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A Clojure library for seamless working with native C structs & structured byte buffers.

Structgen has the following features so far:

  • parsing of typedefs from C source files
  • dependency graph for nested structs
  • C source code generation for registered types (incl. automatic dependencies)
  • representation of C structs as standard Clojure data structures (maps & vectors)
  • customizable memory alignment logic for struct fields (defaults to OpenCL alignment, inserts filler bytes where necessary)
  • extensible type registry, pre-configured with common C & OpenCL primitives

Currently not supported:

  • No self-recursive structs
  • No pointer struct fields

Structgen is making use of ztellman's gloss library to encode/decode structs into/from byte buffers.

Leiningen coordinates

[ "0.2.1"]


(use '[ core parser])

    "typedef struct {
       float x;
       float y;
       float z;
     } Vec3;

     typedef struct {
       Vec3 eye;
       Vec3 target;
       Vec3 up;
     } Cam;

     typedef struct {
       Vec3 a;
       Vec3 b;
       Vec3 c;
       Vec3 normal;
     } Face;

     typedef struct {
       int id;
       float transform[16];
       Face faces[1000];
     } Mesh;"))

Now we should have four new datatypes available in our registry and can start working with them:

(template (lookup :Cam))
;; {:eye {:x 0, :y 0, :z 0}, :target {:x 0, :y 0, :z 0}, :up {:x 0, :y 0, :z 0}}

Templates are used during encoding & decoding to ensure a valid data structure even if the user data given is incomplete, as in the following example where we've omitted the :target vector and only defined the :y key of the :up vector field. User data is always merged with the template during encoding:

(def buf (encode (lookup :Cam) {:eye {:x 100 :y 200 :z 300} :up {:y 1}}))
;; #'user/buf

Our camera definition is now encoded in a Java NIO HeapByteBuffer. Decoding this buffer with the correct struct type results again in a standard Clojure map:

(decode (lookup :Cam) buf)
;; {:up {:sg_align__6977 [0 0 0 0], :z 0.0, :y 1.0, :x 0.0},
;;  :target {:sg_align__6977 [0 0 0 0], :z 0.0, :y 0.0, :x 0.0},
;;  :eye {:sg_align__6977 [0 0 0 0], :z 300.0, :y 200.0, :x 100.0}}

Keys with the :sg_align__ prefix in the map above, identify the automatically generated filler blocks used to achieve correct memory alignment. These can also be suppressed by passing an additional true arg to the decode fn (though filtering them out can be much slower):

(decode (lookup :Cam) buf true)
; {:eye {:x 100.0, :y 200.0, :z 300.0}, :target {:x 0.0, :y 0.0, :z 0.0}, :up {:x 0.0, :y 1.0, :z 0.0}}

To get a better idea about the internals of our data structures (e.g. memory requirements, field types), we can also inspect them:

(->> :Mesh
  (map (fn [[k v]] [k {:size (sizeof v) :cname (cname v)}]))
  (into {}))
;; {:faces {:size 64000, :cname "Face"}, :transform {:size 64, :cname "float"}, :id {:size 4, :cname "int"}}

Last but not least, we can also define new structs directly in Clojure (no need for C source) using simple type specs:

(register! :ColFace (make-struct 'ColFace [:verts :float3 3] [:color :uint]))
;; or
(register! [[:ColFace [:verts :float3 3] [:color :uint]]])

If we then later need to use this struct from C, we can generate the necessary header file like this:

(spit "mesh.h" (gen-source (lookup :Mesh)))


Copyright © 2012 - 2015 Karsten Schmidt

Distributed under the Apache Software License 2.0

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