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A hiccup-like interface for creating views in Slack applications via blocks.

A hiccup-like interface for creating views in Slack applications via blocks.
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(actions & args)

A block that is used to hold interactive elements.

Component usage:

[:actions {:block_id "B123"}
 [:radio-buttons {:action_id "A123"}
  [:option {:value "1"} "Pepperoni"]
  [:option {:value "2" :selected? true} "Pineapple"]
  [:option {:value "3"} "Mushrooms"]]
 [:channels-select {:action_id "A456" :initial_channel "C123"}
  [:placeholder "Select channel"]]]

Without props:

 [:radio-buttons {:action_id "A123"}
  [:option {:value "1"} "Pepperoni"]
  [:option {:value "2" :selected? true} "Pineapple"]
  [:option {:value "3"} "Mushrooms"]]
 [:channels-select {:action_id "A456" :initial_channel "C123"}
  [:placeholder "Select channel"]]]
A block that is used to hold interactive elements.

Component usage:

[:actions {:block_id "B123"}
 [:radio-buttons {:action_id "A123"}
  [:option {:value "1"} "Pepperoni"]
  [:option {:value "2" :selected? true} "Pineapple"]
  [:option {:value "3"} "Mushrooms"]]
 [:channels-select {:action_id "A456" :initial_channel "C123"}
  [:placeholder "Select channel"]]]

Without props:

 [:radio-buttons {:action_id "A123"}
  [:option {:value "1"} "Pepperoni"]
  [:option {:value "2" :selected? true} "Pineapple"]
  [:option {:value "3"} "Mushrooms"]]
 [:channels-select {:action_id "A456" :initial_channel "C123"}
  [:placeholder "Select channel"]]]
sourceraw docstring


(context & args)

Displays message context, which can include both images and text.

Component usage:

[:context {:block_id "B123"}
 [:image {:alt_text "It's Bill" :image_url ""}]
 [:text "This is some text"]]

Without props:

 [:image {:alt_text "It's Bill" :image_url ""}]
 [:text "This is some text"]]
Displays message context, which can include both images and text.

Component usage:

[:context {:block_id "B123"}
 [:image {:alt_text "It's Bill" :image_url ""}]
 [:text "This is some text"]]

Without props:

 [:image {:alt_text "It's Bill" :image_url ""}]
 [:text "This is some text"]]
sourceraw docstring


(divider props)

A content divider. Functions much like HTML's <hr> element.

Component usage:

A content divider. Functions much like HTML's <hr> element.

Component usage:

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(fields & texts)

Not technically an element provided by Slack, but this component is useful for adding semantic value to section blocks.

Component usage:

 [:markdown "# Field 1"]
 [:plain-text "Field 2"]]
Not technically an element provided by Slack, but this component
is useful for adding semantic value to section blocks.

Component usage:

 [:markdown "# Field 1"]
 [:plain-text "Field 2"]]
sourceraw docstring

(header text)
(header props text)

A plain-text block that displays in a larger, bold font.

Component usage:

[:header {:block_id "B123"} "Hello"]

Without props:

[:header "Hello"]
A plain-text block that displays in a larger, bold font.

Component usage:

[:header {:block_id "B123"} "Hello"]

Without props:

[:header "Hello"]
sourceraw docstring


(image props)
(image props title)

A simple image block.

Component usage:

[:image {:image_url ""
         :alt_text "It's Bill"
         :block_id "B123"}
 [:title "Wowzers!"]]
A simple image block.

Component usage:

[:image {:image_url ""
         :alt_text "It's Bill"
         :block_id "B123"}
 [:title "Wowzers!"]]
sourceraw docstring


(input & args)

A block that collects information from users. In order to distinguish between hint and label children, the label child (or a child that evaluates to a plain text element) MUST be the first child included in the component.

Component usage:

[:input {:block_id "B123" :dispatch_action false :optional false}
 [:label "Some input"]
 [:hint "Do something radical"]
 [:plain-text-input {:action_id "A123"
                     :initial_value "hello"}
  [:placeholder "Greeting"]]]

Without props:

 [:label "Some input"]
 [:hint "Do something radical"]
 [:plain-text-input {:action_id "A123"
                     :initial_value "hello"}
  [:placeholder "Greeting"]]]
A block that collects information from users. In order to distinguish
between hint and label children, the label child (or a child that evaluates to a plain text element) MUST be the first child
included in the component.

Component usage:

[:input {:block_id "B123" :dispatch_action false :optional false}
 [:label "Some input"]
 [:hint "Do something radical"]
 [:plain-text-input {:action_id "A123"
                     :initial_value "hello"}
  [:placeholder "Greeting"]]]

Without props:

 [:label "Some input"]
 [:hint "Do something radical"]
 [:plain-text-input {:action_id "A123"
                     :initial_value "hello"}
  [:placeholder "Greeting"]]]
sourceraw docstring


(section & args)

Can be used as a simple text block, or in combination with multiple text fields. Can contain a single accessory block element.

The section block is unique in how it handles text and fields. When rendering a section block with 3 arguments - that is a props map and 2 children, some care must be taken. See the fdef for the section function to see the permutation of arguments supported.

Component usage:

[:section {:block_id "B123"}
 [:text "This is an important action"]
 [:datepicker {:action_id "A123" :initial_date "2020-11-30"}
  [:placeholder "The date"]
  [:confirm {:confirm "Ok!" :deny "Nah!" :title "You sure?!?!?"}
   [:text "This is irreversible!"]]]]

Without props:

 [:text "This is an important action"]
 [:datepicker {:action_id "A123" :initial_date "2020-11-30"}
  [:placeholder "The date"]
  [:confirm {:confirm "Ok!" :deny "Nah!" :title "You sure?!?!?"}
   [:text "This is irreversible!"]]]]
Can be used as a simple text block, or in combination with multiple text fields. Can contain
a single accessory block element.

The section block is unique in how it handles text and fields. When
rendering a section block with 3 arguments - that is a props map and 2 children,
some care must be taken. See the fdef for the section function to see the permutation of
arguments supported.

Component usage:

[:section {:block_id "B123"}
 [:text "This is an important action"]
 [:datepicker {:action_id "A123" :initial_date "2020-11-30"}
  [:placeholder "The date"]
  [:confirm {:confirm "Ok!" :deny "Nah!" :title "You sure?!?!?"}
   [:text "This is irreversible!"]]]]

Without props:

 [:text "This is an important action"]
 [:datepicker {:action_id "A123" :initial_date "2020-11-30"}
  [:placeholder "The date"]
  [:confirm {:confirm "Ok!" :deny "Nah!" :title "You sure?!?!?"}
   [:text "This is irreversible!"]]]]
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