(axis-common* {:keys [visible major-size minor-size label attribs label-style
:or {visible true major-size 10 minor-size 5}
:as spec})
(circle-cell a b c d col)
(compute-row-stacking item-range coll)
(contour->svg scale-x scale-y project)
(contour-matrix w h values)
(default-svg-label f)
(format-percent x)
(labeled-rect-horizontal {:keys [h r label fill min-width base-line]})
{:keys [domain range focus strength major minor] :or {strength 0.5} :as spec})
(lens-scale focus strength [d1 d2] [r1 r2])
(lin-tick-marks [d1 d2] delta)
(linear-axis {:keys [domain range major minor] :as spec})
(linear-scale domain range)
(log base)
(log-axis {:keys [base domain range] :or {base 10} :as spec})
(log-scale base [d1 d2 :as domain] [r1 r2 :as range])
(log-tick-marks-major base [d1 d2])
(log-tick-marks-minor base [d1 d2])
(log-ticks-domain base d1 d2)
(matrix-2d w h values)
(overlap? [a b] [c d])
(points->path-segments [p & more])
(polar-projection origin)
(process-interval-row item-range mapper [d1 d2])
(process-points {:keys [x-axis y-axis project]} {:keys [values item-pos shape]})
(select-ticks axis minor?)
(svg-area-plot {:keys [y-axis project] :as v-spec} {:keys [res] :as d-spec})
(svg-axis* {:keys [major minor attribs label-style]}
(svg-axis-grid2d-cartesian x-axis y-axis {:keys [attribs minor-x minor-y]})
(svg-axis-grid2d-polar {:keys [x-axis y-axis origin circle project]
{:keys [attribs minor-x minor-y]} :grid})
(svg-bar-plot {:keys [x-axis y-axis project] :or {project vec2}}
{:keys [values attribs shape item-pos interleave offset bar-width]
:or {shape (fn [a b _] (svg/line a b))
item-pos identity
interleave 1
bar-width 0
offset 0}})
(svg-contour-plot {:keys [x-axis y-axis project]}
{:keys [matrix attribs levels palette palette-scale
value-domain contour-attribs]
:or {value-domain [0.0 1.0]
palette [[1 1 1]]
palette-scale linear-scale
contour-attribs (constantly nil)}})
{:keys [x-axis y-axis project]}
{:keys [matrix value-domain clamp palette palette-scale attribs shape]
:or {value-domain [0.0 1.0]
palette-scale linear-scale
shape (fn* [p1__14804# p2__14805# p3__14806# p4__14807# p5__14808#]
(svg/polygon [p1__14804# p2__14805# p3__14806# p4__14807#]
{:fill p5__14808#}))}
:as d-spec})
{:keys [x-axis y-axis project]}
{:keys [matrix value-domain clamp palette palette-scale attribs shape]
:or {value-domain [0.0 1.0]
palette-scale linear-scale
shape (fn* [p1__20502# p2__20503# p3__20504# p4__20505# p5__20506#]
(svg/polygon [p1__20502# p2__20503# p3__20504# p4__20505#]
{:fill p5__20506#}))}
:as d-spec})
(svg-line-plot v-spec d-spec)
(svg-plot2d-cartesian {:keys [x-axis y-axis grid data] :as opts})
(svg-plot2d-polar {:keys [x-axis y-axis grid data origin] :as spec})
(svg-radar-plot v-spec {:keys [shape] :or {shape svg/polygon} :as d-spec})
{:keys [item-pos-min item-pos-max shape]
:or {shape (fn* [p1__14761# p2__14762# p3__14763#]
(svg/path (concat p1__14761# [[:Z]] p2__14762# [[:Z]])
:as d-spec})
{:keys [item-pos-min item-pos-max shape]
:or {shape (fn* [p1__20475# p2__20476# p3__20477#]
(svg/path (concat p1__20475# [[:Z]] p2__20476# [[:Z]])
:as d-spec})
(svg-scatter-plot v-spec {:keys [attribs shape] :as d-spec})
(svg-square r)
{:keys [x-axis y-axis]}
{:keys [values attribs shape item-range offset]
:or {shape (fn [[a b]] (svg/line a b)) item-range identity offset 0}})
(svg-triangle-down w)
(svg-triangle-up w)
(svg-x-axis-cartesian {:keys [scale major-size minor-size label-dist pos label]
[r1 r2] :range
:as spec})
(svg-x-axis-polar {:keys [x-axis project circle origin]})
(svg-y-axis-cartesian {:keys [scale major-size minor-size label-dist label-y pos
[r1 r2] :range
:or {label-y 0}
:as spec})
(svg-y-axis-polar {:keys [y-axis project]})
(total-domain-bounds f & colls)
(uniform-domain-points [d1 d2] values)
Given a vector of domain bounds and a collection of data values (without domain position), produces a lazy-seq of 2-element vectors representing the values of the original coll uniformly spread over the full domain range, with each of the form: [domain-pos value].
Given a vector of domain bounds and a collection of data values (without domain position), produces a lazy-seq of 2-element vectors representing the values of the original coll uniformly spread over the full domain range, with each of the form: [domain-pos value].
(value-domain-bounds mat)
(value-formatter prec)
(value-mapper scale-x scale-y)
(value-transducer {:keys [cull-domain cull-range scale-x scale-y project shape
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