(add-class el cls)
(add-event-listeners el events)
(ancestor-by-class el cls)
(ancestor-by-tag el tag)
(ancestor-by-tag el tag cls)
(append node)
(append el node)
(attr el key)
(attr el key default)
(build-url path query-params)
(by-id id)
(by-id id el)
(check el)
(check el checked)
(checked? el)
(child-nodes el)
(children el)
(contains? el)
(contains? parent el)
check wether a parent node (or the document) contains the child
check wether a parent node (or the document) contains the child
(create-dom-node tag-def {:keys [class] :as props})
(create-svg-node tag-def props)
(data el key)
(del-attr el key)
(destructure-node create-fn [nn np & nc :as node])
(dom-node el)
(ev-stop e)
(ev-stop e el)
(ev-stop e el scope owner)
(eval-scripts s)
given a html string, eval all <script> tags and return the html without the scripts don't do this for everything, only content you trust.
given a html string, eval all <script> tags and return the html without the scripts don't do this for everything, only content you trust.
(first-child el)
(form-elements el)
(fragment & nodes)
(get-client-position el)
(get-height el)
(get-html node)
(get-next-sibling el)
(get-page-offset el)
(get-parent el)
(get-position el)
(get-previous-sibling el)
(get-size el)
(get-value dom)
(has-class? el cls)
(-to-dom this)
(index-of el)
(insert-after ref new)
(insert-before ref new)
(insert-first ref new)
(make-dom-node structure)
(make-svg-node structure)
(matches el sel)
(native-coll coll)
(node-name el)
(on el ev handler)
(on el ev handler capture)
(on-query root-el ev selector handler)
(parents el)
(parse-tag spec)
(pct value)
(px value)
(query sel)
(query sel root)
(query-one sel)
(query-one sel root)
(redirect path)
(redirect path query-params)
(remove node)
(remove-class el cls)
(remove-event-handler el ev handler)
(remove-style el style)
(remove-style* el style)
(remove-styles el style-keys)
(replace-node old new)
(select-option-values el)
(set-attr el key value)
(set-attr* el key value)
(set-attrs el attrs)
(set-data el key value)
(set-html node text)
(set-style el styles)
(set-value dom value)
(size->clj size)
(str->fragment s)
(svg attrs & children)
(svg-node el)
(-to-svg this)
(tag-name el)
(text el)
(text el new-text)
(toggle-class el cls)
(toggle-class el cls v)
cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries
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