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A Clojure library designed to produce Tex documents.



Add this to the dependencies:

[texdata "0.1.4-SNAPSHOT"]

For testing purposes, create test.tex file somewhere, let's say in the test directory of the project.

(ns texdata-demo.core
  (:require [texdata.core :refer [tex compile-and-view]]))

(def test-path "test/texdata_demo/test.tex")

 (tex [:documentclass "article"]
      [:document "hello world"]))

simple examples

This library offers a few functions that convert Clojure data to string recognizable by TeX. tex is such a function and the below are simple examples:

(tex 1)
;; => "1"

(tex "a")
;; => "a"

(tex :sin)
;; => "\\sin"

(tex [:frac 1 2])
;; => "\\frac{1}{2}"

(tex [:equation [:frac 1 2]])
;; => "\\begin{equation} \\frac{1}{2} \\end{equation}"

How tex treats data

string and number

When it is given string or number, it just returns the string representation of the argument. In other words, tex is nothing else but clojure.core/str in this case.


tex treats a standalone keyword signifying a TeX symbol. Most keywords are converted to the corresponding TeX symbol when passed to tex, tex-> or tex->>.

  (tex :sin)
  ;; => "\\sin"

  (tex :log)
  ;; => "\\log"

As you see above, tex converts a keyword k to string by just adding the escape character to the result of (name k).

There are some exceptions to this rule:

  (tex :amp)
  ;; => "&"
  (tex :next)
  ;; => "\\\\"


When tex is given a vector beginning with a keyword that specifies a Tex command (like :frac in the last example), it returns a string corresponding to that TeX command. More precisely, a vector like

[keyword arg1 arg2 ...]

is treated in a similar way to the S-expression in Lisp:

(function arg1 arg2 ...)

subscripts and superscripts

In TeX, superscripts and subscripts are written using the symbols ^ and _. To get the same result, use :super and :sub keywords respectively:

(tex ["a" :super 2 :sub "n"])
  ;; => "a_{n}^{2}" 

mathematical expressions

To put a mathematical expression in inline mode, use :dol like:

  (tex [:dol ["x" :super 2] "+" ["y" :super 2] :eq ["z" :super 2]])
  ;; => "$ x^{2} + y^{2} = z^{2} $"  

To effect the display mode, use :math for unnumbered expressions and :equation for numbered expressions:

(tex [:math "E" :eq "mc"])
;; => "\\[ E = mc \\]"

(tex [:equation "E" :eq "mc"])
;; => "\\begin{equation} E = mc \\end{equation}"

optional attributes

You can specify optional attributes in some commands. That is done by inserting a map that contains the desired data. :int is one of those commands that can takes such an optional map:

(tex [:int "f(x)dx"])
;; => "\\int f(x)dx"

(tex [:int {:from 0 :to 1} "f(x)dx"])
;; => "\\int_{0}^{1} f(x)dx"

(tex [:int {:on "A"} "f(x)dx" ])
;; => "\\int_{A} f(x)dx"

threading functions

tex-> and tex->> are functions somewhat similar to clojure.core/-> and clojure.core/->> respectively. They are handy when composing commands. For example,

(tex-> "x" :equation :huge)

is same as

(tex [:huge [:equation "x"]])

producing the result:

"\\begin{huge} \\begin{equation} x \\end{equation} \\end{huge}"

tex->, like clojure.core/->, inserts the previous result at the second place of the next form and repeats the process.

tex->> works likewise, but the previous result is inserted at the last of the next form, like clojure.core/->>. This is necessary when working with commands like :color, which takes a string specifying the color of the subsequent part as the first argument:

(tex [:color "red" [:equation "x = 1"]])

To obtain the same result with tex->>, we write:

(tex->> "x = 1" :equation [:color "red"])
;; => "\\color{red}{\\begin{equation} x = 1 \\end{equation}}"

querying examples

example is a function to obtain expected input examples for each command.

(example :int)
;; => [:int {:from 0, :to 1} "f(x)" "dx"]

defining new commands

There may be times when you want to add a new command. defcmd is a macro designed for that purpose. Its grammar is as follows:

(defcmd command-keyword command-type &body)

Here, command-keyword is a keyword signifying the command to be defined. command-type is one of

  • :environment
  • :normal
  • :independent

:environment commands are such ones as :equation, namely, they are commands sandwiched between \begin{...} and \end{...}. :normal commands are other commands that takes arguments (e.g., :frac, :color). :independent commands are specified by standalone keywords that are converted to TeX symbols.

defcmd provides default implementation for :environment and :normal commands. Let's suppose you want to register a new environment command :hoge with the desired result:

(tex [:hoge "hello"])
;; => "\\begin{hoge} hello \\end{hoge}"

Then, just evaluating

(defcmd :hoge :environment :default)

will do.

Other times, you may need to have more specific structure. Let's suppose that your new command :my-color takes a string of color as the first argument, followed by any number of arguments:

(tex [:my-color "red" "hello"])
;; => "\\mycolor{red}{hello}"

Registering :my-color requires giving necessary details in defcmd:

(defcmd :my-color :normal [[_ c & args]]
  (format "\\mycolor{%s}{%s}" c (tex args)))

When not using the :default keyword as explained above, the @body part of the defcmd is like that of defn. Let me note that its parameter is supposed to be a vector (not variable argument list ), whose first item is the command keyword (:my-color in the above example).

full example

Here is a code that produces a complete TeX document:

  (def dirac-delta
    (let [p1 (tex :delta "(x)"
                  :eq 0
                  :sp [:text "if" [:dol "x" :neq 0]])
          p2 (tex [:int {:from ["-" :infty] :to :infty}
                   :delta "(x)dx"]
                  :eq 1)
          p3 (tex [:int {:from ["-" :infty] :to :infty}
                   :delta "(x)"
                  :eq 0)]

       [:documentclass "article"]
       [:usepackage "amsmath"]
       [:usepackage "amssymb"]
       [:usepackage {:opt ["left = 20mm" "right = 20mm"] } "geometry"]
         ["The Dirac delta function" [:dol :delta "(x)"] "satisfies"
           [:left :curly]
           [:array "c" p1 ",":next p2 "." ]
           [:right :none]]
          "And for any function" [:dol "f(x),"] "we have the equality"
          [:math p3 "."]]]])))

compile-and-view is useful when you want to see the result quickly, It takes path to a TeX file and a string, writes the string therein and TeX compiles the file and opens the resulting PDF in the system's default viewer. Let's create a file:


To see the result of the above example, evaluate:

  (compile-and-view "test/texdata/examples/out/test.tex" dirac-delta )



Copyright © 2020 FIXME

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at

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