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A Clojure library for interacting with the Telegram Bot API.


Get started using the telegrambot-lib.


Leiningen/Boot Project file

[telegrambot-lib "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]

Include the Library

In the REPL

(require '[telegrambot-lib.core :as tbot])

In your application

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [telegrambot-lib.core :as tbot]))

Use the Library


  • You have created a Telegram bot and received an auth token.
  • The library is installed/included as indicated above.
  • Examples below assume ":as tbot" was followed in require command.

Create a new bot instance - looks for "bot-token" or "BOT_TOKEN" from the environment.

(def mybot (tbot/create))

Create a new bot instance - passing the token at creation time.

(def mybot (tbot/create my-token))

Verify your instance is working

(tbot/get-me mybot)

;; returns something like this
{:ok true,
 {:id 123,
  :is_bot true,
  :first_name "mybot",
  :username "my_roboto",
  :can_join_groups true,
  :can_read_all_group_messages false,
  :supports_inline_queries false}}

Available Functions

All available Telegram Bot API functions are imported into the telegrambot-lib.core namespace.

They are available by their non-namespaced name and are all listed within the "import-vars" function.

Additionally, there is a generic 'call' function that may be used to send a request to any endpoint if the function does not exist yet.

;; generic call example
(tbot/call mybot "getMe")

;; generic call example with content
(tbot/call mybot "sendMessage" {:chat_id 789 :text "Hello Bot World!"})

Sending/Receiving Content

Currently, if the functions require content passed, it is accepted in the form of a Clojure hash map.

This may change in the future with more explicit required/optional fields when calling the functions.

For now, refer to the Telegram Bot API Documentation for which fields are required per API resource.


(tbot/send-message mybot {:chat_id 789 :text "Hello Bot World!"})

Responses from the API are parsed back into a Clojure hash map.


{:ok true,
 {:message_id 7,
  :from {:id 123, :is_bot true, :first_name "mybot", :username "my_roboto"},
  :chat {:id 789, :first_name "Bill", :last_name "Howe", :username "myusername", :type "private"},
  :date 1602717364,
  :text "Hello Bot World!"}}


Copyright © 2020 Bill Howe

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

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