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Interpolation of arbitrary nested values, completely customizable, CLJ & CLJS compatible.

After a long hiatus, this project is in the process of being converted into the same literate programming format as used by other libs. More examples & documentation forthcoming.


(require '[ :as t])

;; define keyframes and nested maps of values to interpolate
;; tween from frame 8 - 16 also defines non-linear tween function (sigmoid curve)

(def keyframes
  [[2  {:v {:scale 1.0 :translate [0 1 0] :col {:rgb [1 1 0]}}}]
   [8  {:v {:scale 2.0 :translate [0 0 1] :col {:rgb [0.5 0 1]}} :f (t/mix-smoothstep 0.1 0.9)}]
   [16 {:v {:scale 0.5 :translate [1 0 0] :col {:rgb [0 1 0]}}}]])

;; compute tween for frames 0 - 20
(map #(vector % (t/at % keyframes)) (range 20))

;; ([0 {:col {:rgb [1 1 0]}, :scale 1.0, :translate [0 1 0]}]
;;  [1 {:col {:rgb [1 1 0]}, :scale 1.0, :translate [0 1 0]}]
;;  [2 {:col {:rgb [1 1 0]}, :scale 1.0, :translate [0 1 0]}]
;;  [3 {:col {:rgb [0.916 0.833 0.166]}, :scale 1.166, :translate [0.0 0.833 0.166]}]
;;  [4 {:col {:rgb [0.833 0.666 0.333]}, :scale 1.333, :translate [0.0 0.666 0.333]}]
;;  [5 {:col {:rgb [0.75 0.5 0.5]}, :scale 1.5, :translate [0.0 0.5 0.5]}]
;;  [6 {:col {:rgb [0.666 0.333 0.666]}, :scale 1.666, :translate [0.0 0.333 0.666]}]
;;  [7 {:col {:rgb [0.583 0.166 0.833]}, :scale 1.833, :translate [0.0 0.166 0.833]}]
;;  [8 {:col {:rgb [0.5 0.0 1.0]}, :scale 2.0, :translate [0.0 0.0 1.0]}]
;;  [9 {:col {:rgb [0.498 0.003 0.997]}, :scale 1.996, :translate [0.003 0.0 0.997]}]
;;  [10 {:col {:rgb [0.454 0.093 0.908]}, :scale 1.862, :translate [0.093 0.0 0.908]}]
;;  [11 {:col {:rgb [0.363 0.273 0.727]}, :scale 1.590, :translate [0.273 0.0 0.727]}]
;;  [12 {:col {:rgb [0.25 0.5 0.5]}, :scale 1.25, :translate [0.5 0.0 0.5]}]
;;  [13 {:col {:rgb [0.137 0.727 0.273]}, :scale 0.910, :translate [0.727 0.0 0.273]}]
;;  [14 {:col {:rgb [0.046 0.908 0.092]}, :scale 0.638, :translate [0.908 0.0 0.092]}]
;;  [15 {:col {:rgb [0.001 0.997 0.003]}, :scale 0.504, :translate [0.997 0.0 0.003]}]
;;  [16 {:col {:rgb [0 1 0]}, :scale 0.5, :translate [1 0 0]}]
;;  [17 {:col {:rgb [0 1 0]}, :scale 0.5, :translate [1 0 0]}]
;;  [18 {:col {:rgb [0 1 0]}, :scale 0.5, :translate [1 0 0]}]
;;  [19 {:col {:rgb [0 1 0]}, :scale 0.5, :translate [1 0 0]}])

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