jpg")
(-> test-image
(dtt/select :all :all [2 1 0])
(dfn/+ 50)
;;Clamp top end to 0-255
(dfn/min 255)
(dtype/copy! (dtype/from-prototype test-image)))]
(opencv/save result "bgr-lighten.jpg"))
Please refer to the tests, tensor tests, and opencv.clj.
Copyright © 2019 Tech Ascent, LLC.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
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