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COA Object

Course of Action. A corrective or preventative action to be taken in response to a threat

idStringGlobally unique URI identifying this object.
schema_versionStringCTIM schema version for this entity
typeCOATypeIdentifier String
valid_timeValidTime Object
coa_typeCOAType StringThe type of this COA
costHighMedLow StringCharacterizes the estimated cost for applying this course of action
descriptionMarkdown StringA description of object, which may be detailed.
efficacyHighMedLow StringEffectiveness of this course of action in achieving its targeted objective
external_idsString List
external_referencesExternalReference Object ListSpecifies a list of external references which refers to non-CTIM information. This property is used to provide one or more URLs, descriptions, or IDs to records in other systems.
impactShortString StringCharacterizes the estimated impact of applying this course of action
languageShortString StringThe human language this object is specified in.
objectiveShortString String ListCharacterizes the objective of this course of action
open_c2_coaOpenC2COA Object
related_COAsRelatedCOA Object ListIdentifies or characterizes relationships to one or more related courses of action
revisionIntegerA monotonically increasing revision, incremented each time the object is changed.
short_descriptionMedString StringA single line, short summary of the object.
sourceMedString String
stageCOAStage StringSpecifies what stage in the cyber threat management lifecycle this Course Of Action is relevant to
structured_coa_typeOpenC2StructuredCOAType String
timestampInst (Date)The time this object was created at, or last modified.
titleShortString StringA short title for this object, used as primary display and reference value
tlpTLP StringSpecification for how, and to whom, this object can be shared.

Property coa_type ∷ COAType String

The type of this COA

  • This entry is optional

    • Allowed Values:
      • Diplomatic Actions
      • Eradication
      • Hardening
      • Internal Blocking
      • Logical Access Restrictions
      • Monitoring
      • Other
      • Patching
      • Perimeter Blocking
      • Physical Access Restrictions
      • Policy Actions
      • Public Disclosure
      • Rebuilding
      • Redirection
      • Redirection (Honey Pot)
      • Training
    • Reference: CourseOfActionTypeVocab

Property cost ∷ HighMedLow String

Characterizes the estimated cost for applying this course of action

  • This entry is optional

Property description ∷ Markdown String

A description of object, which may be detailed.

  • This entry is optional

    • Markdown string with at most 5000 characters

Property efficacy ∷ HighMedLow String

Effectiveness of this course of action in achieving its targeted objective

  • This entry is optional

Property external_ids ∷ String List

  • This entry is optional
  • This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)

Property external_references ∷ ExternalReference Object List

Specifies a list of external references which refers to non-CTIM information. This property is used to provide one or more URLs, descriptions, or IDs to records in other systems.

  • This entry is optional
  • This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)

Property id ∷ String

Globally unique URI identifying this object.

  • This entry is required

    • IDs are URIs, for example for a Judgement. This ID type compares to the STIX id field. The optional STIX idref field is not used.

Property impact ∷ ShortString String

Characterizes the estimated impact of applying this course of action

  • This entry is optional

    • String with at most 1024 characters

Property language ∷ ShortString String

The human language this object is specified in.

  • This entry is optional

    • String with at most 1024 characters

Property objective ∷ ShortString String List

Characterizes the objective of this course of action

  • This entry is optional

  • This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)

  • Dev Notes: Squashed / simplified

    • String with at most 1024 characters

Property open_c2_coa ∷ OpenC2COA Object

  • This entry is optional

Property related_COAs ∷ RelatedCOA Object List

Identifies or characterizes relationships to one or more related courses of action

  • This entry is optional
  • This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)

Property revision ∷ Integer

A monotonically increasing revision, incremented each time the object is changed.

  • This entry is optional

    • Zero, or a positive integer

Property schema_version ∷ String

CTIM schema version for this entity

  • This entry is required

    • A semantic version matching the CTIM version against which this object should be valid.

Property short_description ∷ MedString String

A single line, short summary of the object.

  • This entry is optional

    • String with at most 2048 characters

Property source ∷ MedString String

  • This entry is optional

    • String with at most 2048 characters

Property source_uri ∷ String

  • This entry is optional

    • A URI

Property stage ∷ COAStage String

Specifies what stage in the cyber threat management lifecycle this Course Of Action is relevant to

  • This entry is optional

Property structured_coa_type ∷ OpenC2StructuredCOAType String

  • This entry is optional

    • Must equal: "openc2"

Property timestamp ∷ Inst (Date)

The time this object was created at, or last modified.

