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1. Configuration

Project Dependencies

resilience4clj-retry is distributed through Clojars with the identifier tessellator/resilience4clj-retry. You can find the version information for the latest release at

If you are using JDK 8, you may use any of version of Clojure 1.5+. However, if you are using JDK 9 or later, you must use Clojure 1.10+ due to this bug.

Configuration Options

The following table describes the options available when configuring retrys as well as default values. A config is a map that contains any of the keys in the table. Note that a config without a particular key will use the default value (e.g., {} selects all default values).

Configuration OptionDefault ValueDescription
:max-attempts3The maximum number of retry attempts
:wait-duration500The fixed number of milliseconds to wait between attempts
:interval-function(constantly wait-duration)A function that receives the current number of attempts after a failure and returns the next wait duration
:interval-bi-function(constantly wait-duration)A function that receives the current number of attempts and the error or result after a failure and returns the next wait duration
:retry-on-result-predicate(constantly false)A predicate that receives a result and determines whether it should be retried
:retry-exception-predicate(constantly true)A predicate that receives an exception and determines whether the result needs to be retried
:retry-exceptions[]A vector of exception types which should count as failures
:ignore-exceptions[]A vector of exception types which should not count as failures
:fail-after-max-attemptsfalseA boolean value indicating whether a MaxRetriesExceededException should be thrown after failing the maximum number of retries

There are a number of functions in this library that build interval functions including interval, randomized, exponential-backoff, and exponential-random-backoff. However, you may also create any function that receives the current number of attempts and returns a new wait duration.

A config can be used to configure the global registry or a retry when it is created.


A registry is an entity that stores retries and configurations. When a retry is created with the retry! function, it will be associated with a registry and can be looked up by name in the registry afterward.

This library creates a default-registry that is used when a registry is not provided but is required. The registry may contain config values as well as retry instances. In the following example code, any of the instances of the reg parameter may be dropped to use the default registry.

The function retry! will look up or create a retry in a registry. The function accepts a name and optionally the name of a config or a config map.

(ns myproject.core
  (:require [resilience4clj.retry :as r])

;; The following creates two configs: the default config and the AttemptMoreTimes
;; config. The default config uses only the defaults and will be used to create
;; retrys that do not specify a config to use.
;; Note that the "default" configuration here is not necessary; a default config
;; with the default values is included in a registry when it is created. However,
;; you can provide a different configuration and assign it as the default config.
(r/configure-registry! {"default"    {}
                        "AttemptMoreTimes" {:max-attempts 5}})

;; You may also add configurations after a registry has been created. The
;; following code adds a new configuration to the registry created in the
;; previous lines.
(r/add-configuration! reg "AttemptMoreTimes" {:max-attempts 5})

;; create a retry named :name using the "default" config from the registry and
;; store the result in the registry
(r/retry! reg :name)

;; create a retry named :attempt-more using the "AttemptMoreTimes" config from
;; the registry and store the result in the registry
(r/retry! reg :attempt-more "AttemptMoreTimes")

;; create a retry named :custom-config using a custom config map and store the
;; result in the registry
(r/retry! reg :custom-config {:max-attempts 5
                              :wait-duration 1000})

Custom Retrys

While convenient, it is not required to use the global registry. You may instead choose to create retrys and manage them yourself.

In order to create a retry that is not made available globally, use the retry function, which accepts a name and config map.

The following code creates a new retry with the default config options.

(ns myproject.core
  (:require [resilience4clj.retry :as r]))

(def my-retry (r/retry :my-retry))

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