(byte-array-to-md5 byte-data)
(delete-object-cloud bucket k)
(download-object bucket k)
Getting the s3 object into the local location. Useful for situations where dealing with streams or ByteArrays isn't the preferred method of consumption.
Getting the s3 object into the local location. Useful for situations where dealing with streams or ByteArrays isn't the preferred method of consumption.
(file-exists? path)
Takes a path and returns true if a file exists.
Takes a path and returns true if a file exists.
(get-content-type fname)
(get-nippy bucket key)
Get a nippy blob from s3. The caller must have taoensso.nippy in their project.
Get a nippy blob from s3. The caller must have taoensso.nippy in their project.
(get-object bucket k)
Get an object given a bucket and key. NOTE: Returns a stream that you have to remember to close.
Get an object given a bucket and key. NOTE: Returns a stream that you have to remember to close.
(get-object-bytes bucket k)
Get an object given a bucket and key. NOTE: Returns a realized byte-array rather than a stream.
Get an object given a bucket and key. NOTE: Returns a realized byte-array rather than a stream.
(get-object-cloud bucket k)
(get-object-local bucket k)
Retrieves a file from the local cache.
Retrieves a file from the local cache.
(get-object-metadata bucket key)
If global creds are setup, grab whatever they are. Else try to find them via the config
If global creds are setup, grab whatever they are. Else try to find them via the config
(is-cached-locally? bucket k)
Determines if a given bucket/key has already been downloaded to the local cache.
Determines if a given bucket/key has already been downloaded to the local cache.
(is-expired-token? exception)
(is-invalid-access-key? exception)
(is-null-access-key? exception)
(lazy-object-list-seq bucket prefix & [marker])
(list-local-objects bucket prefix)
List the local objects. No attempt is made to unify this output with the output of list objects
List the local objects. No attempt is made to unify this output with the output of list objects
(list-objects bucket prefix)
(list-prefixes bucket)
(list-some-objects bucket prefix & {:keys [marker]})
List objects given a bucket and prefix
List objects given a bucket and prefix
(local-exists-and-latest? bucket k)
True iff the cached file exists and is up to date with the s3 version.
True iff the cached file exists and is up to date with the s3 version.
(local-s3-path bucket k)
Get the path for a given s3 item in the local cache
Get the path for a given s3 item in the local cache
(needs-new-cred-request? &
{:keys [current-time]
:or {current-time (System/currentTimeMillis)}})
(put-nippy bucket key data)
Put a nippy blob on s3. The caller must have taoensso.nippy in their project.
Put a nippy blob on s3. The caller must have taoensso.nippy in their project.
(put-object bucket k v & {:keys [metadata verify-md5?] :or {metadata {}}})
Put an object into a given bucket and key. V can be an input stream, a file, or a string.
Put an object into a given bucket and key. V can be an input stream, a file, or a string.
(put-object-cloud bucket k v & {:keys [metadata] :or {metadata {}}})
(put-object-local bucket k v)
Do a vault query to get new vault creds.
Do a vault query to get new vault creds.
(with-credential-update & body)
Attempt an s3 operation. If the operation fails with an invalid access key, request new aws credentials from vault exactly once. Continue attempting operation until it either fails with a different exception, succeeds
Attempt an s3 operation. If the operation fails with an invalid access key, request new aws credentials from vault exactly once. Continue attempting operation until it either fails with a different exception, succeeds
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