  • This entry is optional

    • Schema definition for all date or timestamp values. Serialized as a string, the field should follow the rules of the ISO8601 standard.

Property title ∷ ShortString String

A short title for this object, used as primary display and reference value

  • This entry is optional

    • String with at most 1024 characters

Property tlp ∷ TLP String

Specification for how, and to whom, this object can be shared.

  • This entry is optional

    • TLP stands for Traffic Light Protocol, which indicates precisely how this resource is intended to be shared, replicated, copied, etc.
    • Default: green
    • Allowed Values:
      • amber
      • green
      • red
      • white

Property type ∷ COATypeIdentifier String

  • This entry is required

    • Must equal: "coa"

Property valid_time ∷ ValidTime Object

  • This entry is required

ExternalReference Object

External references are used to describe pointers to information represented outside of CTIM. For example, a Malware object could use an external reference to indicate an ID for that malware in an external database or a report could use references to represent source material.

source_nameMedString StringThe source within which the external-reference is defined (system, registry, organization, etc.)
descriptionMarkdown String
external_idStringAn identifier for the external reference content.
hashesString ListSpecifies a dictionary of hashes for the contents of the url.
urlStringA URL reference to an external resource

Property description ∷ Markdown String

  • This entry is optional

    • Markdown string with at most 5000 characters

Property external_id ∷ String

An identifier for the external reference content.

  • This entry is optional

Property hashes ∷ String List

Specifies a dictionary of hashes for the contents of the url.

  • This entry is optional
  • This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)

Property source_name ∷ MedString String

The source within which the external-reference is defined (system, registry, organization, etc.)

  • This entry is required

    • String with at most 2048 characters

Property url ∷ String

A URL reference to an external resource

  • This entry is optional

    • A URI

ValidTime Object

Period of time when a cyber observation is valid.

end_timeInst (Date)If end_time is not present, then the valid time position of the object does not have an upper bound.
start_timeInst (Date)If not present, the valid time position of the indicator does not have an upper bound

Property end_time ∷ Inst (Date)

If end_time is not present, then the valid time position of the object does not have an upper bound.

  • This entry is optional

    • Schema definition for all date or timestamp values. Serialized as a string, the field should follow the rules of the ISO8601 standard.

Property start_time ∷ Inst (Date)

If not present, the valid time position of the indicator does not have an upper bound

  • This entry is optional

    • Schema definition for all date or timestamp values. Serialized as a string, the field should follow the rules of the ISO8601 standard.

RelatedCOA Object

confidenceHighMedLow String

Property COA_id ∷ String

  • This entry is required

    • A URI leading to a COA

Property confidence ∷ HighMedLow String

  • This entry is optional

Property relationship ∷ String

  • This entry is optional

Property source ∷ String

  • This entry is optional

OpenC2COA Object

actionActionType Object
idShortString String
typeStructuredCOAType String
actuatorActuatorType Object
modifiersModifierType Object
targetTargetType Object

Property action ∷ ActionType Object

  • This entry is required

Property actuator ∷ ActuatorType Object

  • This entry is optional

Property id ∷ ShortString String

  • This entry is required

    • String with at most 1024 characters

Property modifiers ∷ ModifierType Object

  • This entry is optional

Property target ∷ TargetType Object

  • This entry is optional

Property type ∷ StructuredCOAType String

  • This entry is required

    • Must equal: "structured_coa"

ModifierType Object

additional_propertiesAdditionalProperties Object
delayInst (Date)
durationInst (Date)
frequencyShortString String
idShortString String
methodString List
optionShortString String
sourceShortString String
timeValidTime Object

Property additional_properties ∷ AdditionalProperties Object

  • This entry is optional

Property delay ∷ Inst (Date)

  • This entry is optional

    • Schema definition for all date or timestamp values. Serialized as a string, the field should follow the rules of the ISO8601 standard.

Property destination ∷ String

  • This entry is optional

    • Allowed Values:
      • copy-to
      • modify-to
      • move-to
      • report-to
      • restore-point
      • save-to
      • set-to

Property duration ∷ Inst (Date)

  • This entry is optional

    • Schema definition for all date or timestamp values. Serialized as a string, the field should follow the rules of the ISO8601 standard.

Property frequency ∷ ShortString String

  • This entry is optional

    • String with at most 1024 characters

Property id ∷ ShortString String

  • This entry is optional

    • String with at most 1024 characters

Property location ∷ String

  • This entry is optional

    • Allowed Values:
      • internal
      • perimeter

Property method ∷ String List

  • This entry is optional

  • This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)

    • Allowed Values:
      • acl
      • authenticated
      • blackhole
      • blacklist
      • graceful
      • hibernate
      • honeypot
      • immediate
      • segmentation
      • spawn
      • suspend
      • unauthenticated
      • whitelist

Property option ∷ ShortString String

  • This entry is optional

    • String with at most 1024 characters

Property response ∷ String

  • This entry is optional

    • Allowed Values:
      • acknowledge
      • command-ref
      • query
      • status

Property search ∷ String

  • This entry is optional

    • Allowed Values:
      • cve
      • patch
      • signature
      • vendor_bulletin

Property source ∷ ShortString String

  • This entry is optional

    • String with at most 1024 characters

Property time ∷ ValidTime Object

  • This entry is optional

AdditionalProperties Object

contextShortString String

Property context ∷ ShortString String

  • This entry is required

    • String with at most 1024 characters

ValidTime Object

Period of time when a cyber observation is valid.

end_timeInst (Date)If end_time is not present, then the valid time position of the object does not have an upper bound.
start_timeInst (Date)If not present, the valid time position of the indicator does not have an upper bound

Property end_time ∷ Inst (Date)

If end_time is not present, then the valid time position of the object does not have an upper bound.

  • This entry is optional

    • Schema definition for all date or timestamp values. Serialized as a string, the field should follow the rules of the ISO8601 standard.

Property start_time ∷ Inst (Date)

If not present, the valid time position of the indicator does not have an upper bound

  • This entry is optional

    • Schema definition for all date or timestamp values. Serialized as a string, the field should follow the rules of the ISO8601 standard.

ActuatorType Object

typeActuatorType String
specifiersShortString String Listlist of additional properties describing the actuator

Property specifiers ∷ ShortString String List

list of additional properties describing the actuator

  • This entry is optional

  • This entry's type is sequential (allows zero or more values)

    • String with at most 1024 characters

Property type ∷ ActuatorType String

  • This entry is required

    • Allowed Values:
      • endpoint
      • endpoint.laptop
      • endpoint.pos-terminal
      • endpoint.printer
      • endpoint.sensor
      • endpoint.server
      • endpoint.tablet
      • endpoint.workstation
      • network
      • network.bridge
      • network.firewall
      • network.gateway
      • network.guard
      • network.hips
      • network.hub
      • network.ids
      • network.ips
      • network.modem
      • network.nic
      • network.proxy
      • network.router
      • network.security_manager
      • network.sense_making
      • network.sensor
      • network.switch
      • network.vpn
      • network.wap
      • other
      • process
      • process.anti-virus-scanner
      • process.connection-scanner
      • process.dns-server
      • process.file-scanner
      • process.location-service
      • process.remediation-service
      • process.reputation-service
      • process.sandbox
      • process.virtualization-service
      • process.vulnerability-scanner

TargetType Object

typeShortString String
specifiersShortString StringCybox object representing the target

Property specifiers ∷ ShortString String

Cybox object representing the target

  • This entry is optional

    • String with at most 1024 characters

Property type ∷ ShortString String

  • This entry is required

    • String with at most 1024 characters

ActionType Object

typeCOAType String

Property type ∷ COAType String

  • This entry is required

    • Allowed Values:
      • alert
      • allow
      • augment
      • contain
      • delete
      • deny
      • detonate
      • distill
      • get
      • investigate
      • locate
      • mitigate
      • modify
      • move
      • notify
      • other
      • pause
      • query
      • redirect
      • remediate
      • report
      • response
      • restart
      • restore
      • resume
      • save
      • scan
      • set
      • snapshot
      • start
      • stop
      • substitute
      • sync
      • throttle
      • update
    • Reference: OpenC2/STIX COA XML schema

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